Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London
List of publications: Adult Safeguarding
January 2011
This document lists publications from the Unit on the topic of Adult Safeguarding in the UK classified according to the following research projects:
—Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA)
—National Elder Abuse Study
—Abuse, Neglect and Loss of Dignity in the Institutional Care of Older People: Definitional Issues (Panicoa)
—Serious Case Reviews in Adult Protection: Guidance and Development
—The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Adult Safeguarding (from EVIDEM project)
—Partnership and Regulation in Adult Protection
—Individual Budgets and Adult Safeguarding (from IBSEN project)
—Review of No Secrets
—Secondary Data Analysis – Elder Abuse in Care homes and hospitals (Panicoa)
Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) (DH)
Stevens, M., Hussein, S., Martineau, S., Harris, J., Rapaport, J. & Manthorpe, J., (2008), 'The Protection of Vulnerable Adults List: an investigation of referral patterns and approaches to decision-making. Final report to the Department of Health', London: Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London.
Decision Assistance Tool
Phair, L., Monks, V. & Manthorpe, J., (2010), 'The Decision Assistance Tool for Keepers of Registers (Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007: Duty for Keepers of Registers to refer information to the Independent Safeguarding Authority)', London: Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London.
Hussein, S., (2010), 'Using governmental data records for research: a case study of understanding characteristics and reasons for social care workers' referrals to the POVA List in England and Wales', Radical Statistics, 100: 11-16.
Stevens, M., Manthorpe, J., Martineau, S., Hussein, S., Rapaport, J. & Harris, J., (2010), 'Making decisions about who should be barred from working with adults in vulnerable situations: the need for social work understanding', British Journal of Social Work, 40(1): 290-310.
Hussein, S., Manthorpe, J., Stevens, M., Rapaport, J., Harris, J. & Martineau, S., (2009), 'Articulating the improvement of care standards: the operation of a barring and vetting scheme in social care', Journal of Social Policy, 38(2): 259-275.
Hussein, S., Martineau, S., Stevens, M., Manthorpe, J., Rapaport, J. & Harris, J., (2009), 'Accusations of misconduct among staff working with vulnerable adults in England and Wales: their claims of mitigation to the barring authority', Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, 31(1): 17-32.
Hussein, S., Stevens, M., Manthorpe, J., Rapaport, J., Martineau, S. & Harris, J., (2009), 'Banned from working in social care: a secondary analysis of staff characteristics and reasons for their referrals to the POVA list in England and Wales', Health & Social Care in the Community., 17(5): 423-433.
Rapaport, J., Stevens, M., Manthorpe, J., Hussein, S., Harris, J. & Martineau, S., (2008), 'Weighing the evidence: a case for using vignettes to elicit public and practitioner views of the workings of the POVA vetting and barring scheme', Journal of Adult Protection, 10(2): 6-17.
Manthorpe, J. & Stevens, M., (2006), 'Decision and debate: addressing the implications of the POVA banning list', Journal of Adult Protection, 8(2): 3-14.
National Elder Abuse Study (DH & Comic Relief)
O'Keeffe, M., Hills, A., Doyle, M., McCreadie, C., Scholes, S., Constantine, R., Tinker, A., Manthorpe, J., Biggs, S. & Erens, B., (2007), 'UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People. Prevalence Survey Report', London: Comic Relief; Department of Health.
O'Keeffe, M., Hills, A., Doyle, M., McCreadie, C., Scholes, S., Constantine, R., Tinker, A., Manthorpe, J., Biggs, S. & Erens, B., (2007), 'UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People. Research Findings', London: King's College London; National Centre for Social Research.
Dixon, J., Manthorpe, J., Biggs, S., Mowlam, A., Tennant, R., Tinker, A. & McCreadie, C., (2010), 'Defining elder mistreatment: reflections on the United Kingdom study of abuse and neglect of older people', Ageing & Society, 30(3): 403-420.
Manthorpe, J. & Bowes, A., (2010), 'Age, ethnicity and equalities: synthesising policy and practice messages from two recent studies of elder abuse in the UK', Social Policy & Society, 9(2): 255-265.
Biggs, S., Manthorpe, J., Tinker, A., Doyle, M. & Erens, B., (2009), 'Mistreatment of older people in the United Kingdom: findings from the first national prevalence study', Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 21(1): 1-14.
Manthorpe, J., Tinker, A., McCreadie, C., Biggs, S., Doyle, M., Erens, B. & Hills, A., (2008), 'Number and nuances: the implications for adult protection co-ordinators and committees of the UK national prevalence study of abuse and neglect of older people', Journal of Adult Protection, 10(1): 13-23.
Manthorpe, J., Biggs, S., McCreadie, C., Tinker, A., Hills, A., O'Keeffe, M., Doyle, M., Constantine, R., Scholes, S. & Erens, B., (2007), 'The UK national study of abuse and neglect among older people', Nursing Older People, 19(8): 24-26.
McCreadie, C., Tinker, A., Biggs, S., Manthorpe, J., O'Keeffe, M., Doyle, M., Hills, A. & Erens, B., (2006), 'First steps: the UK national prevalence study of the mistreatment and abuse of older people', Journal of Adult Protection, 8(3): 4-11.
Related work
Hussein, S., Manthorpe, J. & Penhale, B., (2007), 'Public perceptions of the neglect and mistreatment of older people: findings of a United Kingdom survey', Ageing & Society, 27(6): 919-940.
Hussein, S. & Manthorpe, J., (2006), 'Interim Analysis, BBC Radio 2 Elder Abuse in Great Britain Survey', London: Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London.
Abuse, Neglect and Loss of Dignity in the Institutional Care of Older People: Definitional Issues (Panicoa)
Biggs, S., Stevens, M., Tinker, A., Dixon, J. & Lee, L., (2009), 'Institutional Mistreatment and Dignity: toward a conceptual understanding. A paper for the Department of Health and Comic Relief', London: King's College London; National Centre for Social Research.
Serious Case Reviews in adult protection: Guidance and development (DH)
Manthorpe, J. & Martineau, S., (2009), 'Serious Case Reviews in Adult Safeguarding', London: Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London.
Manthorpe, J. & Martineau, S., (2010, online), ' "In our experience": chairing and commissioning serious case reviews in adult safeguarding in England', Journal of Social Work.
Manthorpe, J. & Martineau, S., (2010, online), 'Serious case reviews in adult safeguarding in England: An analysis of a sample of reports', British Journal of Social Work.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and adult safeguarding (from EVIDEM project) (NIHR)
Manthorpe, J., Rapaport, J., Harris, J. & Samsi, K., (2009), 'Realising the safeguarding potential of the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Early reports from adult safeguarding staff', Journal of Adult Protection, 11(2): 13-24.
Manthorpe, J., Samsi, K. & Rapaport, J., (Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, in press), '‘Capacity is the key’: investigating new legal provisions in England and Wales for adult safeguarding'.
Other articles on MCA recently published in Health and Social Care in the Community, Social Policy & Society and in press with Dementia & Journal of Clinical Nursing; others under review.
Partnership and Regulation in Adult Protection (DH)
Penhale, B., Perkins, N., Pinkney, L., Reid, D., Hussein, S. & Manthorpe, J., (2007), 'Partnership and Regulation in Adult Protection: The effectiveness of multi-agency working and the regulatory framework in adult protection. Final report to the Department of Health', Sheffield and London: University of Sheffield; Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London.
Manthorpe, J., Hussein, S., Penhale, B., Perkins, N., Pinkney, L. & Reid, D., (2010, online), 'Managing relations in adult protection: a qualitative study of the views of social services managers in England and Wales', Journal of Social Work Practice.
Rees, P. & Manthorpe, J., (2010), 'Managers' and staff experiences of adult protection allegations in mental health and learning disability residential services: a qualitative study', British Journal of Social Work., 40(2): 513-529.
Hussein, S., Manthorpe, J., Reid, D., Penhale, B., Perkins, N. & Pinkney, L., (2009/2010), 'Working together in adult safeguarding: findings from a survey of local authorities in England and Wales', Research, Policy and Planning, 27(3): 163-176.
Reid, D., Penhale, B., Manthorpe, J., Perkins, N., Pinkney, L. & Hussein, S., (2009), 'Form and function: views from members of adult protection committees in England and Wales', Journal of Adult Protection, 11(4): 20-29.
Pinkney, L., Penhale, B., Manthorpe, J., Perkins, N., Reid, D. & Hussein, S., (2008), 'Voices from the frontline: social work practitioners' perceptions of multi-agency working in adult protection in England and Wales', Journal of Adult Protection, 10(4): 12-24.
Penhale, B., Perkins, N., Pinkney, L., Reid, D., Hussein, S. & Manthorpe, J., (2007), 'Partnership means protection? Perceptions of the effectiveness of multi-agency working and the regulatory framework within adult protection in England and Wales', Journal of Adult Protection, 9(3): 9-23.
Individual Budgets and Adult Safeguarding (from IBSEN project) (DH)
Manthorpe, J., Stevens, M., Rapaport, J., Challis, D., Jacobs, S., Netten, A., Jones, K., Knapp, M., Wilberforce, M. & Glendinning, C. (2010, online), 'Individual budgets and adult safeguarding: Parallel or converging tracks? Further findings from the evaluation of the Individual Budget pilots', Journal of Social Work.
Manthorpe, J., Stevens, M., Rapaport, J., Harris, J., Jacobs, S., Challis, D., Netten, A., Knapp, M., Wilberforce, M. & Glendinning, C. (2009), 'Safeguarding and system change: early perceptions of the implications for adult protection services of the English individual budgets pilots—a qualitative study', British Journal of Social Work, 39(8): 1465-1480.
Review of No Secrets (DH)
Cornes, M., Manthorpe, J. and Hasleden, N. (2010) Rural dimensions of elder abuse: contributions to the No secrets review from rural older people, Journal of Adult Protection, 12(3): 20-29.
Secondary Data Analysis – Elder Abuse in Care homes and hospitals (Panicoa) (DH & Comic Relief)
Project report submitted – awaiting clearance from DH.
17 January 2011