Academic Skills Strategies Workshops

October 29-November 16, 2012

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Don't Panic! Test Anxiety/Stress Management
Guest Presentor:Nathaan Demers, Pre-Doctoral Therapist, CAPS / Monday, Oct. 29
1:30-2:30 pm
Fleming 150
Taking the ‘Spook’ out of Test-Taking!(Test Prep) / Wednesday, Oct. 31
Noon-1:00 pm
Fleming 150
Tips of the Trade': The Best Practices of Writing Explained
Guest Presentor:Dr. Kratze, Writing and Rhetoric / Thursday, Nov. 1
3:30-4:30 pm
Fleming 170
Learning Styles and Studying:
Making the Most out of What You Have!
Co-Presented: AEP & ACAD.SKILLS / Friday, Nov. 2
Fleming 150
Time Management and Study Skills: (Preparing for Finals NOW) / Tuesday, Nov. 6
Fleming 150
Getting Unstuck: When Writing Anxiety Gets in Your Way / Wednesday, Nov. 7
Noon-1 pm
Fleming 150
Overwhelmed? Getting the Most out of Reading / Thursday, Nov. 8
3:00-4:00 pm
Fleming 170
How to Learn Anatomy & Physiology Effectively
CoPresentors: Dr. Jia Shi & Dr. Janet Casagrand, IPHY / Friday, Nov. 9
Clare Small, Rm 111A
Don't Panic! Test Anxiety/Stress Management
Guest Presentor:Lauren Dent, Pre-Doctoral Therapist, CAPS / Monday, Nov. 12
1:00-2:00 pm
Fleming 150
Need Individual Help?
No Preregistration Needed! / Tuesday, Nov 13
Thursday, Nov. 15
1:00-4:00 pm
Fleming 184A

Don't Panic! Test Anxiety/Stress Management

Stress anxiety are often synonymous with taking exams. Learn tools you can utilize to help you; we will review related study skills strategies direct calming techniques which can be applied while taking tests—be ready for whatever comes your way!

Taking the ‘Spook’ out of Test-Taking! (Test Prep

Did you do as well as you hoped on your last tests? Good test preparation includes organization, making corrections to bad habits. Gain hints on how to handle different types of tests. If you want to do better on your next tests, this workshop is for you!

Tips of the Trade': The Best Practices of Writing Explained

Punctuation to Sentences to Paragraphs to Ideas: The Writing Process in Reverse

The web has created a whole brave new world of opinions--everybody has one, and everybody seems to want it published! When the question turns to how to write well, it's impossible not to stumble on lists with titles such as "The 10 Keys to Writing Powerful Sentences" or "5 Things to Do When You Write a Term Paper" or "The 7 Deadly Sins of Writing Paragraphs." We will brainstorming about these lists generate our own list. You will gain a solid formulation about not only what works but why.

Learning Styles and Studying

Study tips personalized for you! Your personal learning style will make a difference in how you enjoy, study and retain information. Identify your academic learning style, and strategies most effective for you.

Time Management and Study Skills: Or, Preparing for Finals NOW

You might ask yourself who in their right mind would start preparing for finals so early in the semester? YOU! Learn some easy steps in how to best learn material using your time management system as your guide. Your new motto: “Cram no more!”

Getting Unstuck: When Writing Anxiety Gets in Your Way

No one said writing at the College level would be easy. This workshop will provide techniques and suggestions for you to ‘Get Unstuck’. Even if you don’t have a paper looming in the immediate future, these ideas can help you out!

Overwhelmed?Getting the Most out of Reading

How do you cope with the large amount of reading that you are expected to do? We looks at how to get the most out of your reading, how to determine what ‘kind’ of reading will serve you best, and how to improve your general reading skills. We will specifically cover close reading techniques to improve learning the material.

How to Learn Anatomy & Physiology Effectively

Designed to give participants the tools to succeed in Anatomy and Physiology courses! Using research on how people learn, we will identify misconceptions, and work on developing effective learning strategies. Whether you are a good student wanting to become better, or are struggling, these workshops are for you!

Student Academic Skills

Student Academic Success Center, Fleming 184

(303) 492-8761,

To Register:, click on “Tutoring & Academic Skills” tab;“Register Now”; “Academic Skills“. Click on the Workshop you want to attend!