USA UltimateState Youth Coordinator Job Description and Application

General Role

The USA Ultimate State Youth Coordinator program runs alongside the USA Ultimate State HS Championship program. All areas that have USA UltimateState HS Championships have USA Ultimate State Youth Coordinators (SYC) appointed at least six months prior to the State Championship. In some areas, SYCs have been appointed in preparation for the development of HS State Championships.

Ideally, the USA Ultimate SYC is at the top of a state level organization that is structured for the growth of the youth division in the state. The SYCs serve as one of the USA Ultimate’s most important volunteers in the youth division as the SYC should be fully integrated with the state youth Ultimate scene (in a much greater way than the USA Ultimate’s College and Club sectional coordinators currently are).

State Youth Coordinator Outreach Responsibilities:

Work with local disc organizations, particularly in areas of state without established youth/high school activity to:

  • Encourage organization to run youth/high school clinics or camps. SYC will provide USA Ultimate materials, access to low-cost supplies, etc. to assist these organizations.
  • If scattered youth players exist (playing with adult leagues, for example) encourage formation of youth team or league.
  • Advertise availability of "Start a New High School Team" kit when available
  • Where needed, provide particular emphasis and support for girls’ divisions and play

Work with teachers and physical educator specialists:

  • Lead clinics for PE teachers/students or identify persons willing to do so. If local organizations are already engaged in this activity, explore how USA Ultimate can support efforts
  • Provide information/supplies to interested individuals or schools, including: background, overview of competition today (to stimulate interest), simplified rules, suggested curricula, DVDs, alternative disc activities, leads to suppliers of affordable materials and discs appropriate for younger players
  • Determine date of state AHPERD conference, and coordinate possible registration for conference with the Manager of Competition and Athlete Programs. If appropriate, participate in conference or locate surrogate. Purpose of participation to distribute materials and, if available, advertise services such as clinics.

The State Youth Coordinator will also have Competition Responsibilities:

  • Maintain a current list of captains and contact information for teams in the state.
  • Manage USA UltimateYouth and HS Competition activities within the state. Know and disseminate USA Ultimateinformation about the State Championships, HS Regional events, and the Youth Club Championships to members and teams within the state.
  • Ensure organization of the appropriate state championship divisionsand direct competition-related aspects of the event.
  • Serve as the administrative liaison for USA Ultimateto the youth division in the state, ensuring collection of dues and other administrative items required for participation in the USA UltimateState Championships.
  • Report results of the State Championships, as directed by the USA Ultimateadministration.
  • Assist with finding a replacement coordinator upon decision to step down.
  • Inform the Manager of Youth and Education Programs when a coaching workshop is needed in the state. Identify potential local coordinators for the workshop.
  • Identify potential volunteers to assist the USA Ultimateat PE Outreach events that the USA Ultimateattends in their state.
  • Provide feedback, through channels set up by the USA Ultimateadministration, on procedures, guidelines, and other elements of the Youth Development Programs.
  • Answer questions for league organizers (or direct them to the RYD)
  • Regularly communicate with the Regional Youth Director


The SYC is appointed by the Manager of Competition and Athlete Programs and USA Ultimate staff. Term is for an indefinite length, subject to annual review and evaluation, and may be terminated or renewed by the Manager of Competition and Athlete Programs.


  • USA Ultimatemember in good standing.
  • Adhere to principles of the Mission of USA Ultimate
  • Uphold USA Ultimatepolicies, procedures, and guidelines.
  • Knowledge of the rules of Ultimate.
  • Knowledge of the USA Ultimateadministrative structure.
  • Good communication and organizational skills.
  • Access to email and the internet at least 4 days/week.
  • Fired up to promote and support the great sport of Ultimate.


  • All SYCs receive a thank you gift!
  • Free USA Ultimate membership
  • Access to discounted discs and trophies for the State Youth Championships.
  • Access to discounted instructional materials (DVDs, PE Curriculum, and Skills and Drills manuals)
  • Direct involvement in discussion of administrative and competition related to Youth Development.
  • Goodwill that goes with helping to facilitate a great opportunity for people to play Ultimate.
  • Networking and getting to know other Ultimate players throughout the state and country.


Send an email addressing the following four items to USA Ultimate Manager of Education and Youth Programs, Baker Pratt: by October 19, 2012. (Target length for each reply: a few sentences to one paragraph).

  1. Objective: Explain why you are interested in this position.
  2. Qualifications: Describe why you are qualified for the position.
  3. Ultimate experience: Briefly describe you involvement in ultimate. As a player? As an organizer?
  4. Other considerations: Provide any other information that you feel should be considered.