Conkwright Elementary School

December 9, 2014

SBDM Regular Called Meeting Minutes


  • Ellen Hoffman (Principal, Chair)
  • Lisa Reece (Teacher, Vice Chair)
  • Tiffany Banks (Teacher, Secretary)
  • Tracy Pesina (Parent Member)
  • LalolaDeBord (Parent Member)
  • Tobi Sadler (Teacher)
  • Robbie Arnold (Teacher)
  • Michelle Mitchell (FRC)


  • All members present.

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 3:30. Roll was called, agenda was presented by the Chair with two amendments, the addition of consultation/hiring under Principal’s Report and the substitution of second readings of policies 1-6 in place of reviewing policies 7-10 (this item was moved to the February meeting.) Tracy Pesina moved to accept the amended agenda, Tobi Sadler seconded. Minutes of previous meeting presented, LalolaDebordmoved to accept, Lisa Reece seconded with the correction of the misprinted date.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Mrs. Hoffman presented the proposed Mission/Vision statements, Tracy Pesina moved to approve, Tobi Sadler seconded. Mrs. Mitchell presented the FRC Grant Components, and gave an update on holiday support services. At this time, Mrs. Hoffman presented the need for council to go into a closed session for the purpose of consultation for hiring of a full time certified position for 1st through 4th and 100 day position (per KRS 61.810) Tobi Sadler made the motion to go into closed session, Robbie Arnold seconded, and council moved to closed session. Lisa Reece made the motion to leave closed session, Lalola seconded.

STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Preliminary results from the MAP show that we are making improvements. MAP will be revisited in January when all results are in. Mrs. Hoffman presented the CSIP, Robbie Arnold motioned to approve, Lisa Reece seconded. (Note: Typos and grammatical corrections may be made without the need to reconvene.)

POLICY REQUIREMENTS:Council heard second reading of Policies 1-6.

SCHOOL EVENTS UPDATE: Plans for the Concert on December 11 were discussed, with the building opening at 5:00 for Candy Cane Shoppe and the Art Show, and the performance at 6:00 by the choir. Student performance will be at 2:00 Friday the 12th. December 19th will be 3P day—Pig, Pie, and Polar Express. Assembly for Mrs. Hoffman to kiss the pig will be at 8:30, students will then break into grade levels for their craft or Polar Express/Hot chocolate. Preliminary plans for the Spring Fling, scheduled for March 13 were discussed, including the possibility of an auction, inflatables, Book Fair Family Night, and the PE Dance Performance. Robbie Arnold motioned to adjourn at 4:30, motion was seconded by Tracy Pesina. Next meeting will be January 13th.