Friday, January 23rd:

·  No journal

·  Quiz on RSG pages 206-259.

·  Finished reading RSG- took notes on important info- read the epilogue

·  Handout: Exam essays Red Scarf Essay.doc. Learned how to develop essays using quotes and MLAformat.

·  Time to review for the exam

Wednesday, January 21st:

·  No journal

·  2nd day of speeches- hand in speech critiques for both blocks

·  Grades passed back for speeches

·  Short exam review- list of readings for the exam and terms to know

·  Handout: Part III worksheet.pdf. complete for Friday

·  Homework: Finish reading pages 206-259 and the handout.

Friday, January 16th:

·  Journal #13: Discuss your thoughts on the novel so far. What do you like/ not like? Can you relate to Ji-li at all? Explain.

·  1st day of revolution speeches

·  Classwork:After each speaker, write down his or her name and then a list of pros and cons about the speech- due at the end of the block

·  Homework: Rest of the speeches are due on Wednesday/ Read RSG pages 206-230 for class.

Wednesday, January 14th:

·  No journal

·  Quiz on RSG pages 140-190

·  Copied down in graded work section: Speech Tips and Hints Speech Tips and Hints.doc

·  Took notes on how to develop an outline and how to make index cards for a speech

·  Time to research for speeches- laptops in the room

·  Homework: Speeches due either Friday or Wednesday. No visuals needed- you can bring them for extra points. Read RSGpages 191-205.

Monday, January 12th:

·  No journal

·  Collected posters!!! BIGGRADE~

·  Time to research for speeches that are due on Friday and Wednesday.

·  Passed back 5 assignments to put in your notebook

·  Homework: Read pages 173-190. Prepare for speeches. Library passes given.

Thursday, January 8th:

·  No journal

·  Collected homework: vocab. words and Red Scarf quotes and questions

·  Quiz on pages 100-139

·  Discussed the answers to the quiz and took notes on those pages

·  Handout: See make-up folder. Bright pink paper discussing Works Cited pages.

·  Book cart in the room: Begin researching for your speech by taking notes. Speeches due next Friday and the following Tuesday.

·  Homework: Read pages 140-172...da-zi-bao poster DUE!!! See rules under Tuesday, January 6th.

Tuesday, January 6th:

·  No journal

·  Reminder: Da-zi-bao poster assignment due on Monday, January 12th. 1/2 sheet ofposter board, choose a controversialtopic,develop a slogan, use at least one picture, and fill the majority ofthe space.

·  New project: Cultural Revolution Speech.See handout:Cultural Revolution Speech.doc def. of revolution.doc list of revolutions.doc. We chose topics in class today. See me if you didn't get one.

·  Red Scarf Girl assignment: read pages 108-139. Handout given in class- see make-up folder

·  Homework: Finish reading through page 139 (Use INSERTmarks on sticky notes), complete both sides of the handout, finish the vocab. terms for the book vocabulary part 1.doc

Friday, December 19th:

·  No journal

·  Read aloud: Examples of the English language!

·  Collected: 3 propaganda poster evaluations

·  Test: ECW

·  Discussion: pages 72-99 of Red Scarf Girl

·  Quiz- pages 72-99 of the memoir

·  Read aloud in class- pages 100-middle of 108- if you weren't here, you need to read those pages over break!

·  Homework: If you were in class today, no homework over break. Have a good one!

Wednesday, December 17th:

·  Met in thelibrary today

·  No journal

·  Collected homework: chart for Ji-li's traits

·  See the following website for today's assignments:

·  Due today: Inspiration Character Chart

·  *ECW test- moved to Friday (sorry)

·  Homework for Friday: analysis of 3 propaganda posters, read Red Scarf Girl - page 99 (see the website above for details)

·  Upcoming assignments: see above websites


Monday, December 15th:

·  Journal #12: Ji-li feels like an outcast. Have you ever felt that way or made others feel that way?

·  Quiz- pages 38-61.

·  ECW- last practice! Handout here Final practice.doc (extra credit opportunity)

·  Read aloud in class pages 61-71 of the novel. Took notes-

·  Partner work:two handouts on the novel. For the first one, see the make-up folder. The other can be found here vocabulary part 1.doc. Complete the chart of handout #1 using evidence from the text...for the vocabulary handout, complete the words contained in pages 1-71 (including Chinese words)

·  UPCOMING REMINDERS: Before break we will read through page 139 (FYI). For a project due on Monday, January 12th, you will need 1/2 a piece of poster board. Plenty of warning time!

·  Homework: Finish the two handouts mentioned above; test on ECW words (100 points), read pages 72-79 of Red Scarf Girl.

Thursday, December 11th:

·  No journal

·  Passed back previous quizzes and the Oedipustest

·  Video! It worked! Watched the video "Mao: Organized Chaos" and took notes. Discussed the historical topics.

·  Mini-quiz: 5 question quiz on pages 1-37 of the text.

·  Discussion of the book: We went through pages 1-37, taking notes on important terms, symbols, etc...

·  Homework: Read pages 38-the break on page 61 for Monday. Take INSERTnotes using sticky notes.


Tuesday, December 9th:

·  No journal

·  Quiz on SOL Terms #2

·  **Attempted to watch videos introducing Red Scarf Girl. Technology was not working- we will try again on Thursday.

·  Handout: Red Scarf Girl IntroductionVideoNotes.doc. Today we took notes on the back of this sheet b/c of the movies not working. Please see me or a classmate if you missed the notes.

·  Gave out novels and INSERT bookmarks. If absent, see me for both.

·  Began reading the novel in class.

·  Homework: Read through page 37 of the book. Write down INSERT notes using sticky notes.

Friday, December 5th:

·  No journal

·  Checked for extra credit flashcards

·  Handout: SOL terms English 10 Terms.doc. Gave students time to review terms.

·  Class Showdown! Game to review terms before the quiz- extracredit points to the winners!

·  Quiz- SOL terms

·  Handout: Red Scarf Girl Introduction. Please see the handouts binder in class. Students should read the biographical information and follow the instructions on the sheet.

·  Gave students definitions for the terms on the above handout. See me or a classmate for the definitions.

·  Homework: Follow-up quiz on SOL terms on Tuesday. WORKSHOP ON MONDAY AFTERNOON!

Wednesday, December 3rd:

·  No journal

·  Partner work: Practice with Easily Confused Words

·  Group time: Students were given time to prepare for their skits (25 minutes)

·  Presentation of Oedipus skits. Grades passed back immediately following.

·  Handout: Anticipation Guide for our next text: Red Scarf Girl Anticipation Guide.doc

·  Homework: Quiz Friday on highlighted SOL terms from Monday's class. If you did not finish the handout above, please do so. EXTRA CREDIT POINTS: MAKE A BRING IN FLASH CARDS TO STUDY FOR THE TERMS. DEFINITIONS ON ONE SIDE- TERM ON THE OTHER

Monday, December 1st:

·  Journal #11: Do pro athletes deserve the millions of dollars they get paid? Explain.

·  Partner work: Look at your green "Archetypes"handout in your literary notes section. Enter Oedipus Rex into the chart and identify 3 character types and 1 plot archetype. KEEP THIS HANDOUT!

·  Handout:SOL terms. Please get one from the make-up binder in class. There will be a quiz on all of the highlighted words on Friday, December 5th.

·  Group work: Oedipus Rex skit Skits.doc. If you were absent or did not have your Oedipus script today, you must complete the make-up assignment. MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENT: Write a modern-language script that could be acted out for Part II of Oedipus Rex. Your script is due on Friday.

·  Homework: Each group assigned its own homework. You should be finishing your script for your group and bringing in a costume or prop for yourself.


Tuesday, November 25th:

·  No journal

·  Collected homework from the lab if it was not turned in last block.

·  Test on Oedipus Rex

·  Finished taking notes on Easily Confused Words

·  Partner work: Make 15 sentences using the list of ECW- 7 should be used correctly and 8 should be used incorrectly

·  Homework: None over the break. Happy Thanksgiving! Bring notebooks on Monday, December 1st

Friday, November 21st:

·  No journal

·  Met in computer lab 167

·  Completed the following assignment: Inspiration Assignment.doc

·  Collected and graded homework: Oedipus Review

·  Handout: Test Review.doc

·  Homework: Oedipus test on Tuesday. Complete the back page of today's assignment, "Prove It." Be able to argue "Who is Guilty?"- the back of last night's homework. This is a huge test! Study!!!

Wednesday, November 19th:

·  Journal #10: Are you a leader or a follower? Explain.

·  Collected flat sheets brought in for extra credit.

·  Passed back last block's homework.

·  Language Notes: Begin the list of Easily Confused Words. If you were absent, please print out this copy of the notes. ECW List1 .doc

·  Oedipus Rex: Finished reading the script of Oedipus. Highlight examples of all literary terms that you see. LIterary Terms handout: Oedipus Rex Literary Elements.doc. Finish this handout.

·  Handout: Review.doc Complete this for homework.

·  Homework: 1- You may still bring in a sheet for extra points. 2- Complete handout above. 3- Oedipus test on Tuesday. 4- Meet in lab 167 on Friday, November 21st.

Monday, November 17th:

·  Journal #9: What is a "random act of kindness"? Have you ever done one? Received one? Discuss.

·  Collect homework: defined terms for Oedipus

·  Handout (on the back of Thursday's Greek Tragedy notes): Oedipus Rex Literary Elements.doc

·  Define each of the literary elements on the sheet: write down examples as you come across them in the play

·  Begin reading the play: read all of part I, identifying difficult terms and literary elements.

·  Graded participation throughout class


Thursday, November 13th:

·  No journal

·  Quiz on power point notes from yesterday. See me to make up if absent.

·  Handout: Tragedy and the Tragic Hero.doc Notes on Greek tragedies and tragic hero. Look up info or get from a classmate.

·  Define: hamartia and hubris

·  Looked at movies containing a Greek chorus

·  Assigned parts to read in Oedipus on Monday

·  Homework: Define the following words: contagion, insolence, decrepit, regicide, tumult, marauding, slander, and torment. NO BOOKS NEEDED ON MONDAY!

Monday, November 10th:

·  No journal

·  Partner interview- worth extra credit!!

·  Collected homework- Greek Theater Webhunt

·  Handout: Oedipus Rex by Sophocles PowerPoint Notes.doc

·  Viewed powerpoint and took notes. You can view it here: Oedipus Rex ppt.ppt

·  Looked in Readers: Highlighted important information...see me or a classmate for details

·  See green archetype handout in your literature notes section: Add Epic of Gilgamesh to the titles and write in its archetypes

·  Homework: Know the notes from the powerpoint and its handout. No books needed on Thursday.

Thursday, November 6th:

·  No journal- new assigned seats.

·  Passed back: Unit ITests, Wiki grades, extra credit

·  Handed out 1st 9 weeks grade reports to each student

·  Handout: Greek Theater Web Hunt.doc. Complete the webhunt using the instructions at the top. Due Monday. Library passes given.

·  Homework: Complete handout for Monday. Bring your Reader on Monday.