

Alder, Speckled /
Alnus rugosa
/ Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist or wet, full sun or partial shade / Dry / 15-20’ /
4.5-6m / 10-15’ /
Arrowwood / Viburnum dentatum / Tolerant / Moderate / Well-drained, sun or partial shade / Wet / 6-8’ /
2-2.5m / 6-15’ /
Barberry, Japanese / Berberis thunbergii / Moderate / Dry / 3-6’ /
1-2m / 3-8’ /
/ Berberis vulgaris / Tolerant / Moderate / Adaptable, best in full sun / Withstands dry conditions / 3-6’ /
1-2m / 4-7’ /
Beauty Bush / Kolkwitzia amabilis / Sensitive / Sensitive / Well-drained, pH adaptable, full sun / 6-10’ /
2-3m / Usually slightly smaller in spread
Bridal wreath, Spirea / Spiraea prunifolia `bridal wreath’ / Sensitive / Moderate / Most, except wet, full sun, open areas / 4-9’ /
1.3-3m / 6-8’ /
Bog Rosemary / Andromeda polifolia nana / Tolerant / Moderate / Peaty, sandy soil which is constantly moist and cool, full sun or light shade / Wet / Native / 1-2’ /
.3-.6m / 2-3’ /
Buffalo Berry / Shepherdia canadensis / Tolerant / Tolerant / Tolerates very poor soils - sunny, open location / Dry
Fixes nitrogen / Native / 6-8’ /
2-2.5m / 6-8’ /
Buffalo Berry, Silver / Shepherdia argentea / Tolerant / Tolerant / Tolerates very poor soils – likes open,sunny location / Extremely cold and drought tolerant / Native / 6-10’ /
2-3m / 6-10’ /
Buckthorn, Common / SeaBuckthorn / Hippophae rhamnoides / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Relatively infertile, sand with a moist subsoil, sun / 9-12’ /
3-4m / 10-40’ /
Bunchberry / Cornus canadensis / Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist, acid, rich in organic matter
Partial or full shade –
water until well-established / Native / 3-9’ / 1-3m / 10’ / 3m
Chokecherry, Common / Prunus virginiana / Tolerant / Tolerant / Moist, well-drained / Native / 25' / 7.5m / 20' / 6m
Cotoneaster, Bearberry / Cotoneaster dammari / Tolerant / Tolerant / Well-darined, adaptable / Occurs wild on heaths (peaty) and rocky ground / 1-1.5’ /
.3-.5m / 6’ / 2m
Cotoneaster, Cranberry / Cotoneaster apiculatus / Tolerant / Medium to high tolerance / Moist, well-drained, acid or alkaline,
High pH / Light sandy, heavy clay, withstands drought / 3’ / 1m / 3-6’ /
Cranberry, American / Viburnum trilobum / Moderate / Very Sensitive / Good, well-drained, moist, sun or partial shade / Wet / Native / 8-12’ /
2.5-4m / 8-12’ /
Currant, Alpine / Ribes alpinum / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Any good soil, full sun or partial shade / Does well in calcareous soils / 3-6’ /
1-2m / Spread wide or wider than height
Currant, Flowering / Ribes aureum / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Any good soil, full sun or partial shade / 3-6’ /
1-2m / Spread wide or wider than height
Dogwood, Redosier, Red-stemmed / Cornus sericea (formerly C. stolonifera) / Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist, extremely adaptable / Wet, swampy conditions / Native / 7-9’ /
2.3-3m / 10’ /
Dogwood , Grey / Cornus racemosa /

Very Sensitive


Very Sensitive

/ Moist, well-drained, very adaptable, full shade or sun / Native / 10-15’ /
3-4.5m / 10-15’ /
Dogwood, Bailey Red-twigged / Cornus baileyi
(closely allied to C. sericea) / Sensitive / Sensitive / Found native on sandy soils / Native / 7-9’ /
2.3-3m / 10’ / 3m
Dogwood, Flowering / Cornus florida / Very Sensitive / Very Sensitive / Acid, well-drained soil
- keep soil, cool and moist -partial shade / Full sun, but keep soil cool and moist / Native / 20’ / 6m / Spread equal to or greater than height
Dogwood, Green-twig / Cornus stolonifera `nitida’ / Sensitive / Sensitive / Extremely adaptable to wide range of soil and climatic conditions / Wet, swampy conditions / Native / 7-9’ /
2.3-3m / 10’ / 3m
Dogwood, Pagoda / Cornus alternifolia / Sensitive / Sensitive / Best in colder climates – keep root zone cool, moist and acid / Full sun, but best in partial shade / Native / 15-20’ /
4.5-6m / Spread one and a half times the height
Dogwood, Yellow-twig / Golden-twig / Cornus sericea (formerly stolonifera)
`flaviramea’ / Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist, adaptable / Native / 7-9’ /
2.3-3m / 10’ / 3m
Elder, American / Sambucus canadensis / Tolerant /
/ Moist / Wet / Native / 5-12’ /
Elder, European / Sambucus nigra / Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist / Does not like hot weather / 20-30’ /
6-9m / 20’ / 6m
Elder, Scarlet / Sambucuc pubens / Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist, rocky soil / Native / 12-25’ /
6-7.5m / 12-25’ /
Elder, Red / Sambucus racemosa / Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist, rich soil / Native / 8-12’ /
2.5-4m / 8-12’ /
Euonymus americanus, Strawberry Bush / Euonymus americanus / Sensitive / Sensitive / Moist / 4-6’ /
1.3-2m / 4-6’ /
Euonymus, Colorata / Euonymus fortunei `coloratus’ / Moderate / Sensitive / Most, pH adaptable / Tolerates full sun and heavy shade / 4’ / 1.3m / 6-10’ /
Euonymus, European / Euonymus europaeus / Moderate / Moderate / Moist, well-drained, pH adaptable, full sun, partial shade / Very tough and tolerant plant / 12-30’ /
4-9m / 10-25’ /
Euonymus, Wintercreeper `Sarcoxie' / Euonymus fortunei `Sarcoxie' / Tolerant / Moderate / Moist, not swampy or wet, pH adaptable / Full sun and heavy shade / 4’ / 1.3m / 6-10’ /
Euonymus, Winged / Euonymus alatus / Very Sensitive / Very Sensitive / Most, well-drained, pH adaptable, not drought tolerant / Very adaptable / 15-20’ /
4.5-6m / Similar spread
Falsespirea, Ural / Sorbaria sorbifolia / Tolerant / Moderate / Moist, well-drained organic soil, full sun, light shade, pH adaptable / 5-10’ /
1.5-3m / Spread equal to height
Forsythia / Forsythia ovata / Tolerant / Tolerant / Good, loose soil, full sun, pH adaptable / Very adaptable / 4-6’ /
1.3-2m / 8-10’ /
Forsythia, `Early Ottawa' / Forsythia ovata `Early Ottawa’ / Tolerant / Tolerant / Good, loose soil, full sun, pH adaptable / Very adaptable / 4-6’ /
1.3-2m / 8-10’ /
Honeysuckle, Blueleaf / Lonicera korolkowii / Moderate / Sensitive / ALL HONEY-SUCKLES:
Good, loamy, moist, well-drained, not wet soils, full sun to partial shade / Adaptable to many soils and pH levels, tolerates dry conditions / 6-12’ /
2-4m / Spread about equal to height
Honeysuckle, `Clavey’s Dwarf' / Lonicera xylosteum`Claveyi’ / Moderate / Sensitive / See above / Adaptable to many soils and pH levels, tolerates dry conditions / 3-6’ /
1-2m / 4’ / 1.3m
Honeysuckle, Dwarf Bush / Lonicera Diervilla / Moderate / Moderate / See above / Adaptable to many soils and pH levels, tolerates dry conditions / 3-6’ /
1-2m / 4’ / 1.3m
Honeysuckle, European Fly / Lonicera xylosteum / Tolerant / Tolerant / See above / Adaptable to many soils and pH levels, tolerates dry conditions / 8-10’ /
2.3-3m / 10-12’ /
Honeysuckle, Japanese (twining vine) / Lonicera japonica / Sensitive / Sensitive / See above / Adaptable to many soils and pH levels, tolerates dry conditions / 20-30’ /
Honeysuckle, `Morrow' / Lonicera morrowii / Moderate / Moderate / See above / Adaptable to many soils and pH levels, tolerates dry conditions / 6-8’ /
2-2.3m / 8-10’ /
Honeysuckle, Tartarian / Lonicera tartarica / Tolerant / Tolerant / See above / Adaptable to many soils and pH levels, tolerates dry conditions / 10-12’ /
3-4m / 10’ / 3m
Lilac, Common / Syringa vulgaris / Moderate / Moderate / ALL LILACS:
Loose, well-drained and slightly acid, full sun, good air movement / There are 400-900 different clones of Syringa vulgaris!
Lilacs are pH adaptable and prefer cooler summers / Common Lilac:
8-15’ /
2.3-4.5m / 6-12’ /
Mock Oranges / Philadelphus spp. / Tolerant / Moderate / Most, but prefers moist, well-drained soil, full sun or light shade / 10-12’ /
3-4m / 10-12’ /
Nannyberry, Sheepberry / Viburnum lentago / Moderate / Moderate / Moist or dry soils, sun or shade / Highly adaptable, very durable plant / Native / 15-18’ /
4.5-5.4m / 6-10’ /
Ninebark, Common / Physocarpus opulifolius / Very Tolerant / Tolerant / Adapts well to difficult situations, full sun or partial shade / Withstands acid and alkaline soils and dry situations / Native / 5-10’ /
1.5-3m / 6-10’ /
Oleander, Nerium / Oleander / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Prefers well-drained soils, but is adaptable, sun or partial shade / High wind tolerance, dry or marshy conditions / 6-12’ /
2-4m / Spread similar to height
Pea Shrub, Siberian / Caragana arborescens / Very Tolerant / ]
Very Tolerant / Tolerates poor soils, drought, alkalinity, nitrogen-fixing plant / Dry, sweeping winds / 15-20’ /
4.5-6m / 12-18’ /
Potentilla / Bush Cinquefoil / Potentilla fructicosa
varieties / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Fertile, moist, well-drained, partial shade but full sun for best flowering / Wet or dry open ground especially that of calcareous origin / Native to northern hemi-sphere / 1-6’ /
depending on variety / 2-8’ /
depending on variety
Privet, Amur / Ligustrum amurense / Sensitive / Sensitive / Any except very wet, pH adaptable,
Full sun and up to 50% shade / Dry / 12-15’ /
4-5.4m / Spread 2/3 of height
Quince, Flowering / Chaenomeles speciosa / Sensitive / Sensitive / Wide range of soils, full sun or partial shade / Dry, does not tolerate soils with a high pH / 6-10’ /
2-3m / 6-10’ /
Roses / Rosa spp. / Very Sensitive / Very Sensitive
Rose, Rugosa / Rosa rugosa /
/ Moderate / Well-drained, sunny and open, slightly acidic / Dry, pH adaptable / Native / 4-6’ /
1.3-2m / 4-6’ /
Sand Cherry, Western Sand Cherry / Prunus besseyi / Tolerant / Moderate / Well-drained / Tolerates rather inhospitable, hot, dry conditions / Native / 4-6’ /
1.3-2m / 4-6’ /
Serviceberry, Saskatoon / Amelanchier alnifolia / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Alkaline / Harsh climate / Native / 3-18’ /
1-6m / Variable
Snowberry, Common / Symphoricarpos albus / Very Tolerant / Sensitive / Very tolerant of any soil.
Native on limestone and clay, full sun to medium shade / Very adaptable / Native / 3-6’ /
1-2m / 3-6’ /
Spirea, `Anthony Waterer' / Spiraea x bumalda `Anthony Waterer’ / Sensitive / Moderate / Tolerant of many soils except extremely wet, full sun, open areas / 2-4’ /
.6-1.3m / Spread is one and a half to twice the height
Spirea, Bridalwreath / Spiraea prunifolia `bridalwreath’ / Sensitive / Moderate / Most, except wet, full sun, open areas / 4-9’ /
1.3-3m / 6-8’ /
Falsespirea, Ural / Sorbaria sorbifolia / Tolerant / Moderate / Moist, well-drained, organic soil, full sun or light shade, pH adaptable / 5-10’ /
1.5-3m / Spread equal to height
Spirea, Vanhoutte / Spiraea x vanhouttei / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Most, except wet, full sun, open areas / 6-8’ /
2-2.5m / 10-12’ /
Sumac, Fragrant / Rhus aromatica / Moderate / Sensitive / Prefers acid soil, full sun or partial shade / Adaptable / Dry / 3-6’ /
1-2m / 6-10’ /
Sumac, Staghorn / Rhus typhina / Very Tolerant / Tolerant / Well-drained – this is not a plant for poorly-drained soil / Adaptable, tolerates very dry, sterile soil / Dry / 15-25’ /
4.5-7.5m / Spread equal to or greater than height
Viburnum, Black Haw / Viburnum prunifolium / Moderate / Moderate / Adaptable to many soil types, sun or shade / Dry / 12-15’ /
4-4.5m / 9-12’ /
Wayfaring Tree Viburnam / Viburnum lantana / Very Tolerant / Very Tolerant / Well-drained, loamy, sun or 50% shade / Withstands calcareous and dry soils / 10-15’ /
3-4.5m / 10-15’ /
Weigela, Old Fashioned / Weigela florida / Moderate / Sensitive / Well-drained, full sun / Very adaptable / 6-9’ /
2-3m / 9-12’ /
Winterberry, Common / Ilex verticillata / Very Sensitive / Very Sensitive / Light and heavy, full sun or partial shade, prefers moist, acid (pH 4.5-5.5) soil / Adaptable to wet conditions / Native / 6-10’ /
2-3m / Spread equal to height
Witch Hazel, Common / Hamamelis virginiana / Moderate / Moderate / Moist soil, full sun or shade – avoid extremely dry situations / Native / 20-30’ /
6-9m / 20-25’ /