Satlantic Radiometer Testing & Hyperpro Setup (updated 11/15/2009)

Testing Radiometers:


Power box

Proper cable (power, serial, 8pin?)

Field laptop

Test Satlantic instruments and bioshutters using hyperterm or another similar terminal program.

Set baud rate to 19200.

If instrument is working, screen will show crap data; so while you don’t know the quality of the data, at least you know that they are communicating.

Can also stop instrument reading and get into menus to change settings if needed. To do so, type “stop” quickly.

Shipboard Hyperpro Setup:


Es sensor

Es cable (8pin, serial, power)

Hyperpro and desired 2 radiometers (hyperspectral or multispectral)

Junction box

Bucket with telemetry cable

Small clear Tupperware with interconnect cables and pins

Junction-laptop cable (large red, power, serial)

Power supply

Cable ties

USB-serial port connectors

Spare hyperpro cable

Position the Es so it will not be shadowed using rack installed on wheelhouse top. Secure Es cable to ship and mast with electrical tape.

Feed just the necessary length of cable through the starboard side roof opening into the wheelhouse for connection to laptop and powerbox.

Coil the remaining cable and tape coil securely to ship.

Assemble Hyperpro with either hyperspectral or multispectral sensors. Put shackle and zip ties on sensors. Keep all dummies and caps in one place so they are easy to find later.

Connect the end of the telemetry cable that feeds off the top of the coil to the Hyperpro. Run the end of the telemetry cable that exits the bottom of the coil/blue bucket forward, through the window near the flowthrough and up into the wheelhouse through the hole in the ceiling. This connects to the junction box.

In the wheelhouse, plug everything in. Use banana clips on the power box to merge power leads for hyperpro and Es. Connect serial port from Es to usb-serial connector (should be COM2). Connect hyperpro to junction box. Connect junction box serial to COM1 on back of laptop (this may not work as laptop serial port is questionable – use a second usb-serial connector if needed).

Open Hyperpro_all from desktop. This is a SatView file that includes the setup files for all the possible instruments that we use with Hyperpro.

Power up. Every instrument currently connected should have a green box around it or else it is not receiving a telemetry signal. At any given time, some instruments listed in Hyperpro_all will not be in use and non-telemetry errors for those can be ignored.

From the “Log” menu, select “Options” and then change the logging output directory to the appropriate C:\data\cruise\hyperpro directory.

Logged files are named “cruise_stationrep.raw” (ex. GC080508WB_1a.raw).

If the appropriate spectra viewing windows are not visible, right click on the desired instrument and select “View List” from which you can pick the window you want to open.

When Hyperpro radiometers come back from being calibrated at Satlantic, the cal files referenced by Hyperpro_all need to be updated.


Make sure caps are off all sensors, including Es.

If not connecting to instruments, try hitting the “connect all” icon. If still not working, power down and adjust COM1 serial connection. Power cycle might work itself.

If one Hyperpro sensor is working and the other is not, power off. Unplug and clean connections, then reconnect everything on the Hyperpro itself.

If Hyperpro is working but Es is not, go into control panel and find out what com port the usb-serial connector is reading from. Go to “system – ports – prolific usb-to-serial comm. Port.” Right click to access properties. Port settings – Advanced – see Com Port Number on bottom. Note which port it thinks it is reading from and make adjustment in SatView rather than Control Panel because easier to apply and make work. In SatView, highlight Es suitcase and pick “read from.” Change to correct com port number.

We don’t often use the GPS anymore, but note that the GPS cannot be plugged in when the field laptop is initially booted. Wait to connect the GPS until after SatView is open and working. Use another usb-serial connector. Look on control panel to find out where reading from and make correction in SatView. Will not get a green box. Check the GPS Station window to see if data is present. If the GPS is being a pain, just unplug it.