SCI Store Web Services Change Notification


Please find below details of a change that is to take place which impacts SCI Store Web Services. This change will only come into effect following the implementation of the stated Build number or subsequent Build number.

If this change has an impact on your application interface to SCI Store please discuss this with your NHS Sponsor and if necessary raise a call with the SCI Store Team through the helpdesk at r directly on 0845 957 2700.

This call should be raised against the group “UK.AppsSupp.SCIStore.CS”.

For immediate escalation of any SCI Store Web Services issue please contact :-

SCI Store Web Services Manager

01506 606 432/0773331 2794

SCI Store Implementation Manager

01506 606 427/ 0773 331 2963
Change Summary:

The new Version 8.1 of SCI Store Web Services is available in this Release of SCI Store.

Change Detail:

Version 8.1 Web Services
The following list details the enhancements implemented in Web Services V8.1 :-
  • Status of patient identifiers, names, telecoms available in the web service getPatient response.
  • Last encountered date/time available in web services getPatient response for patient identifiers, names, telecoms and addresses
  • Last encountered date/time and first encountered date/time available in getPatient response web services for patient UCPN’s
  • Status of an investigation report available in the web services
  • Find result – ability to request inactive status reports if required
  • Get Result – status of report available in response
  • Refactored elements that used extensibility tags in previous WS versions to have their own defined element.
  • UniqueCarePathwayNumber in investigation reports
  • AbnormalityFlag in results (find and get)
  • Implement requested web service performance improvements, minimizing the amount of unnecessary data returned in WS responses. The 3rd party application can now specify in the request whether they require the sections below to be included in the related response :-
  • Extended demographics in getPatient
  • HTML in getResult (set and sample)
  • Patient Information in getResult
  • Patient Information in getDocument
  • Patient Information in getADT
  • Patient Information in getTreatmentLog

Impact on existing users:

Reason for change:

To coincide with the release of V8.1 of SCI Store, primarily due to the need for extra status information against Patient’s Name, Address, Telecoms & Identifiers.

Related Documentation:

StoreWS 8-1 Quick Start Guide.doc
StoreWS 8-1 Developer Handbook.doc

Change implemented in SCI Store Build number:

Build 8.1.1201 (v8.1 Web Services)

Associated Tracker Service Change Request number (this may be a UCF, internal request etc.):


Feedback (Please provide any comments/issues you have with this change) :