Good Day Ladies,

I pray as always that this finds you well and blessed. I realize that due to the unusually warmwinter weather, many are suffering from viruses and allergies. I hope that despite not feeling well or whatever else may be going on, you find a reason to praise God.

As Ireflect on last year and look to the future, my prayer for the Women's Ministry 2007 is that we become a body united by relationships with love for one another. This year, we will focus on godly relationships. As I shared with the women on Friday at the Ladies' Night, relationships are necessary for whole body to function well. It is through relationships that we get to know each other's needs andto perfect our ability to love as God loves. Relationships are necessary because no one is an independent entity in the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:26 says, "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it."

If we consider our physical bodies, even the smallestpart can cause the whole to suffer. Take for instance a pinkie toe. If one breaks her little toe, the whole body will respond to the pain. The other body parts will act with the purpose of tending to the need of that toe because the whole body is distracted by the pain. If it's the right foot, the left foot takes over and bears all the weight. The hand grabs the foot with the injury. The body will begin to walk differently as not to put weight on the foot and causing further pain to the little toe. The shoes the body might normally wear may have to be changed. The body couldn't run or dance. The body would not function in its normal sense, but will have to modify its actions due to influence of its hurting member. If the body did not tend to the need of this tiny member, it could be permanently damaged. The bodycould walk with a limp for the rest of its life.How sad it would be if the church ignored its hurting members, causing the body to be restricted in what it was intended to do for God, causing it to walk with alimpin contrast to running toward the goalof its vision, hindering it from reaching the ultimate goal of glorifying God.

We have to see to needs of the hurting members of our body of Christ, even if it's a difficult task. If we don't we will all suffer. We may not realize how we affect each others, but should be mindful that how we interact and respond toeach otherhas much to do with our own emotional, physical and spiritual state of health. It's often been said that hurting people hurt people.Getting along with others and forging relationships are not always easy because there will always be someone who offends, who doesn't like usand whopushes our buttons. For those who are in Christ, we are called to love them anyway. I didn't say justtolerate them, but love them, actually caring about their well being and healing. We are to pray for them. When we stop to consider that those whom we find it a challenge to get along with are probably responding out of their pain, we can purpose to look beyond their actions and focus on their needs. I don't know about you, but I am grateful that I serve a God who does that for me. I am humbled when I think of the many, many times God looked beyond my faults to see to my needs. In fact, God's love for me is defined by His grace, as He continues to bless me in view of my sinfulness.Every time I disobeyed, every time I misrepresented Him by something I said or did, every time I neglected Him or His Word, God loved me despite my offenses. He continued and still continues to provide for me. He continues to bless me. He continues to heal me.

The next time someone offends you, remember how your Heavenly Father has forgiven you. Remember how the Lover of your soul loves you. The Bible tells us again and again that unity is what Jesus wants for His bride ( John 17:11, 21-23; Ro. 2:16; 1 Cor. 1:10; Phil. 2:2). Division is what the enemy wants for the church. Who do we want to please? Do we love God enough to love His children as He loves, even if we don't like what they do or how they make us feel? I pray that the women of Shiloh set the example of how this love walk is supposed to be lived out. I pray that we take advantage of the fellowships, the services, the workshops, the meetings, andthe retreats and avail ourselves for God to create the relationships He wants for us.

My prayer for the coming year:

Lord,please make the women of ShilohBaptistChurchmindful to pray for one another.Showus the areas in our lives that need to be healed that we might love others as You love us. Please show us the pain in others and help us to seek You toknow how we can be instruments ofYour healing. Help us to celebrate each other and be happy for one another.Make us awareof how we affect one another. Humble us, Lord, and help us to forgive as we are forgiven. Bring us closer as a ministry. May we be unified and purified and may You be glorified. This, I pray in Jesus' name. Amen


  • This Friday, January 12, 2007, Hamilton Twp. will have its fourth Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute at St. Mark United Methodist Church. Rev Armstrong is the key note speaker. A reception will follow at the BromleyNeighborhoodCenter. Please RSVP: 609-587-8100.
  • On Monday, January 15, 2007 the 27th Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast, sponsored by the Epsilon Upsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, will be held at 9:00 AM (doors open 8:30). For tickets, please call 609-883-5811.
  • The General Baptist Convention of New Jersey is having its Annual Women's Meeting at AbyssinianBaptistChurch in Newark, NJ on Saturday, January 20, 2007, from 9:00 AM- 2:00 PM. There is a $10.00 registration fee which includes breakfast. lunch and materials. Transportation will be provided. If interested, please contact Deaconess Julie Wilson as soon as possible at 695-2448 or .
  • On Saturday, January 20, 2007 from 10:00 AM -12:00 PM there will be a workshop sponsored by the Health Ministry entitled Reach Out for Life: Somebody Needs You to Focus on Breast Cancer in African American Women. All women are encouraged to attend this is health issue of tremendous importance in our community. Come out and learn more about it for yourself and for the women in your life.
  • The teen ministry, Rites of Passage will have its opening ceremony on Saturday, January 20, 2007 at 5:00 PM.
  • The 2007 Officer/Leaderhip Installation Service will take place on Sunday, January 21, 2007, at 5:00 PM. All executive, ministerial, and lay leaders, as well as anyone in leadership training or interested in leadership are expected to attend.
  • There will be a Church Council Meeting on Thursday, January 25, 2007 at 5:45 PM.

Ladies, let us remember Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this weekend. He was a man of vision who used love and unity to change our nation.

Pray for me and the Women's Ministry and I will pray for you!

