Board Governance Operations
An IASB School Board Self-Assessment
Board Governance Operations
The focus of this self-assessment is howyour school board functions together. This tool is designed to provide you with a general assessment of your school board’s governance operations.The assessment results and subsequent whole-board discussion will help you determine where the board is effective in carrying out key responsibilities, and where your board might wish to improve.
Thoughts to Keep in Mind
Board members’ perceptions about key rolesmay differ.Coming to some consensus about where the board is now will help you arrive ata clearer understanding of where you want to be in the future and where you want to focus improvement. We cannot start the process without your thoughtful responses. The process will involve listening to each other and to each other’s perceptions.
On the following pages is a list of key governance duties and characteristics connected with your position as a school board or policy team member.
- For each item you will give one rating on how you believe the board is doing “now.”
- Assign a score from 1-7 for each item, where low numbers represent low or minimum success, and high numbers represent high or maximum success.
- As you rate the items, it is important to think of the school board and superintendentas a policy team.
- Answer the four open-ended questions on the last page to complete the assessment.
For example:Scale 1-7 (1= low; 7= high)
NowI find being a board member to be a rewarding experience.
There are no right or wrong answers. If appropriate, do not hesitate to qualify or clarify your answer with a short written statement.
When finished, send your assessment results to your designated point person.
Important Considerations
- This completed self-assessment will be beneficial to the board once it has been shared with and discussed by the whole board.
- Any information submitted as part of the self-assessment process may constitute a public record and therefore may be subject to disclosure in compliance with Iowa Code Chapter 22. Please note that the final self-assessment report constitutes a public record and is subject to disclosure in compliance with Iowa Code Chapter 22.
- When completing the assessment, it is vital to use discretion in making narrative comments. It is productive to identify positive behaviors to help enhance the effectiveness of the board. It is also helpful to clarify behaviors that need to change, but is not beneficial to name specific individuals or to blame fellow board members.
Productive sample comment:
The board needs to display respectful behaviors to each other, especially on complex topics.
Unproductive Sample Statement
Jim (or “the board president”) needs to stop yelling at others during board meetings.
1 / Board Meetings / Now1.1 / A board member can easily place an item on the board meeting agenda.
1.2 / Board members are well prepared for board meetings.
1.3 / The agenda is accompanied by an appropriate amount of background information.
1.4 / Board members have adequate time to review the agenda before a board meeting.
1.5 / The board focuses its discussion on issues rather than personalities.
1.6 / The meetings start on time and conclude within a reasonable time period.
1.7 / The board solicits participation from each board member.
1.8 / Items are not added to the agenda at the board meeting by board members or the superintendent.
1.9 / The agenda is divided into action items and information items reflecting the district priorities, and the most important issues are typically the first tobe considered.
1.10 / The board spends the majority of its time on education programs and outcomes.
1.11 / There is a rational relationship between how long the board spends on an agenda item and the importance of the item.
1.12 / The board functions as a policy board and does not make administrative decisions.
1.13 / All discussion can be heard by the whole board and audience.
1.14 / The meeting is conducted in a businesslike manner, following accepted board policy.
1.15 / The board president takes charge of the meeting and encourages orderly decision-making.
1.16 / Board members are polite and treat each other, as well as school personnel, with respect during the meeting.
1.17 / A conscious effort is made to make the public feel welcome to attend board meetings.
1.18 / At the conclusion of a board meeting there is a general consensus the time was well spent.
2 / Team Building / Now
2.1 / Board members are able to disagree on matters and still maintain an attitude of mutual respect and trust.
2.2 / Board members pay attention to what each other are saying.
2.3 / Board members hold a common responsible view of the board’s role.
2.4 / Board members encourage each other to work as a team.
2.5 / Board members hold similar expectations for the role of board members.
2.6 / You feel other board members have confidence and trust in you.
2.7 / You have confidence and trust in the other members of the board.
3 / Planning / Now
3.1 / The board provides vision for the district’s educational future.
3.2 / The board is an active participant in the district’s planning process.
3.3 / The board receives progress reports on the state of the district’s goals and priorities.
3.4 / The board reviews district performance outcomes as a part of the planning process.
3.5 / School based goals are aligned to district goals.
3.6 / The board considers new educational practices and policies in planning for change.
4 / Decision-Making / Now
4.1 / Board members refrain from making commitments outside of board meetings.
4.2 / Board members treat information in closed sessions and negotiations strategymeetings as confidential for the protectionof individuals of the board.
4.3 / Board members avoid personal conflict of interest situations and the appearanceof the same.
4.4 / Board members vote their convictions.
4.5 / Board members display the willingness to devote the necessary time to become as effective as possible.
4.6 / The board represents the best interests of all the children of the entire district rather than a portion of the students.
4.7 / The board provides a quality educational program within present district financial constraints.
4.8 / Majority decisions of the board are supported by board members even when individual views may differ.
4.9 / The board exhibits effective decision-making skills.
4.10 / Differences and disagreements between members of the board are accepted as normal and then worked through rather than allowed to continue.
5 / Motivation / Now
5.1 / You enjoy performing activities of the school board.
5.2 / You feel a responsibility to help the school district be successful.
5.3 / The board members, as a group, are committed to performing their responsibilities.
5.4 / Individual board members feel responsibility for attaining the goals of the school board.
5.5 / The board serves as the key advocate for students.
6 / Board/Superintendent/Staff Relations / Now
6.1 / Before deciding any matter (other than the superintendent’s contract), the board provides the superintendent with ample opportunity to develop staff recommendations for action.
6.2 / The board communicates with the superintendent with clear performance expectations.
6.3 / The superintendent is given direction by the board as a whole rather than by individual members.
6.4 / The board conducts a written evaluation of the superintendent at least on an annual basis.
6.5 / The board views its superintendent as its administrative leader responsible for supervision of operations of the total district.
6.6 / The board communicates with the superintendent in a climate of trust and mutual respect, offering recommendation when earned and constructive criticism when necessary.
6.7 / The board encourages and supports professional growth of all staff members.
7 / Communications / Now
7.1 / Information about important activities and circumstances is shared among the board members.
7.2 / Communication among board members is honest and free from distrust andcover-up.
7.3 / Board members demonstrate good communication skills when dealing with the public.
7.4 / The board communicates high expectations for the performance of all students.
7.5 / The board has a comprehensive communication policy on addressing relationships with the media.
8 / Community/Public Relations / Now
8.1 / The board solicits input from all segments of the community in establishing goals for the district.
8.2 / The board has procedures which assure proper follow-up of citizen concerns.
8.3 / The board allows adequate time for public participation at board meetings but prevents a single individual or group from dominating discussions.
8.4 / The board balances the recommendations of Consultants and professionaleducators with wishes, needs, and desires of the community.
8.5 / The board encourages participation of advisory and community groups in anadvisory capacity to help solve specific problems.
8.6 / The board has policies which deal with the use of district facilities by civic groups and other local organizations.
8.7 / The board encourages public recognition of student, staff, and district accomplishments.
8.8 / The public is kept informed of the status and progress of educational programs.
8.9 / Board members participate actively in community affairs.
9 / Policy / Now
9.1 / The board operates according to written policies.
9.2 / The board actively seeks the contributions of faculty, students, and community members before drawing up a new policy.
9.3 / Policies are systematically reviewed and evaluated for their effectiveness at least once every three years.
9.4 / The board holds the superintendent responsible for implementing board policies.
9.5 / Both the board and staff adhere to current policies adopted by the board.
10 / Board Development / Now
10.1 / The board maintains a comprehensive orientation program for newly elected board members.
10.2 / The board assesses its performance on a regular basis.
10.3 / The board encourages its members to participate in learning development activities.
10.4 / The Iowa Association of School Boards is used as a resource to inform and develop the board.
10.5 / The board implements plans to improve its performance in areas of need.
11 / Legislative Leadership / Now
11.1 / The board is actively involved in state education legislation.
11.2 / Legislative reports are included on the board agenda.
11.3 / The board’s legislative resolutions are proposed to the Iowa Association ofSchool Boards.
Reflection: Please respond to the following questions.
- What do you believe are the greatest strengths of the board team?
- What do you believe are the greatest challenges facing the board team?
- What should the board be doing to address the challenges?
- What are two focus areas for improvement of board work that you really believe could help your team better serve the needs the district’s students?