2005 ND State FFA Convention

Small Animal Care CDE

Written Test-200 points

Instructions: Read each of the following questions carefully. Place the letter of the choice that you feel best answers each question on the scantron sheet provided. DO NOTWRITE ON THIS TEST PAPER. Each correct answer is worth 4 points.

Section 1: Anatomy and Physiology

1. What is the opposing descriptive word of dorsal used for locations on an animal?

a. posteriorc. caudal

b. ventrald. plantar

2. The top layer of skin is called the:

a. epidermisc. sebaceous

b. dermisd. subcutaneous

3. Blood vessels that travel away from the heart are the:

a. veinsc. capillaries

b. arteriesd. lymph ducts

4. Sounds are carried to the brain by the:

a. auditory nervec. optic nerve

b. olfactory nerved. vagus nerve

5. Fish have a ____ chambered heart.

a. 2c. 4

b. 3d. 5

6. Muscles are attached to the bones by:

a. ligamentsc. filaments

b. tendonsd. cartilage

7. Heart murmurs are caused by:

a. blood leaking into the abdomen

b. blood leaking back into the ventricles

c. blood leaking out of the atria

d. blood leaking back into the atria

8. The average cat weighs ____ pounds.

a. 4 to 6c. 6 to 12

b. 5 to 10d. 7 to 14

9. One function of the gizzard in birds is to grind food with:

a. salivac. carbohydrates

b. acidsd. grit

10. Cats produce a higher concentration of ______in their urine, which allows them to survive with less water.

a. ultisolsc. urea

b. uniperad. uric acid

Section 2: Nutrition

11. An essential mineral element in the diet of animals is:

a. calciumc. fluorine

b. borond. selenium

12. Cats have a high requirement for:

a. calciumc. carbohydrates

b. proteind. lipids

13. One of the most needed vitamins by hamsters is:

a. vitamin Ac. vitamin C

b. vitamin Bd. vitamin D

14. Crude protein refers to:

a. the part of the protein that cannot be digested

b. the part of the protein that can be digested

c. the total amount of protein

d. none of the above

15. Amino acids are the building blocks of:

a. glucosec. fats

b. bone materiald. protein

16. A function of the liver in digestion is:

a. storing glucosec. secreting hormones

b. cleansing the bloodd. producing endocrine

17. Material leaving the stomach is called:

a. fecesc. chime

b. urined. salivary glandular

18. The taking in of feed or water is called:

a. masticationc. digestion

b. deglutiond. prehension

19. According to the NRC, the average dog should have a diet that consists of ____ % fat.

a. 19c. 23

b. 21d. 25

20. Due to the inability of a cat to synthesize these vitamins, they are not required in a cat’s diet.

a. C & Kc. A & K

b. B & Cd. A & D

Section 3: Diseases and Parasites

21. If there is a bacteria infection under the skin, a(n) ______is likely to develop.

a. colicc. adystocia

b. abcessd. stroke

22. The chemical which is found on flea collars is called a(n):

a. herbicidec. fungicide

b. insecticided. rodenticide

23. Ringworm is classified as a(n):

a. external parasitec. fungi

b. internal parasited. bacteria

24. An example of an external parasite is:

a. mitec. worms

b. bacteriad. virus

25. An infection contracted by an animal that gradually wears down the animal’s resistance is called a(n):

a. antibodyc. antigen

b. acuted. chronic

26. Which parasite is common to most species?

a. whipwormc. roundworm

b. tonguewormd. lungworm

27. Most contaminants are killed at heat levels above ____ degrees F.

a. 60c. 100

b. 75d. 140

28. The flea life cycle under optimum conditions is:

a. 1-2 weeksc. 5-6 weeks

b. 3-4 weeksd. 6-8 weeks

29. Which of the following diseases in fish, would most likely show the symptom of gasping for air at the surface of the tank?

a. ichc. ascities

b. cotton mouthd. gill flukes

30. The fine dead skin on the surface of a cat’s skin that may cause human allergies is:

a. papillaec. scabies

b. danderd. hairballs

Section 4: Breeding and Genetics

31. A random change of the DNA of a cell is called a:

a. replicationc. transcription

b. mutationd. all of the above

32. Another name for giving birth is:

a. parturitionc. copulation

b. gestationd. lactation

33. If the testicles are inside of the body cavity of a cat, the number of viable (live) sperm will be___ than a normal cat.

a. morec. no different

b. lowerd. none of the above

34. Mating one male to more than one female is called _____ mating.

a. haremc. crossbred

b. quorumd. hybrid

35. In dogs, the average length of pregnancy is:

a. 45 daysc. 63 days

b. 54 daysd. 120 days

36. Another name for pregnancy is:

a. parturitionc. copulation

b. gestationd. lactation

37. Cats have ____ pairs of chromosomes.

a. 17c. 19

b. 18d. 20

38. The average canine pregnancy is _____ days.

a. 59c. 62

b. 61d. 63

39. The hormone that promotes pregnancy is called:

a. testosteronec. estrogen

b. progesteroned. prolactin

40. The type of fish displaying the widest variety of breeding habits is the:

a. Zebra Danioc. Pearl Gourami

b. Cichlidd. Tiger Barb

Section 5: Breeds and Grooming

41. If you will be living in an apartment and want a dog, you should consider a:

a. Great Danec. Chihuahua

b. Collied. St. Bernard

42. The breed most likely to have an external parasite problem is the:

a. Great Danec. Chihuahua

b. Collied. St. Bernard

43. AKC stands for:

a. All Kings Caninesc. Average Keratin Calibration

b. American Kennel Clubd. Analysis of Karyotype of Canines

44. Grooming consumes about ____ % of a cat’s waking hours.

a. 20-40c. 40-60

b. 30-50d. 50-70

45. Which of the following rabbits would be the smallest?

a. Wild Rabbitc. Hare

b. American Cottontaild. Mini Lop

Section 6: Housing and Management

46. Most fish are:

a. nest buildersc. egg depositors

b. egg scatterersd. egg buriers

47. The lack of a well developed _____ allows the cat to move through narrow gaps.

a. pelvisc. caudal

b. cervicald. clavicle

48. Which breed of dog generally has their tails docked?

a. German Shepherdc. Smooth Coated Collies

b. Doberman Pincherd. Irish Setter

49. Another name for a budgie (budgerigar) is a:

a. parrotc. cockatoo

b. parakeetd. cockatiel

50. Which type of fish will tolerate the warmest temperature?

a. Bettac. Neon Tetra

b. Tiger Barbd. Red Swordtail