Parish of Kilkeel

Sunday 26th June,

To Know, Grow and Go

Welcome to our Gift Day Services today.

A special welcome is extended to any visitors.

Please join us at 6.30pm for

our evening Gift Day Service .

A Gift Day Prayer

Open my eyes that they may see the deepest needs of people;

Move my hands that they may feed the hungry;

Touch my heart that it may bring warmth to the despairing;

Teach me the generosity that welcomes strangers;

Let me share my possessions to clothe the naked;

Give me the care that strengthens the sick;

Make me share in the quest to set the prisoner free.

Lord, you have given me so much in Jesus, help me to give to others

as freely and generously as I have received from you.


Please join us this evening at 6.30pm in Christ Church for our

evening Gift Day Service. Everyone will be welcome.

Junior & Senior YF will resume in September.

Next Sunday, 3rd July there will be no evening service in ChristChurch. Please join us for Hymns by the Sea at 8.30pm on Mourne

Esplanade where the local churches will celebrate together.

Christ Church & Kilkeel Presbyterian Church will jointly host the hymn writer and musician Stuart Townend in September 2011. He will be giving one concert in ChristChurch on Wednesday 21st September. Tickets for this event are on sale from Christ Church Parish Office, at a cost of £7.50each. There are a few tickets left—please make your purchases so as not to be disappointed.

Thursday 30th June; a meeting will be held at the Rectory for the Home Bible Study leaders starting at 8.00pm.

The ChristChurch graveyard is a very peaceful and important place for many in this parish. Everyone who is responsible for keeping a plot tidy is encouraged to ensure this happens, especially over the summer months.

SDFHI ‘Big School Uniform Event`

Please help us to help local families…Firstly we need donations from you - please leave all pre-loved items of school uniform still in good condition to the SDFHI Offices in Warrenpoint or The Sea Shell Centre, Kilkeel. Please only give us items that you would consider fit for purpose. SDFHI will then sort, prepare and host a uniform shop where all items can be purchased for £1 each!

For example: Blazers, Water proof coats, shirts, trousers, jumpers, sweatshirts, P.E gear, track suits, football boots, sports jerseys and football shirts etc all welcome!

Please see flyer in the porch and hall for times of sales.

South Down Family Health Initiative are holding a number of Outreach Clinics.

Citizens Advice, Seashell Centre, 18 Newcastle Street, Kilkeel, Fridays 9.30am—12.30pm. No appointment needed.

Housing Executive, The Seashell Centre, Wednesdays 10.00am—3.00pm

Autism Family Support Group, Monthly support meetings, The Seashell Centre, Kilkeel. 21st July, 18th August, 15th September & 13th October, 7.30—9.00pm.

More information can be found at

ChristChurch, Kilkeel Holiday Bible Club

1st—5th August 2011

10.00am-3.00pm (bring a packed lunch)

Registration dates:Fri 1st July, 7-8.30pm

Sat 2nd July 10-11.30am

Visit for more information.

Scamps Summer Scheme

Seashell Centre, 22nd—26th August 2011

5-12 years, cost £15

Registration 18th—20th July, 9.00am—2.00pm

Phone Annamarie on 028 417 64718

Fellowship Hour at the home of Maureen Teggerty will resume in September.

Bishop’s Bible Week, 22nd—25th August inc. at The Jethro Centre in Lurgan, meeting each night starting at 7.30pm. The studies will look at Elijah and Elisha. This years speaker is Canon John Hughes.

Mon 22nd, On the anvil –Transforming a community (1 Kings 17)

Tues 23rd, Coming off the fence –A clash of Kingdoms (1 Kings 18)

Wed 24th, Down but not out –Dealing with burnout (1 Kings 19

Thurs 25th, Passing the baton –Releasing leaders (2 Kings 2)

Visit for more information.

OPENCHURCH. Wednesdays 12.30pm –2.00pm.

Everyone is welcome to take time aside for the daily routine and come into the quiet of ChristChurch to pray, read or meditate on God. The Rector is normally present during this time and is happy to speak with and pray with anyone who would like to do so.

The Rector will be on leave from 7th—27th July inc. Emergency Pastoral contact to follow.

Sunday 3rd July

9.45amHoly Communion, Carginagh

11.30amHoly Communion, ChristChurch

8.30pmHymns by the Sea, Mourne Esplanade

(No evening service in ChristChurch)

Flowers: Mrs P Irvine

Crèche: Karen, Tracey & Kathryn

Children’s Church: Sylvia & Charmaine


For those in our parish recently bereaved

For those who are ill, at home and in hospital

For the elderly in our parish who are lonely

For the missions we support as a church and those planning mission work

for the summer months

For all those in a leading role in church organisations as the summer break begins

For our children and youth, for safety over the holidays


Holywood. Rector: Roger Elks

For our music ministry, choirs, bands and music groups

For our year of celebrating our ‘Past and a Future’, especially

our Flower Festival in October

For the development of our fellowship groups and the inclusion of more members

For the growth and development of ‘Worship etc’, our informal

Sunday evening service


RECTORRev. Ken McGrath 028 41762300

SECRETARYKaren Harding028 417 65994/07771782724

SEXTONSidnee Irvine 07808159797

FCOWLynda Quinn028 41765994
