Subject / Week 1
5.1.15 / Week 2
12.1.15 / Week 3
19.1.15 / Week 4
26.1.15 / Week 5
2.2.15 / Week 6
Literacy / Punctuation
Capital letters and full stops
Handwriting numbers
Using connectives / Continue from previous week and
Introduce ? !
Handwriting numbers / Non-Fiction
Diary entry
Spelling days of the week / Non – Fiction
Chinese New Year
Menus / Alphabetical order
Letter names / Dictionary
Numeracy / Number:
Number and place value / Position and Direction / Time language / Telling the time
O’clock and half past / Number bonds to 10
Number bonds to 20 / Addition to 20 and beyond
Scientific / Why we need food
Foods we like and dislike
Why do we get hungry, how do we feel?
Fruit kebabs / Introduce Eat well plate
Sorting food into the 5 categories / Meal times / Science Assessment
(see separate sheet)
Computing / We are TV chefs
Recap Unit 1-3 / We are TV chefs
Unit 4
Espresso Foundation
Healthy Eating video and activity / We are TV chefs
Unit 5
2animate – draw a piece of fruit being eaten. E.g. bites missing in each frame. / 2animate – draw a piece of fruit being eaten. E.g. bites missing in each frame. / We are TV chefs
Unit 6
Food a fact of life site
Unmuddle the meals / Assessment
History / Explorers who brought food to the UK / WW2 Rationing of food
Geography / Look at a world map on IWB. Look at which food comes from the country ie pizza, pasta. / Look at a world map on IWB. Look at where our food comes from i.e rice, bananas
Art and Design / Collage pizza
Design and make a smoothie / Look at work of Arcimboldo – make faces using pictures of fruit and vegetables. / Paint picture of a fruit or vegetable.
Make pom pom ice cream / Make clay fruits for a class fruit bowl. Use pictures of fruits as a guide. / Create decorations for CNY. Lanterns, dragons, lucky money envelopes.
Design and Technology
Cooking and Nutrition / Chocolate chip Muffins / Chocolate chip Muffins / Chocolate chip Muffins / Smoothies / Smoothies / Smoothies
Music / Paint box
Drumming food / Paint box
Drumming food / Make shakers using dried food, rice, peas etc. / Charanga program / Listen to examples of Chinese Music and try to describe the sounds.
RE / Talk about how people often say Grace before a meal. Use website / Stories from other cultures about food (books in library). / Looking at various celebrations and how food is always important. / How can we help people who have less to eat than us?
Espresso video – Ethiopia faces famine.
Stories from other faiths involving food. / Where do I belong? What do I believe?
Christianity Hinduism / Food for special occasions (see literacy)
Tell the Chinese New Year story.

Education / Basketball skills
Games / Basketball skills
Games / Basketball skills
Games / Basketball skills
Games / Basketball skills
Games / Basketball skills
PSHE / Going for Goals / Going for Goals / Going for Goals / Going for Goals / Going for Goals / Going for Goals
Outdoor learning / Twig star / Winter blindfold exploring / Pirate scavenger hunt / Play imagine secret windows and doors
(Outdoor classroom) / Build a giant nest / Create leaf dragon

Trip to Tesco – Farm to Fork