The Parish of St Gianna Beretta Molla

Incorporating the churches of Holy Family and St Wilfrid's

Tel: 0113 263 7484

Parish Priest: Fr. F. McGrath

Registered Charity No. 249404

18th Week in Ordinary Time

Sunday, 3rd August 2014 – Saturday, 9th August 2014

Mass Times:Special Intentions

Saturday6.30pmYorkshire Brethren

Sunday-St Wilfrid's9.00amThe Parish

Sunday-Holy Family10.30amTerry McNamara (Anniversary)

Monday9.30amMichael O'Hara (Anniversary)

Tuesday9.30amBasil & Geraldine Hardy

Wednesday9.30amO'Hara Family Intentions

Thursday9.30amO'Hara Family Intentions

10.15amFuneral Service for James McElhatton

Friday9.30amO'Hara Family Intentions

Saturday6.30pmJohn & Johnnie Leonard

Funeral Service for: James McElhatton followed by internment at New Wortley Cemetery at 11.00am

Confessions:Saturday 11-11.30am and 6.00-6.25pm

Sunday 8.45am (before Mass at St Wilfrid's)

Holy Rosary:Monday to Saturday 9.15am

Holy Hour:Tuesday and Thursday 3.00-4.00pm

Legion of Mary:Thursday 7.00pm

Feasts this week: Mon: St John Vianney; Wed: The Transfiguration of the Lord; Friday: St Dominic; Sat: St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross;

Last week’s collection: £532.64, many thanks to all the Parishioners of St Gianna Berrata Molla. APF/Red Boxes Collection to be announced.

200 CLUB The luckynumbers drawn last week were: 23 and 60 - both winning £50. Thank you for all your support.

100 CLUB The lucky winners will be announced next week.

HYMNS FOR TODAY: Please see the hymn board.


Doris Bullivant, Mrs Hopkins, Ivy Pearse, Mr & Mrs O’Brien, John Kitchen, Joan Mason, Mr & Mrs Evans, Mary Kelly, Peter & Noreen Buckowicki, Mrs Cooper, Tracey McGlinchy, Maria Armstrong, John Kelly, Margaret Melvin, Pat Miller, Mrs Pat Clamp, Mrs Joanne Ackroyd, Eileen Docherty, Jack & Marjorie Nalton, Omri (Nigeria), Joacam, Sophie's nephew, Maria, Eileen, Elisha Docherty, George O’Connor, Jim MacDonald, Mrs Eileen Egan, Bridget Docherty, Cheryl, Val Lofthouse, Peggy Shires, Margaret Wild, Anne McDonald, Leo & Ida Rosenicanz, John Powell & Pat Beaumont, Margaret & Paul Hatfield, Mrs Kathleen Berry, Mrs Catherine Panther, Frances Moran, Eileen Turpin and Dorothy Speight.

Please pray for all the sick of the Parish and anyone unable to attend Mass today.

A Mass in Hungarian will be said at Holy Family on the first Sunday of the month. The next Mass is today, 3rd August 2014, at 5pm.

Faith Formation for teachers, catechists and anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. The course incorporates the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) and begins at Hinsley Hall in September 2014. For further information, contact the Administrator on 0113 261 8040 or email:

Thank you to all who attended St Wilfrid's Summer Fayre. The total raised was £748.50.

Thank you to Fr. John McAulay and Canon Tom O'Connor for looking after the Masses while Father has been on leave.

If you are going on holiday have a safe journey.