Last Updated: May 14, 2008

Banner HR/Payroll Project Team:

Paula Hall

Connie Brady

Kandi Carper

Jodie Knox

Lori Kory

Karen Marsh

Jeannette Phillips

Marg Rogers

Norma Juarez

EWU Banner HR/Payroll Communication Plan

Last Updated: October 30, 2018



1.2Communication Strategy



Table 1. Communication Roles and Responsibilities


Table 2. Stakeholders and Audiences

5Modes of Communication

Table 3. Modes of Communication

6Communication Schedule

6.1Communication Phase 1:

6.2Communication Phase II:

6.3Communication Phase III:




EasternWashingtonUniversity is in the process of implementing the Sungard Banner® line of administrative software products to provide improved support services for the university community.

The scope of the enterprise-wide replacement project includes the implementation of Banner Finance, Human Resources/Payroll, Student and Financial Aid. The Student and Financial Aid modules completed going live in September 2006. Banner Finance was implemented in July 1, 2007. Banner Human Resources/Payroll is the last phase of the overall TALONS project and the modules/functionality will, “Go Live” in January 2009. The “move to production” and stabilization activities will continue through year-end processing in June 2009.

This plan presents the strategy and tactics for communicating pertinent project information to targeted audiences, using appropriate distribution channels, methods, and schedules.

1.2Communication Strategy

The Banner Human Resources/Payroll communication strategy has been developed to provide project clarity and to minimize the duplication of messages to our target audiences.

“TALONS” is the acronym for the implementation project and represents the project values:







“TALONS” has been identified as the official logo of the enterprise- wide system replacement project and will be displayed on all official project communication materials throughout the project implementation period. TALONS is the official name of the project website, and will serve as the primary mode of communication for the project.

The project knowledge materials and documentation will be stored in the Banner HR Implementation Blackboard Course, .

Banner HR/Payroll is the last phase of the university’s enterprise-wide replacement project.

The communication strategy identifies three separate communication phases within the Banner Human Resources/Payroll project and is identified as:

Phase 1:“Taking Flight” – Banner HR/Payroll project planning and start up (August 2007 through April 2008)

Phase 2:“Learning to Soar” – Banner HR/Payroll training, business analysis, discovery and application (May 2008 through December 2008)

Phase 3:“The Eagle Has Landed!” – Banner HR/Payroll “Go Live” and move to Production (January 2009 through June 2009)


The project communication strategy is committed to keeping key principles before the University Community to foster a positive, successful implementation. This is in keeping with our project mantra: “The speed with which a complex project is perfected is directly proportional to the number of informed people”.

The key principles/messages are:

  • Project Status Information
  • Banner Human Resources/Payroll Functionality
  • New Business Decisions
  • Process Improvements
  • Changes to process, forms and procedures
  • Training opportunities and Training documentation
  • Self-Service capabilities
  • Security and Access


Table 1 shows roles and responsibilities in terms of project communications.

Table 1. Communication Roles and Responsibilities

Role / Name / Responsibilities
Communications Work Group Lead / Paula Hall (EWU Project Manager) /
  • Lead Communications work group in the development and implementation of the project communication strategy.
  • Update TALONS-Banner Human Resources/Payroll project website information.
  • Publish monthly project newsletter.
  • Work with Project Management team to resolve communication issues.
  • Assist Project Management team, Functional teams, and other project team members with messages, presentations, etc., as requested.

Project Management Team / Paula Hall (EWU PM)
Toni Habeggar (AVP Business/Finance)
Caren Lincoln (HR)
Jan Bliss (Benefits)
Kathy Sawtells (Payroll)
Tesha Kropidlowski (Budget)
Anne Gehr (Functional Tech.)
Erick Keating (ES Tech.) /
  • Act as “Project Champions”
  • Guide the project implementation by advising or resolving project issues
  • Provide resources from their respective organizations

Executive Sponsor / Mary Voves (VP Business & Finance) /
  • Executive level project oversight
  • “Championing” project and provide project awareness to senior level
  • Approval of project scope and/or significant changes to the project plan


This section defines the stakeholders and other audiences that have been identified as the targets of this strategy. Information on communication objectives, specific to the audience, methods, and special concerns are also included.



Table 2. Stakeholders and Audiences (see Addendum #1)

Audience / Objectives / Messages / Methods / Issues/Concerns / Owner
Senior Administration:
Cabinet: President, Provosts, Vice Presidents and CIO / Provide regular, concise reports on project status. / Advance notification of issues that may escalate through their direct reports.
Develop very specific translations/definitions of Banner and project jargon. /
  • Update every 6 weeks or in emergency/risk situation
  • Monthly project status reports
  • Detailed reports as needed, e.g. project risks
/ Top management is often subject to substantial political pressure from legislators, the Board of Trustees, and faculty members. Ongoing awareness of project developments is critical. / Mary Voves (VP-Business and Finance)
Need to identify, when they meet, how to get on agenda, what materials need to be developed and when , who is delivering the message – need calendar of their meetings – Contact person needed
President’s Staff / Provide regular project information, upcoming activities, communication / Advance notification of communication events, training and policy/procedure changes /
  • Distribute the Communication Strategy Document
  • Project Updatesif needed
  • Personal contact with person identified as project contact
/ This group wants to be aware of any project activity that affects the campus community / Paula Hall, This group meets every Thursday at 10:30AM
Contacts: Laurie Connelly and Leslie Mowatt
ITPC – Information Technology Policy Council
Who: Gary Pratt/CIO chairs w/Vice Presidents / Provide regular status of project, activities and communication / Project Status /
  • Should update monthly through the project implementation period
/ This group is concerned with project status, risks and project oversight / Toni Habegger/Paula Hall
Denise Campitelli x4765 would be contact for this group
Feb 28th2:30-4:30 S201
Mar 20, 2-4PM S201
April 17, 2-4PM S201
May 15, 2-4PM, S201
June 19, 2-4PM, S201
Deans /Associate Deans/Chairs / Promote awareness of this project.
Provide information on the effects of the project on their departmental operations. / Provide on-going, high-level updates on project status and where to go for more information. /
  • Personal meetings/ presentations
  • GME
  • TALONS website
/ There is little awareness of the project by this group.
Each of these groups has different cultures and expectations. Communication should be customized for each area. / Academic Administrative Managers
Academic Senate / Promote awareness of this project and provide information on the effects of the project on individual faculty / Demonstrate how they will use the HRPR functionality. /
  • Scheduled Faculty Senate Meeting presentation/agenda item
/ Toni Habegger could present (Denise Van Meter, x2279 is contact)
Doris Munson is the ACC Committee Chair and has TALONS on as an agenda item for each meeting.
Feb 11 & 25
Mar 10 & 31
Apr 14 & 28
May 5
3-5PM in Pub 263,5,7
Academic Administrative Managers
WHO: Professional staff within the academic departments / Engage department managers to champion the implementation of Banner HR/Payroll, Demonstrate benefits of Banner HR/Payroll in terms of time, efficiency and reporting, using specific scenarios. / Demonstrate how Banner HR/Payroll will provide better data, eliminate duplicate data entry, and provide more efficient and effective reporting.
How Banner HRPR will change their day to day business functions /
  • General print and electronic communication.
  • Open forums/Town Hall meetings
  • Individual meetings w/ Project Team members to obtain feedback and questions.
  • NOTE: some areas may be included as “Special Constituents” (see below)
/ Individuals in this group often have large budgets and staffs. They rely on accurate data and reports.
This group should be enthusiastically and publicly supportive of the project. / Anne Skaer, x7911is the contact with this group. They meet regularly and info could be presented at those meetings – this group could act as a focus group.
Academic Affairs Associate Vice Provosts/Directors / Demonstrate benefits of Banner HR/Payroll in terms of time, efficiency and report, web access using specific scenarios /
  • Identify value of new system
  • Give them an understanding of how new system may changer operation functions within their areas
  • Updates at scheduled meetings
  • Assistance with questions/resolutions regarding new business processes
  • All general project communications
/ This group knows how to use current systems to get information and have “shadow” systems that support their daily functions. They may be skeptical about the functionality of the new system and concerned about the impact of change to their existing processes / Nick Jackson
Advancement – Associate Vice Presidents/ Directors / Demonstrate benefits of Banner HR/Payroll in terms of time, efficiency and reporting, web access using specific /
  • Identify value of new system
  • Give them an understanding of how new system may change operational functions within their areas.
  • Presentation at Quarterly meetings
  • All general project communications
/ This group knows how to use current systems to get information and have “shadow” systems that support their daily functions. They may be skeptical about the functionality of the new system and concerned about the impact or change to their existing processes. / Mike Westfall/Dave Sonntag - Quarterly Meetings with all personnel
Business & Finance – Associate Vice President/Directors / Demonstrate benefits of Banner HR/Payroll in terms of time, efficiency and reporting, web access using specific /
  • Identify value of new system
  • Give them an understanding of how new system may change operational functions within their areas.
  • Presentation at monthly meetings
  • All general project communications
/ This group knows how to use current systems to get information and have “shadow” systems that support their daily functions. They may be skeptical about the functionality of the new system and concerned about the impact or change to their existing processes. / Toni Habegger
Chief Information Officer / To ensure successful collaborative implementation of the HRPR system and ongoing support of system functionality after “go live” /
  • Project Scope
  • OIT Deliverables and project implementation timeline
  • Project updates at regularly scheduled meetings throughout the project implementation period
  • Weekly PMT meetings
/ This group is very involved in the project implementation, system infrastructure design/maintenance and the integration of all the software components – concerns about allocation of resources to achieve all functionality needed / Gary Pratt
Student Affairs - Associate Vice Presidents/Directors / Demonstrate benefits of Banner HR/Payroll in terms of time, efficiency and reporting, web access using specific scenarios. /
  • Identify value of new system
  • Give them an understanding of how new system may change operational functions within their areas.
  • Updates at scheduled meetings
  • Assistance with questions/resolutions regarding new business process
  • All general project communications
/ This group knows how to use current systems to get information and have “shadow” systems that support their daily functions. They may be skeptical about the functionality of the new system and concerned about the impact or change to their existing processes. / Conduct SA Directors meetings every 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesday, from 10:30 – Noon (Sutton 300)
Labor Communications
Who: Union representatives responsible for communicating with their constituents / To ensure that union representatives have an understanding of the new system capabilities and can assist constituents with transition without undue stress/issues /
  • New system functionality
  • Business Decisions that affect end user staff
  • Face to face
  • Email
  • All general project communications
/ Concern for members regarding access to system functionality, how the new system will impact staff working environment / Carol Hawkins is the contact for us with this group
Contacts: Rick Nesbitt and Mary Jo VanBemel
Administrative Managers
WHO: Professional and support staff within the administrative departments, e.g. Admin. Assistants, Program Administrators, Analysts, Senior Secretarial Staff, Operational Mgrs. / Demonstrate benefits of Banner HR/Payroll in terms of time, efficiency and reporting, using specific scenarios.
In many cases, these people are the KEY opinion leaders so special attention should be paid to their concerns. / Help them see the value of the new system on their own professional development. /
  • Email
  • Formal training
  • Small support group meetings
  • One-on-one interaction
/ This group knows how to use current systems to get information and have “shadow” systems that support their daily functions. They may be skeptical about the functionality of the new system and concerned about the impact or change to their existing processes. / Various – See Appendix A
Quarterly Faculty / To ensure that quarterly faculty receive information / Project activity /
  • All General Information
  • Hard Copy information to their home
/ Concern regarding these folks receiving consistent and timely communications / Kim Davis
Non-Student Hourly / Ensure that all non student hourly employees receive all information pertinent to payroll/timesheet processing / New functionality, new processes or procedures /
  • Newsletters
  • Banner Bulletins
  • Payroll Check/Advice leaflets
  • Hard Copy information sent to home
/ Concerned about this group receiving consistent timely communication materials / Caren Lincoln
Student Employees / Ensure that all student employees receive all information pertinent to payroll/timesheet processing / New functionality, new processes or procedures /
  • Newsletters
  • Banner Bulletins
  • Payroll Check/Advice leaflets
  • Hard Copy information sent to home
/ Concerned about students reading communication material and understanding new processes / Colleen King
Remote Site Employees / Ensure that all remote site employees receive pertinent information regarding HR/Payroll/timesheet processing / New functionality, new processes and new procedures /
  • Newsletters
  • Banner Bulletins
  • Payroll Check/Advice leaflets
  • Hard Copy information sent to home
/ Concern that these folks will not receive the same communication and access to information as the on campus staff / Departments/Communication Work Group
Riverpoint Campus/Bellevue Campus / Ensure that staff on the Riverpoint/Bellevue Campus have the same opportunities for communication, training and participation in project events. / Project activity, new processes or procedures /
  • Newsletters
  • Banner Bulletins
  • Payroll Check/Advice leaflets
  • Hard Copy information sent to home
/ Concern that these folks will not receive the same communication and access to information as the on campus staff / Ron Dalla
General Campus Community
All Faculty, Staff and Student employees / Ensure that all remote site employees receive pertinent information regarding HR/Payroll/timesheet processing / All general project messages /
  • All
/ Communication Work Group
Banner HR/Payroll personnel and project team members. / Provide information to help individuals understand purpose and impact of the project, what their role is, and what is happening in their own area. Motivational throughout project period / Project status.
Provide information on how/where to obtain training, documentation, and job aids. /
  • TALONS website
  • Banner Documentation
  • Blackboard
  • Electronic newsletters
  • Function Team Lead meetings with staff
  • Periodic group meetings: phase kick-offs, training, final project “Go-Live”, etc.
/ Lack of communication can lead to misinformation, mixed message given to the end-users, decreases in productivity and staff morale. / Project Management Team



5Modes of Communication

This section summarizes the modes of communication that will be utilized throughout the project. Detailed documentation on specific modes/methods (e.g. updates to TALONS website) will be developed separately as needed.


  • TALONS Electronic Newsletters
  • TALONS Hardcopy Newsletters
  • Other EWU Departmental Newsletters (CSBS, DIEO, Grants, Facilities, Student Affairs)
  • Banner Bulletins
  • Event Invitations
  • Project Status Reports
  • Team/Work Group Charters
  • Sungard Banner Documentation
  • HRPR Project Documentation
  • QSI Presentation (PPT)
  • End User Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • End User Training Guides/Job Aids
  • Updated Functional Policies/Procedures


  • Campus wide informational fairs
  • QSI
  • Project Kick Off
  • Project Participant Information/Training
  • Focus Groups
  • President’s Cabinet
  • ITPC Meetings
  • Academic Senate
  • Academic Administrative Managers
  • Administrative Managers
  • Student Affairs Directors
  • Business & Finance Staff
  • Business Services Staff
  • Advancement Quarterly Staff
  • Labor Communications
  • Functional Training Labs
  • Project Management Team
  • Team/Work Groups
  • Sungard Functional Training
  • EWU End User Training
  • Project “Go Live” Celebration


  • TALONS Website ( )
  • Blackboard Project Course
  • Banner Bookshelf
  • Campus wide email (Banner Bulletins)
  • Luminis Calendar Announcement
  • Direct Mail
  • Paycheck/Advice Stuffers - leaflet
  • Mailbox Stuffers
  • The Easterner
  • The Focus
  • GME
  • Other EWU departmental newsletters (i.e. Grants, CSBS, Student Affairs, DIEO, Facilities etc)
  • Screens on Campus Kiosks
  • Table Tents in Tawanka, Pub and Riverpoint



Table 3. Modes of Communication

Category / Method
(What) / Purpose