January 9, 2017
The regular meeting of the Village Board, of the Village of Strum, Wisconsin, Trempealeau County, was held in the Village office on Monday, January 9, 2017.
Meeting called to order:
The meeting was called to order by the Village President, Dean Boehne at 6:30 p.m. Village Clerk, Michelle Loken, took the minutes of the meeting. The following board members were present: Gerritts, Thompson, Nelson, Booth, Windjue and Stendahl.
Open Meeting Law Requirements Have Been Complied With:
President Boehne announced the open meetings law requirements have been met for the meeting.
Approval of minutes:
A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Gerritts to approve the minutes from the regular Village Board Meeting held on December 12, 2016, as printed. Motion carried.
Appearances by Citizens and Others:
- Rick Schaumberg appeared to inform the board that he is running for Trempealeau County Judge. The Spring Primary is on February 21st and Spring Election is on April 4th. He is asking for support from the board members as he runs for office.
- Citizen Dennis Ulberg appeared to voice his concern about having the Public Works Department out with the plow truck on Christmas Day. He felt it was unnecessary for them to be out accumulating overtime. It was brought to his attention that even though it was raining, there were intersections that were very slippery and that the snow/ice had to be sanded/salted for safety of the residents of Strum. He also brought up the fact that the speed limit coming into the village on County Road V should not be 25 mph and should be raised up. He was informed that the entire village has a 25 mph speed limit except for Highway 10.
Reports from officers:
- Police Chief:
- Chief Marsolek stated that there has been a Tracs update and they have a new computer in the office. Marsolek also reported that he is working with the school district in helping getting meals to kids that are in need. He helps transport the bagged lunches from the high school to the elementary school in Strum.
- Zoning Commissioner: Nothing to report.
- Clerk:
- Picnic License: Strum Rod & Gun Club Ice Fishing Contest February 11, 2017 - A motion was made by Nelson and seconded by Thompson to approve the Picnic License. Motion carried.
Reports from Committees:
- Personnel: Nothing to report.
- Finance:
a. Missy was appearing on behalf of the Viking Golf & Dine LLC. They will be signing the lease for 2017 with a few changes. There is remaining funds from the 2016 budget. It was approved that the Osseo Plumbing bill and Benedicts Refrigeration bill will be paid by the village. A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Booth to change the lease so the village will be responsible for anything over $250.00 instead of $500.00. Motion carried.
- Public Works:
a. Disa Wahlstrand appeared regarding the 2017 street project. There will be a Public Hearing scheduled on January 16th at 6:30 pm. A motion was made by Nelson and seconded by Windjue to proceed with the project and schedule a bid opening for Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 3:00 pm. Motion carried.
- Public Safety:
a. There were a total of 3 bids for a new squad. A motion was made by Stendahl and seconded by Booth to go with the 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe for the price of $26,255.00. Motion carried.
- Public Welfare: Nothing to report.
- Solid Waste Management: Nothing to report.
- Library Board Report: Nothing to report.
- Joint Sewage Commission:
a. Nelson reported that there was a meeting last November with Davy Engineering, DNR and Trempealeau County regarding phosphorus trading. There was discussion of land trading which is what the Joint Commission is waiting for. There will be future meetings scheduled.
- Miscellaneous:
a. Trempealeau County Highway Department contacted Boehne regarding the possibility of constructing a salt storage shed on the lot that they own. The shed would have a roof on it to protect their storage. This would be either a 40’X60’ or 60’X100’ shed. A building permit would be needed before construction began. They will contact us at a later date.
Approval of Vouchers and Journal Entries: A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Windjue to pay the following bills and approve all journal entries. Check #’s 37882 thru 37937. Motion carried.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Windjue to adjourn at 8:16 p.m. Motion carried.
Dean Boehne, Village President
Michelle Loken, Village Clerk/Treasurer