Your Name

Your street address ● Knoxville, TN zip code

October 30, 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

I want to share a challenging ministry opportunity God has given me. In May 2009, I will be departing on a mission trip to Budapest, Hungary for ninedays with a group of young adults from FirstUnitedMethodistChurch. We will be going to minister to the people of that region and assist Youth With a Mission, Budapest (YWAM Budapest) in their efforts to share the Gospel and show the love of Christ.

I am considering this trip as not only an outreach to impact people for Christ but also an opportunity for me to grow in my faith as a Christian. I am looking forward to the challenges that taking a step of faith will bring and also the rewards in spiritual growth. But it is the opportunity to serve others for our Lord Jesus Christ that really excites me and offers me the greatest joy.

Our areas of ministry will be:

  • Community service outreach in the city.
  • Serving in YWAM’s coffee house ministry.
  • Feeding the homeless in an organized mission.

I am gratefulfor the opportunity to serve and share the love of Jesus and I ask you to join me in ministry. I am seeking your support and prayers for this mission trip.I personally need to raise $1,700 by February 2, 2009. If you are able to assist with this trip financially, I would ask that you forward any donation in the enclosed envelope with acheck or money order payable to First United Methodist Church with “(insert your name)- Missions” in the memo line.Your donation can be mailed to me at xxx, Knoxville, TN 379xx. This mission trip is being funded entirely through donations and every penny collected will be used to directly benefit the outreach to the Hungarian people.

I thank you in advance for your prayers and your financial support. May God bless you richly!

In Christ’s Service,


October 30, 2008

Dear xxxxxx,

I hope you are doing well and God is blessing your life in many ways!

As many of you may know, I am attending school in Knoxville at The University of Tennessee. While here, I have become involved with a college ministry at FirstUnitedMethodistChurch. It has been encouraging for me and has challenged me to step out in my faith.

This summer the college students have been invited to participate in a nine day mission trip to Budapest, Hungary (May 8-17, 2009). The leaders, students, and I will be teaming up with a worldwide Christian organization called Youth With a Mission (YWAM), who has a base in Budapest. They have been there for 12 years and will help us minister and serve in the most needed areas of the city. While in Hungary, we will share the love of Jesus Christ through service work in the community, and provide encouragement to the YWAM team and the Christians in the area. I am excited to be given the honor of being God’s hands and feet in this place of great need!

I would like to invite you to share in what God has called me to do. Would you prayerfully consider supporting me for this mission trip? I need to raise $1,700 by February 2, 2009. I would be honored and consider it a privilege to partner with you. I believe the Lord will bless us both through this experience. In addition, I am in need of your prayer support leading up to and throughout my mission trip. Either or both means of support would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to support me financially, please make your check payable to FirstUnitedMethodistChurch with “(insert your name) - Missions” listed in the memo section and send it to (insert your name and address).

Also, if you have any thoughts, encouragements or questions, please feel free to call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx or e-mail me at .

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. It would be a great honor to have you as my partner as we actively work out the Great Commission in Budapest, Hungary.

With much gratitude and many blessings to you,

You name

Your number

Your e-mail address

October 30, 2008

Dear xxxxxxxxxxx,

I want to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity God has presented to me. I will be going to Budapest, Hungary from May 8-17, 2009 with the young adults from FirstUnitedMethodistChurch.

Our trip will focus on:

  • First, allowing God to work in our lives as we serve the Hungarian people through community service outreach, homeless ministry, and other service needs in the area.
  • Second, showing and teaching about God’s love for the Hungarian people.
  • Third, encouraging the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) team that we will be working with by reminding them that people care and want to help. We believe that this will strengthen their team even after we’ve gone.

I am excited about the opportunity and experiences that lie ahead. I hope you see the value in what God has called me to do. As you can imagine, our team needs your support. Most importantly through prayer, but also financially if you feel called to do so. I personally need to raise $1,700 by February 2, 2009. If you are willing to support me through prayer and also monetarily, I would be very grateful. Enclosed is an envelope for your convenience. Please make checks payable to FirstUnitedMethodistChurch with “(insert your name)– Missions” in the memo line and mail it to me at (insert your name and address).

After my return, I plan to share all that God has done in my life while on this trip. Thank you for partnering with me as I serve with my team in Budapest, Hungary.

Please remember, prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God’s leading.

In Christ’s Service,