Boat & Yacht/Marine Technology Advisory Meeting

3.10.2009 at 2:30 p.m.

McFatter Technical Center/High School (administrative conference room)

Business & Industry Members Present

Name / Title / Company Name
Carmine Cardillo (via proxy) / Business Service Manager / WorkForce One
Jeff Dana / Business Manager / Pantropic Power
Dr. Lisa Knowles / Vice President / Knowles Mobile Marine

Industry Guest(s) Present

Name / Title / Company Name
Jason Styles / Graduate Assistant / St. Thomas

District and School-Based Support Staff

Name / Title / Work Location
Leslie Ballata / P/S Secretary III / McFatter Technical Center/High School
Terry Jones / Instructor / South Broward High School
Jules Postman / Counselor / McFatter Technical Center/High School
Dan Schweitzer / Instructor/Department Chair / McFatter Technical Center/High School
Bob Usefof / Curriculum Specialist / CTACE ~ Broward County School Board
Ken Wiltshire / Teacher’s Assistant / McFatter Technical Center/High School

Meeting Notes/Minutes

Meeting began at 3:35 p.m. with Dan Schweitzer welcoming everyone to the meeting and distributing the sign in sheet.

Action Items Approved

Minutes from 11.17.2008 meeting were reviewed; need to revise page 1 (Lisa Knowles did not meet with Indian River but received the information while at the Marine Summit) and page 2 (South Broward High School does not “proctor” exams); revised minutes will be sent to all committee members by Leslie Ballata

ü  Lisa Knowles made a motion to accept the minutes with the applicable revisions

ü  Terry Jones seconded

ü  Motion passed

Curriculum Delivery Components

·  Instructional Material (Blackboard presentation)

Marine Service has learning materials available on-line for all students; they login and each component is clearly outlined to include due dates (e.g. gear cases involve students reviewing movies which can be repeated in the event of misunderstanding the content). In addition, lab work is available through a word document that students must complete which includes part numbers, description of part(s) being used/disassembling parts, and shim process). Lisa Knowles inquired about accessibility once the student has completed the course; this is not possible due to the burden it would put on the database.

Boat & Yacht tests students on safety, operation of all tools, paint preparation, bottom paint, nautical terms, and wood joints; the daily lesson plan is typed out with students viewing the information, copying the notes, and then participating in a quiz.

ü  Lisa Knowles approved the instructional materials

ü  All participants agree

·  Method of Evaluation (student assessment)

Marine Service has chapter work available, test review, ABYC quiz, and best management (students must pass with 100%); student take the test on-line and Blackboard automatically issues the grade. Course outline must be 60% and practical is monitored/viewed by Dan Schweitzer.

Boat & Yacht has students participate in a quiz and then they are assessed on practical portions

ü  Lisa Knowles approved the method of evaluation

ü  All participants agreed

·  Skills and/or Proficiency Required for Completion

Marine Service and Boat & Yacht requires 60% or better on skills/proficiency and students must exhibit how they can complete tasks as outlined in the curriculum

ü  Lisa Knowles approved the method of skills and/or proficiency

ü  All participants agreed

·  Equipment List/Wish List

Marine Service Equipment List includes a new “saw stop” which prevents injury (the saw blade has a sensor which automatically stops the blade); Dan Schweitzer recommended the committee review the video at

Marine Service Wish List

Ø  MTC would like a working diesel engine; Jeff Dana stated he has an engine that Pantropic Power would donate; specific information (e.g. serial number) will be sent to Leslie Ballata and she will provide a “thank you for the donation” letter

Ø  MTC would like a plumbing training unit; at present, Paul Mellinger is assisting

Ø  MTC would like outboard engine parts as we do not want to tear apart working engines

Ø  South Broward High School needs tools for their students; Terry Jones will look at the laser cutouts in the McFatter Technical Center/High School lab as they have reduced loss (out of 8 boxes, only 2 tools have been lost)

Boat & Yacht Wish List

Ø  MTC needs the vacuum pump to be hooked up as it has been on the campus for over one year but cannot be used by students; Lisa asked about the delay and suggested our students use this as a learning experience tool. Apparently, a generic pump was received and while the instructor would like to set it on a “roll around” pallet, Broward County School Board states the machine must be anchored to the flooring and only installed by the county. Several members noted concern and confusion; Dan Schweitzer advised all attendees that plans were submitted, then “cancelled” due to budget cuts, and then the plans were resubmitted, and again, there were budget cuts. Bob Usefof agreed to look into the situation and attempt to resolve the problem.

·  E-learning Components

Marine Service and Boat & Yacht members were shown in Blackboard presentation (as listed under instruction materials) and previously approved.

·  Industry Specific Certification Tests and Recommended Agencies

Marine Service and Boat & Yacht documents were distributed to include the name of each program, hours, and term/length of classes. While the nighttime classes are successful, discussion took place regarding district-wide cutbacks and probable elimination of weekend and night classes versus the “working while going to school” concept. Jeff Dana mentioned that while the economy is experiencing a slump, the Marine Industry will boom in the next year; Terry Jones added that students are learning the fundamentals at the high school level but they still need further education that can only be provided at the technical center level. Certifications include Yamaha, Bombardier, Mercury, and OSHA but they are not nationally recognized as they are factory engine/product

ü  Lisa Knowles approved the industry specific certifications tests and recommended agencies

ü  All participants agreed

·  Facilities and Construction Requirements

All attendees will visit the Boat & Yacht and Marine lab areas at the conclusion of the meeting

ü  Lisa Knowles approved the facilities and construction requirements

ü  All participants agreed

Items specific to Committee

·  Impact of Green Initiatives

o  Lisa Knowles believes this avenue needs to be pursued industry wide

o  Jeff Dana is aware of the revision to tier 3 for diesel engines as projected for 2013 and at various shows, he saw Caterpillar display plaque noting the usage of recycled materials

o  Terry Jones is aware of fire extinguishers that are now environmentally friendly

o  Bob Usefof is hearing about greener engines/oil dumping as well as water based versus solvent based materials

·  OSHA Alliance (tentative date of 4.24.2009)

o  MTC will conduct a 10 hour training class for students as well as industry partners

o  At a later time, MTC will include a 30 hour class specifically designed for management

o  It was recommended that information be shared with Gordon Connell at M.I.A.S.F. (Leslie Ballata will handle)

o  Course includes CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) 1915, 1917, and 1920, cargo handling, confined space entry, slip and fall, scaffolding, long shoring, and electrical

o  Course assists companies with workman’s compensation claims as well as insurance costs

o  It was suggested that a survey be circulated in order to determine time/duration/day of the week preferences; this will probably have to fluctuate with each company

o  If 15 or more choose to attend, the training can be done at the company’s home office

Old Business

Dan Schweitzer looked at the newest version of the curriculum frameworks noting not all requested changes had been made; Bob Usefof mentioned that many schools are included in the process which could explain the delay as well as version viewed on-line was still a “draft”

·  Program is now split into “1” and “2”

·  OCP hours have changed

·  Content remains the same

Follow-Up Items/Next Steps

Lisa Knowles mentioned her previous comments involving the Marine Program not being pictured on the cover of the Broward Educator; Dan Schweitzer noted there will be a picture next to the actual program description page but it would not be on the front page since Marine Service is not offered at all three technical centers.

Date/Time of Next Scheduled Meeting & Adjournment

Next meeting is scheduled for 11.10.2009 at 3:00 p.m. at South Broward High School

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. with attendees visiting the Marine Service Technology and Boat & Yacht Repair/Refinishing lab areas

Composed by: Leslie Ballata on 3.18.2009

Revised: 3.18.2009