Behavioral Health Programmatic Allocation Plan Template and Instructions

Behavioral Health Programmatic Allocation Template and Instructions

Table of ContentsPage

  1. General Statements and Instructions3
  1. System of Care Description and Strategic Direction6
  1. Funding and Thresholds7
  1. The System of Care and the Annual Operating Budget (AOB)10
  1. Compliance14

Attachment I – Other Cost Accumulator Explanation

Attachment II – Compliance Questions

Attachment III – Reporting Templates

Section I – General Statements and Instructions

The purpose of this document is to provide the Managing Entity with a template to complete a “Programmatic Allocation Plan.” This plan will provide:

  • An outline the system of care;
  • Expenditure plans;
  • Subcontracted providers;
  • Performance targets for the subcontracted providers, and strategies to achieve these targets;
  • A point of reference for the performance of the Managing Entity; and
  • An outline of the Managing Entity’s strategy for FY13-14.

This plan will be approved by the department, and will be subject to oversight throughout the life of the contract. It shall be completed simultaneously with the “COST ALLOCATION PLAN,” which will provide the basis for the Managing Entity’s strategy to report expenditures. The two plans are not intended to be mutually exclusive, and each will inform the construction of the other. This plan will demonstrate the methodology the Managing Entity will use to capture service level data, and the management strategy for the system of care.

As approved by the department, the Managing Entity shall use this plan to set the service targets for the coming fiscal year. Service targets are defined as:

  • The number of unduplicated people served;
  • The number of units of service provided;
  • In the case of specified funding sources, contract deliverables; and
  • System of care improvements for the fiscal year.

For direction, RED TEXT indicates that particular portion of the template requires completion by the Managing Entity.BLUE TEXT provides instruction, where required.

Section I.I – General Approach

The Managing Entity (ME) Programmatic Allocation Plan will be presented in two majorsections. The first section is to capture the operational cost of the Managing Entity. This section is to provide the department with an outline of the Managing Entity’s planned expenditure in relation to the administration of the system of care.

The second section of the plan reflects the planned expenditures for the system of care. The department’s annual operating budget (AOB), establishes a framework that provides the Managing Entity with the flexibility required to tailor the system of care to the unique regional needs of the community served.

The system of care is funded by both federal and state sources. Within these funding streams, there are requirements that must be met, and the second section of the plan will outline the Managing Entity’s strategy to collect the relevant information, and serve the eligible populations. Expenditures that represent federal funding sources will be aggregated to a statewide total.

The second section of the plan shall also provide the operational strategy for State requirements. This includes specific appropriations, and departmental strategies.

The general approach employed to manage the system of careshould, at minimum include the following:

  1. All service events are recorded, and a funding source can be directly identified as to a program, grant, activity, or contract. This may require the Managing Entity to capture or report data that is not part of DCF Data Pamphlet 155-2.
  2. To improve the quality of the system of care, as measured by the contracted performance measures, and scorecards.
  3. The Managing Entity is responsible for providing access to this reporting system for their providers and DCF personnel.
  4. This reporting system shall be capable of reporting out performance for all required measures, as well as any system of care measures the Managing Entity uses to manage the system of care.
  5. There is an expectation that technical assistance will be provided by the Managing Entity to providers who fail to meet monthly, quarterly or annual targets.
  6. For the purpose of the Programmatic Allocation Plan, the Managing Entity is required to discuss its approach to deploying the reporting system.
  7. A detailed timeline is required as part of this activity.
  8. To the degree actual expenditures exceed or fall below budgeted amounts, compliance processes will include targeted action plans to address variation.
  9. To enhance access to behavioral health care services that addresses the community’s needs, the Managing Entity shall conduct a Community Needs Assessment at least once every eighteen (18) months and report out on these needs no later than six (6) months following the assessment.
  10. This report shall identify capacity for all behavioral healthcare providers associated with the Managing Entity and related services including residential services, assisted living facilities, and group homes.
  11. For the purpose of the Programmatic Allocation Plan, the Managing Entity is required to discuss its approach to completing the Community Needs Assessment.
  12. A detailed timeline is required as part of this activity.

Section I.2 – Format

To submit the completed plan, the Managing Entity shall adhere to the following directions for format.

  • The submitted plan must contain a cover sheet that includes the:
  • Title – Behavioral Health Programmatic Allocation Plan, and the relevant fiscal year;
  • Name of the Managing Entity, and CEO;
  • Names of the people responsible for completing the plan; and
  • Date of Submission.
  • A Table ofContents page, with appropriate page numbers. The plan shall contain the Managing Entity’s response to the following sections, outlined in this template:
  • Section II - System of Care Description and Strategic Direction;
  • Section III - Funding and Thresholds (the data shall be provided by the department);
  • Section IV - System of Care and the Annual Operating Budget; and
  • Section V – Compliance.
  • The plan shall be submitted electronically, and meet the following requirements:
  • The narrative portions of the plan must be submitted as a Microsoft word document, formatted with single spacing, and no more than 11 point font.
  • Quantitative data included in the narrative portion of the plan must also be submitted as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Section II– System of Care Description and Strategic Direction

NARRATIVE – In this section, the Managing Entity shall describe the system of care. This description shall include, at minimum:

  • The contractually required needs assessment, as an attachment;
  • Documentation of the steps to implement the results of the needs assessment;
  • A “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threat” analysis of the network, and the Managing Entity’s role;
  • A list of subcontracted providers. This shall include:
  • The following details:
  • Business name of the provider,
  • Addresses of physical locations that provide service,
  • Telephone numbers,
  • An organizational chart,
  • Behavioral and physical health license numbers,
  • A federal ID number, and
  • A national provider number.
  • The services provided by each contractor,
  • Performance, as measured by the Managing Entity’s criteria; and
  • A description of data systems, including:
  • Subcontractor access;
  • Department access; and
  • Estimated cost of operation.

Section II.I – Strategic Direction

NARRATIVE – In this section, the Managing Entity shall outline its operating strategy, and how this translates to the department’s statewide vision. This shall include, at minimum:

  • Innovative strategies, including lessons learned from the previous fiscal year;
  • The Managing Entity’s strategy for:
  • Prevention,
  • Treatment, and
  • Quality Improvement;
  • Network capacity, by service type, client and unit.
  • Plans for network modification, including justification and implementation timelines.

Section III – Funding and Thresholds

All Managing Entities

Section A / Other Cost Accumulators / Federal / State / Total
ME Operational Cost / 21,604,440 / 21,604,440
Subtotal Section A / 21,604,440 / 21,604,440
Section B
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Adult Mental Health / MHA00 / 16,064,414 / 172,669,017 / 188,733,431
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Children's Mental Health / MHC00 / 8,224,898 / 29,356,512 / 37,581,410
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Adult Substance Abuse / MSA00 / 60,956,940 / 30,700,524 / 91,657,464
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Children's Substance Abuse / MSC00 / 21,656,130 / 34,126,545 / 55,782,675
Subtotal Section B / 106,902,382 / 266,852,598 / 373,754,980
Section C
Adult Mental Health Projects / MHA70 / - / 11,864,743 / 11,864,743
Community Forensic Beds / MHA72 / - / 14,647,709 / 14,647,709
Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) - Administration / MHA73 / 13,217,589 / 18,780,939 / 31,998,528
Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) - Services / MHA74 / - / 8,140,800 / 8,140,800
Indigent Psychiatric Medication Program / MHA76 / - / 2,150,061 / 2,150,061
Projects Clay Behavioral Center Community Crisis Prevention Team / MHA79 / - / 300,000 / 300,000
Grants Jail Diversion and Trauma Recovery / MHAJD / - / -
Grants PATH / MHAPG / - / -
Adult Mental Health Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) / MHATB / 7,443,871 / - / 7,443,871
Children's Mental Health Projects / MHC70 / - / 1,229,297 / 1,229,297
Purchase of Residential Treatment Services for Emotionally Disturbed Children and Youth / MHC71 / - / 1,036,049 / 1,036,049
Children at Risk of Emotional Disturbance / MHC77 / - / 858,115 / 858,115
Title XXI Children's Health Insurance Program / MHCBN / 10,853,682 / - / 10,853,682
Grants Miami-Dade County Wraparound / MHCMD / 1,819,713 / - / 1,819,713
Grants Project Launch / MHCPL / 715,433 / - / 715,433
Adult Substance Abuse Projects / MSA70 / - / 6,121,895 / 6,121,895
Projects Expansion of Substance Abuse Services for Pregnant Women and their affected families / MSA81 / - / 8,967,700 / 8,967,700
Projects St. Johns County Sheriff's Office / MSA82 / - / 1,300,000 / 1,300,000
Adult Substance Abuse Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) / MSATB / 5,564,104 / 428,178 / 5,992,282
Children's Substance Abuse Projects / MSC70 / - / 3,644,100 / 3,644,100
Projects Informed Families of Florida / MSC80 / - / 750,000 / 750,000
Prevention Partnership Grant (PPG) / MSCPP / 4,559,801 / - / 4,559,801
Children's Substance Abuse Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) / MSCTB / 640,000 / - / 640,000
Subtotal Section C / 44,814,193 / 80,219,586 / 125,033,779
Total All Fund Sources / 151,716,575 / 368,676,624 / 520,393,199
ME SPECIFIC- as of 7/1/2013
Section A / Other Cost Accumulators / Federal / State / Total
ME Operational Cost- Adult Mental Health
Subtotal Section A
Section B
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Adult Mental Health
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Children's Mental Health
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Adult Substance Abuse
ME Services & Supports Provider Activity - Children's Substance Abuse
Subtotal Section B
Section C
Adult Mental Health Projects
Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) - Administration
Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) - Services
Indigent Psychiatric Medication Program
Projects Clay Behavioral Center Community Crisis Prevention Team
Grants Jail Diversion and Trauma Recovery
Grants PATH
Children's Mental Health Projects
Title XXI Children's Health Insurance Program
Grants Miami-Dade County Wraparound
Grants Project Launch
Adult Substance Abuse Projects
Projects Expansion of Substance Abuse Services for Pregnant Women and their affected families
Projects St. Johns County Sheriff's Office
Children's Substance Abuse Projects
Projects Informed Families of Florida
Prevention Partnership Grant (PPG)
Subtotal Section C
Total All Fund Sources

As a condition of receiving the Community Mental Health Block Grant (CMHBG) and the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SAPT), there are requirements related to both spending and service that must be met statewide. Contractually, the Managing Entity bears responsibility for compliance with these requirements.

Table 1: SAPT Thresholds

Thresholds (for federal Spending)
Drug Treatment – 35% of award
Alcohol Treatment - 35%of award
(of this, 5% total award spent on Women's Services)
Prevention – 20% of award
HIV - 5%of award
Thresholds (for State Spending)
Women's set aside

Table 1 provides the expenditure thresholds both for the state, and the Managing Entity. The development of this plan will incorporate these thresholds, and demonstrate monthly progress as to attaining this target.

In this section, the Managing Entity shall provide the methodology by which progress shall be demonstrated toward the attainment of the assigned threshold, and that allowable expenditures are in compliance with 45 C.F.R. pt. 96.

Table 2: CMHBG Threshold

Thresholds (for Federal Spending)
Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances - 10%

Table 1 provides the expenditure thresholds both for the state, and the Managing Entity. The development of this plan will incorporate these thresholds, and demonstrate monthly progress as to attaining this target.

In this section, the Managing Entity shall provide the methodology by which progress shall be demonstrated toward the attainment of the assigned threshold, and that allowable expenditures are in compliance with 42 U.S.C. 300x.

Section IV –System of Care and the Annual Operating Budget (AOB)

In this section, the Managing Entity will provide the service plan for the system of care by using Attachment I in this template. This shall be in completed in two sections, as noted previously.

Section 1. Managing Entity Operational Costs

This section shall provide an overview of the planned expenditures for the fiscal year, and demonstrate the strategy to comply with the contractual obligation of utilization management.

Section 2.System of Care.

A summary of the information shall be presented in accordance with the following templates.

Adult Mental Health:

Service / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
Residential Care / MHA01
Community Care - Person Specific / MHA09
Community Care - Non Specific / MHA09
Crisis Care / MHA18
Prevention - Person Specific / MHA25
Prevention - Non Specific / MHA25
Special Allocations / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
AMH Projects / MHA70, MHA79, MHA 76
FACT / MHA73, MHA 74
Community Forensic / MHA72

Children’s Mental Health:

Service / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
Residential Care / MHC01
Community Care - Person Specific / MHC09
Community Care - Non Specific / MHC09
Crisis Care / MHC18
Prevention - Person Specific / MHC25
Prevention - Non Specific / MHC25
Special Allocations / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
CMH Projects / MHC70, MHCMD, MHCPL, MHC77, MHC71

Adult Substance Abuse:

Service / Subset / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
Residential Care / Alcohol / MSA03
Other Drug / MSA04
Community Care / Alcohol - Person Specific / MSA11
Alcohol - Non Specific / MSA11
Other Drug - Person Specific / MSA12
Other Drug - Non Specific / MSA12
At Risk - Person Specific / MSA09
At Risk - Non Specific / MSA09
Detox / Alcohol / MSA21
Other Drug / MSA22
At Risk / MSA19
Prevention - Person Specific / MSA25
Prevention - Non Specific / MSA25
HIV Services / MSA23
Special Allocations / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
ASA Projects / MSA70, MSA 81, MSA82

Children’s Substance Abuse:

Service / Subset / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
Residential Care / Alcohol / MSC03
Other Drug / MSC04
Community Care / Alcohol - Person Specific / MSC11
Alcohol - Non Specific / MSC11
Other Drug - Person Specific / MSC12
Other Drug - Non Specific / MSC12
At Risk - Person Specific / MSC09
At Risk - Non Specific / MSC09
Detox / Alcohol / MSC21
Other Drug / MSC22
At Risk / MSC19
Prevention - Person Specific / MSC25
Prevention - Non Specific / MSC25
HIV Services / MSC23
Special Allocations / OCA / FY12-13 People Served / FY13-14 Funding / FY13-14 Service Target
CSA Projects / MSC70, MSCPP, MSC80

In addition to the summary of Attachment I, please provide an estimate of non-service related expenditures, such as training for system of care providers for FY13-14. This should include a description of how this will be tracked, and reported. Where possible, it should be reported by month.

NARRATIVE –The Managing Entity shall set service targets for FY13-14, based on the summarized designations of the OCAs. The targets will be approved by the department, reflecting the community needs assessment and the federal block grant requirements.

Service Targets

The Managing Entity shall:

  • Describe the methodology used to compute the service targets for the fiscal year.
  • Provide an outline of the accountability mechanisms to ensure success.

NARRATIVE – The Managing Entity shall provide monthly progress reports to demonstrate compliance with this plan.The progress report shall be based on Attachment III.

Section V - Compliance

As a condition of receiving the SAPT and CMHBG, the state must demonstrate compliance with a series of statutory and regulatory requirements that pertain to the system of care.

The Managing Entity, as the contracted provider of the system of care, shall demonstrate the actions taken to comply, implement or address the following federal requirements.

The Managing Entity shall complete Attachment II, and provide the response here.