January 24, 2012



a.  Call to Order: Mr. Goetz called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 4:03pm.

b.  Members Present: Mark Goetz, Dawn Laber, Sandra Morrison, Lisa Birkley, Aaron Lense, Melissa Trimbach

c.  Guest Recognition: Mrs. Kelly Kelso

d.  January Agenda Approval: A motion was made by Sandra Morrison and seconded by Aaron Lense and the January Agenda was approved.

e.  December Minutes: A motion was made by Aaron Lense and seconded by Lisa Birkley and the December 6, 2011 minutes were approved as read.

f.  Good News Reports:

1.  Academic Team: Melissa Trimbach reported that Highlands Middle School hosted the Governor’s Cup competition on January 21, 2012 with St. Catherine of Siena, St. Joseph (Cold Spring), and St. Thomas schools participating. As District Champion winners, HMS was 22.5 total points above the second place team and will compete at Regionals. Dr. Laber congratulated Mrs. Trimbach and her team on an outstanding job hosting, and competing, at the Governor’s Cup Competition. She commented that our students were very well-behaved and showed pride in our school.

2.  Academic Pep Rally: Mr. Goetz reported on the success of the 6th Grade Academic Pep Rally which recognized students for good behavior, attendance, and academic excellence.

3.  Geography Bee/Spelling Bee: Riley Kuether, 6th grade, was the HMS Spelling Bee Champ; Ben Emery, 8th grade, was the HMS National Geographic Society’s Geography Bee winner. Both will represent HMS in the next level of competition.

4.  Choir, Band, Strings School Concert: Mr. Goetz reported that he was very impressed with the Concert held for all students the day before Winter Break. Students were very well-behaved, and appreciated the talent of their peers.

5.  All-State Choir: Mr. Goetz reported that several students qualified for All-State Choir.

g.  Public Comments: Mrs. Kelly Kelso, parent, outlined plans and gave Council an update on the CIPL project.


a.  District Walkthroughs in December: Mr. Goetz reported that administrators were looking for evidence of Critical and Creative Teaching.

b.  Focus Groups Revisited: Faculty members will discuss Focus Groups at the Faculty Meeting on January 26, 2012.

c.  Review of student placement for 2nd semester: Dr. Laber reported.

d.  Reading Plus Classes: Mrs. Trimbach and Council reviewed the Reading Plus Rate and Level Report which showed dramatic success.

e.  ALEKS classes: Council reviewed the ALEKS Online Math Tutorial Program Guide.


a.  Math Placement for Students 2013-2014 Model: Council reviewed The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project along with a Highlands Middle School Math Placement Proposal. Aaron Lense distributed a schedule of classes we need for next year to start the transition to Algebra at Highlands Middle School. It outlines classes for 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015 for each grade. Council reviewed and discussed.

b.  Possible schedule for 2012-2013: Council reviewed a POSSIBLE bell schedule that would align the bell schedule of HMS classes with HHS classes. Mr. Goetz commented that ultimately this is a Board decision.

c.  Literacy Leader quarterly meetings: Council discussed “Writing Across the Curriculum” which implements a District initiative. Sally Brewer leads these meetings.

d.  Learning Target Classroom use: Reviewed and discussed.

e.  Words of Wisdom: Council reviewed a sample “Words of Wisdom” narrative. This is a positive, character-building lesson that is read daily by Caroline Lembright, 8th grade student.


a.  Update: Dr. Laber reported.


Council reviewed the Budget. Most money will be spent by April 15, 2012. Discussion.


a.  Second Reading of SBDMC Policy # 14.

1.  Selection of a Principal when there is a Vacancy

FUNCTION: Selection of a Principal When There is a Vacancy

A. Criteria / Once the superintendent has verified the vacancy, the council plus superintendent/designee shall develop a set of criteria for selection of a principal to be used in the screening process. The council shall get input from teachers, staff, and parents into development of the criteria by the most convenient method(s). Included input shall be kept confidential.
B. Plan / The council plus superintendent/designee shall develop a written plan for selecting a principal and shall disseminate the plan to teachers and leaders of the parent organization. The plan shall include:
1.  The superintendent shall be the facilitator.
2.  The screening process to be used by the council.
3.  Timeline for the total selection process.
4.  Existing principal will not be part of the selection committee.
C. Selection / The council plus superintendent/designee shall select a principal from candidates submitted to the council. The council reserves the right to request additional candidates from the pool of qualified candidates.
D. Council Responsibilities / In addition to developing a plan for selecting a new principal, the council plus superintendent/designee are responsible for:
1.  Reviewing written information on each candidate (i.e., resume, application, and written responses to questions relating to the principalship.)
2.  Selecting candidates to be interviewed.
3.  Developing questions to be used during the interview.
4.  Developing a rating system.
5.  Interviewing candidates.
6.  Rating each candidate interviewed.
7.  Selecting the candidate to serve as principal.
E. Responsibility of Superintendent/Designee / The superintendent/designee shall be responsible for:
1.  Forming and disseminating an agenda for each council meeting.
2.  Facilitating discussion and decision making at all council meetings.
3.  Getting all materials used in the selection procedures processed for the council.
4.  Monitoring the implementation of the plan for selecting a new principal.
5.  Making arrangements for facilities.
6.  Communicating with candidates.
7.  Keeping the faculty informed with regard to the status of the selection process.
F. Confidentiality / Information about the merits and discussion of each candidate shall not be shared outside the council. Executive session provisions of the open meeting law shall be used as appropriate to maintain confidentiality.

A motion was made by Melissa Trimbach and seconded by Aaron Lense and the SBDMC Policy # 14 was adopted on January 24, 2012.

b.  Council Election Procedures

Council reviewed the Kentucky Association of School Councils answers on SBDM Elections. Discussion.


Aaron Lense questioned the difference in salaries for a Highlands High School Department Chair and a Highlands Middle School Department Chair even though the duties appear to be the same. Mr. Goetz answered that stipends are really for the time you spend outside the normal day.

Lisa Birkley questioned articles of clothing a few girls have been wearing (tutu’s). Mr. Goetz said that if a teacher feels it is disruptive or interferes with student learning, it is considered insubordination and is not allowed.

Sandra Morrison asked if there is a policy that requires teachers to post a certain amount of grades in Infinite Campus; parents have commented to her that some teachers have very few posted. Aaron Lense stated that the District Certified Handbook (page 10) suggests that grades should be input weekly. After discussion, a motion was made by Aaron Lense and seconded by Lisa Birkley for Mr. Goetz to research the policies of other schools regarding recording regular assessment in Infinite Campus.


a.  K-PREP Blueprint: Council reviewed.

b.  K-PREP Items and Times: Council reviewed.

c.  On-Demand Writing: Council reviewed.


At this time, the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 4pm.


There being no further business, a motion was made by Melissa Trimbach and seconded by Lisa Birkley and the meeting was adjourned at 5:38pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelley Kappesser