Chapter 7 – Section 4

Presidential Advisors and Executive Agencies

JOHN ROBERTS: For the second time for his nominee for Department of Homeland Security President Bush has gone to a tough no nonsense law enforcement type Michael Chertoff who is currently a judge on the third district Court of Appeals which covers New Jersey, Delaware, the Virgin Islands, and Pennsylvania. He was the top terrorism prosecutor here at the Department of Justice in Washington for a couple of years at the beginning of the Bush administration. First gained fame as the US attorney for the state of New Jersey prosecuting a number of high profile cases including that of New York chief Judge Saul Walkler and the kidnapers and murderers of Exxon executive Sydney Reso a little of a difference though in between Michael Chertoff and Bernard Kerik who is the first law enforcement type that President Bush nominated for this job, Michael Chertoff has already gone through senate confirmation. But, there are probably still sum lingering problems with democrats because he also served as the chief republican prosecutor for the Whitewater Committee. So maybe some bad blood left over after from the mid part of the 1990’s a person who is already gone through confirmation will probably get through again.

PRESIDENT BUSH: In all this roles Mike has shown a deep commitment to the cause of justice in an unwavering determination to protect the American people. On September 11, 2001 he was managing the criminal division of the department of justice and 800-person operation devoted to enforcing our nation’s criminal laws. And the days after September 11th, Mike helped to trace the terrorist attacks to the Al Qaeda network. He understood immediately that the strategy on the war on terrorist to prevent attacks tax before they occur. His energy and intellect put him at the center of many vital Homeland Security improvements, specially increased information sharing within the FBI and with state and local officials. He has faced countless challenging decisions and has helped to protect his fellow Americans while protecting their civil liberties. I am confident that he will be a strong effective leader for the Department of Homeland Security.

Two years ago we created this new department to ensure comprehensive unified effort to protect the American people against new dangers. Since that time the employees of the department have carried out the largest reorganization of the government in a half a century. Department of Homeland Security will also continue working to reduce the nation’s vulnerabilities to weapons of mass destruction in cyber terrorism. We engaged in a daily mission to prepare effective responses to any future attack and to closely coordinate Homeland Security efforts with state and local officials. When Mike is confirmed by the senate, the Department of Homeland Security will be led by a practical organizer, skilled manager and a brilliant thinker. Urge to senate to promptly confirm this outstanding nominee as America’s second Sectary of Homeland Security. Congratulations Mike.


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