Minutes of the June 13, 2008Sub-committeeMeeting – page 1
Outreach Sub-CommitteeMeeting
Friday, June 13, 2008,at12:00p.m.
Emmaus Consulting PLLC
1833 North 105th Street, Suite 303
Seattle, Washington 98133
Attendees: Judge Dennis D. Yule, Chairperson;Judge Douglas W. Luna;Ms. Amalia C. Maestas;Ms. Myrna Contreras; Eric A. Jones;and Monto Shan Morton as Staff.
- 2008 Meeting Schedule – A motion was called forall future teleconferences to be held on the second Friday of every other month to start at 12:30 p.m. and end at 1:15 p.m. The motion was second and approved.
- Friday, August 8, 2008,at 12:30p.m.
- Friday, October 10, 2008,at 12:30p.m.
- Friday, December 12, 2008,at 12:30p.m.
- Old Business
- Spring 2008 Equal Justice Newsletter – Judge Yule asked Mr. Morton to update the sub-committee members on the progress of the 2008Spring Equal Justice Newsletter. Mr. Morton referred everyone to the draft newsletter provided and reported that the newsletter would be published by June 30th before the end of the fiscal year. The Sub-committee discussed future Equal Justice Newsletters and decided that a proposalbe made to the Commission that the newsletter be emailed via listserv and posted on the Commission website instead of mailed in hardcopy format. It was decided that because it takes less time to produce an electronic newsletter, the sub-committee would accept a quarterly schedule. For logistical purposes, they decided that the Fall 2008 Equal Justice Newsletter will retain its current format but change its content from theme-based articles to current event information concerning racial and ethnic issues in the legal community. The newsletter will essentially be comprised of short paragraphs of information containing summaries and hyperlinks instead of full articles. For future newsletters, thesub-committee proposedchangingthedesign and format. They will choose a graphic designer who will create the new design of the newsletter and propose the new design to the Commission.
- Outreach Activities
- Information Network – the Sub-committee members discussed how to obtain the information for the proposed Equal Justice Newsletter and decided, in addition to selecting organizations and requesting information, to create a network by utilizing current members of the Commission who belong to legal community related associations and organizations and choose those of interest to the Commission. A clarification was made that the network would be for the purposes of sharing information and not for the sharing of resources or creating partnerships, which are only possible by express authority by the Commission and its Co-chairpersons.
- Sub-committee Membership – the sub-committee members also discussed how the creation of the information network will increase membership for the sub-committee by utilizing existing Commission members and by informing members of the legal communityas to the existence and purpose of the Commission.
- Community Forums and Outreach –The sub-committee members discussed holding a community forum in 2009 during one of the Commission meetings, but came to no decision. They also discussed inviting members of the legal community to speak at the Commission meetings to inform members about current events.
- New Business
- Annual Report – A motion was made for the Sub-committee to propose to the Commission that the Sub-committee take on the responsibility of planning the Commission’s annual reports. The motion was seconded and passed. The sub-committee decided that the 2007 Annual Report will retain its current format. However, the sub-committee will propose to the Commission that the 2008 Annual Report will employ the services of a graphic designer to create a new look for the publication. The new design will be proposed to the Commission.
Adjourned at 4:00 p.m.