Consultation Questionnaire
Proposed MA in Women’s Studies, University of Alberta
Deadline: February 9, 2007
Instructions: Please complete the following questionnaire and return the completed questionnaire by attachment to the following email address:
. If you prefer, the questionnaire can be printed, filled out and returned to the following address:
Lise Gotell
Associate Professor
Women’s Studies Program
University of Alberta
13-15 Tory
Name: Lynn Penrod
Title: Professor
Department (if applicable): Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Faculty (if applicable): Arts
Please place an “X” beside your current position:
undergraduate student
graduate student
x faculty member
retired faculty member
sessional instructor
x administrator
x member of the on-campus women’s community
member of the off-campus women’s community
Describe your current/past involvement with the Women’s Studies Program at the University of Alberta (place an “X” beside all that apply):
I am a current student.
I am an alumni.
x I currently teach Women’s Studies cross-listed courses offered by my department or program.
x I have taught Women’s Studies cross-listed courses offered by my department or program
I am currently supervising a Women’s Studies honors student.
x I have supervised a Women’s Studies honors student.
x I have been a member of the Women’s Studies Executive Committee (or past governing committees).
x I have actively participated in the Women’s Studies Program through serving on ad hoc committees (for example, hiring committees).
xI am a supporter of the Women’s Studies Program and have attended Women’s Studies sponsored events.
Please answer the following questions if you are a faculty member (for Yes/No responses place an “X” beside you response):
- Would you be willing to affiliate with a Women’s Studies MA program?
x Y
Please answer the following questions #2-#6 if you answered Yes to question #1:
- Briefly indicate your areas of interest/expertise:
French literature/literary translation/French children’s literature/law & lit/children & the law/Fr feminist theory/legal theory/adoption law/French women writers/critics/thinkers/Hélène Cixous/feminist approaches to translation/popular culture/consumer society/shopping & soap operas
- Do you currently offer any graduate courses that could be cross-listed with the proposed Women’s Studies MA program?
x Y
If Yes, please list (include course numbers and titles):
French 567 French Women Writers
- Do you currently offer any 400/500 level courses that could be cross-listed with the proposed Women’s Studies MA program?
If Yes, please list (include course numbers and titles):
French 467
- Would you be willing to supervise or co-supervise Women’s Studies MA students?
x Y
- Would you be willing to be involved in the proposed Women’s Studies MA program through membership on governing committees?
x Y
All respondents (including undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, faculty members/retired faculty members, sessional instructors, administrators and members of the on-campus and off-campus women’s community)(for Yes/No responses place an “X” beside you response):
- Would you be willing to write a formal letter of support for Women’s Studies MA program for submission with the final proposal?
x Y
- Would you like to receive a copy of our draft proposal for a Women’s Studies MA program?
x Y
- If you have any thoughts that would that would assist us in planning for the MA program and for the development of our formal proposal, please elaborate (feel free to append a separate document):
Thank you for your time and for your contribution to this consultation. A report summarizing the feedback that we receive will be prepared and circulated to respondents. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
If you have indicated that you would like to be affiliated with the proposed Women’s Studies MA program, we will contact you for your CV.
If you have indicated that you teach 400/500 level or graduate level courses that could be cross-listed with the proposed Women’s Studies MA program, we will contact you for course descriptions.
If you have indicated that you will be willing to write a formal letter of support for submission with a final proposal, we will be in contact when our draft proposal has been completed.
Jo-Ann Wallace
Professor, Department of English and Film Studies
Chair, Women's Studies Program
Editor, ESC: English Studies in Canada
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E5
Lise Gotell
Associate Professor
Women's Studies
13-15 Tory
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2H4
phone: 780-492-0326