North Atherton Farmers Market Vendor Application - 2014

This application gathers information necessary for the Officers of the North Atherton Farmers Market to make a decision about your entry into the market. Please be thorough and specific with your responses. Steps 1 through 6 are to be completed by you and then submitted. Once submitted, the application will be reviewed and discussed. If chosen as a vendor, a market manager will complete Step 7 and Step 8 with you prior to participation in the market. If not chosen as a vendor, this application will be kept on file for two years from the date of submission.

2014 North Atherton Farmers Market Information

Market Location: Home Depot Parking Lot, 2615 Greentech Drive, State College, PA 16803

Market Dates and Times: Every Saturday from 10am-2pm starting May 10, 2014 through November 8, 2014

Market Fees: $300 for full-time vendors (all season May-Nov) paid in full – Please ask about part time fees

Market Co-President/Co-Manager: Louisa Smith (814 321 5973) and Erik Stewart (814 667 3852)

Market Email:

Market website:

Once completed, please send to: as email attachment

STEP 1 – Provide your contact information

Name of main vendor contact:______

Name of vendor family members/employees/partners who will participate at the market:______


Farm/Business Name:______

Address 1:______

Address 2:______

City, State, Zip:______


Cell Phone:______



STEP 2 - Provide Information about your farm/business

Is your farm/business owned or rented?

Do you have a storefront?

Are you currently a vendor at other markets? If so, which ones?

Have you been a vendor at other markets in the past? If so, which ones?

How many years have you been in business?

If you participate in the market, do you expect to be present at the market or will employees, friends, helpers or agents of your farm/business be present?

STEP 3 – Product Information

Please use this page to list the products that you would like to sell at the North Atherton Farmers Market. Use the following categories to categorize the items you wish to sell.

●Agricultural Products (examples: produce, honey, meat, eggs, dairy):

●Processed Foods (examples: cider, jams, preserves, dips, sauces):

●Baked Goods (examples: bread, muffins, cookies, cupcakes, granola):

●Restaurateur/Prepared Foods (examples: sandwiches, pizza, coffee, beverages, ice cream, entrees):

●Other – explain:

STEP 4 – Market participation

Vendors are encouraged to volunteer and assist the market members in any way possible to help the market succeed. Please identify ways in which you feel you can contribute to the market beyond vending your product.

___ Writing skills (to assist with newsletter, blog, website, newspaper articles, etc.)

___Teaching skills (to assist with demos, presentations, etc.)

___Developer skills (to assist with website, blog, ecommunications, etc.)

___Legal skills (to assist with annual reviews of by-laws, rules, etc.)

___Marketing skills (to assist with marketing decisions and analysis)

___Multimedia skills (to assist with video, graphics, drawing, audio, podcasts, etc.)

___Organizational skills (to assist with organizing meetings, documents, ecommunications, etc.)

___Nutritional skills (to assist with preparation of recipes, coordination of food events, etc.)

___Currently hold Servsafe certification and willing to serve as Servsafe representative

STEP 5 – Recommendations

It is helpful to have current or former market vendor in good standing attest to the fact that you would be a good addition to the North Atherton Farmers Market based on the quality of your product and your business. Please identify someone that we can call to find out more about you and your business.

Name of contact:______

Phone number of contact: ______

STEP 6 – Date and Signature

Date of submission of this form to the NAFM:______

Signature of applicant:______

Please stop here and submit this form, including the pages describing Steps 7 and 8 (left blank), which will be completed upon acceptance as a provisional vendor to the market during a face-to-face meeting with the market President or Officer.

Please note: All new vendors accepted into NAFM are provisional vendors for their first market season. Prior to the start of the following year, the Board of the Directors of the NAFM will vote on whether provisional members should be full time members of the NAFM.

STEP 7 – Verification of Compliance

(This step is to be completed during a face-to-face meeting with the market President or other Officer)

___Current by-laws have been reviewed with new vendor and questions answered

___Current rules have been reviewed with new vendor and questions answered

___Proof of Insurance has been provided (paper copy) by vendor and the date is current

___Vendor has added NAFM as a contact to vendor insurance so as to automatically receive renewals

___Proof of Certifications (including organic) has been provided (paper copy) and the date is current

___Fee has been received in full or in part (with agreement to receive other half on agreed upon date)

___Lori Sowash, Patton Township and Home Depot have been contacted regarding new vendor

___Vendor has certified that they will abide by “Producer only” pledge

___Product list has been reviewed by market President or Officer

___Review of “off-limit” competitive products regarding Home Depot contract has occurred

___Review of crafts has occurred

___Farm inspection/proof of farm via recommendation has been completed

___Market President or Officer has added vendor to contact list, phone list, email list and website

___Space needs and market space assignment has been discussed with new vendor

STEP 8 – Date and Signature

Date of completion of this form with market President or Officer:______

Signature of applicant:______

Signature of market President or Officer:______