St Mary of the Cross, Point Cook



15thApril, 2016

Dear Parents & Carers,

A very warm welcome back to term two from all at St Mary of the Cross. I hope that everyone had a great holiday and an enjoyable break from the school routine.

Term two has begun smoothly and all the children and staff have settled back into the routines of school.

Inservice Day – School Closure

The second school closure day will be held on Friday, 6th May. School will not be open on this day.

The closure day was previously advertised two weeks later, but our school review presentation date has been moved forward and we need all staff to work on this document. My apologies if there is any inconvenience with the date change.

ANZAC Day service

The school has a special connection to ANZAC Day and all that it means to Australia’s history. In order to celebrate the day appropriately, we are forming a small committee to develop the ceremony for the day.

The committee will meet on Tuesday, 19th April at 5.00pm. All parents are welcome to attend and work with staff members to develop our commemorative celebration.

We will celebrate ANZAC Day on Tuesday, 26th April. The commemorative service will commence at 9.00am.

First Eucharist

Congratulations to our seven year four students who will make their first holy communion on this coming Sunday. They will celebrate their first communion at the 9.00am parish mass at Stella Maris. All members of our community are invited to come along and celebrate with us.

Board of Management positions – Nominations are open

A reminder that nominations for the two vacant positions on the Board of Management are now open. Communications were sent home during the holidays, and the material, including the Nomination Form are located on the school website.

Staff News

It is with some sadness that I advise you that Anne Thomas (Additional Needs Teacher) will be leaving us this week. Anne is taking up a position at the Catholic Education Office as Special Needs School Advisor. We wish Anne all the very best in her new position.

Help Needed

We need one or two volunteers to help organise the Scholastic Book Club which goes out to families twice per term. Duties would include distributing pamphlets and books when they arrive etc. Anyone interested in this role please see Kate at the front office.

Major Fundraiser/P&F Project

Over the last few months the Parents and Friends have been discussing a ‘major’ fundraiser. Given that Stella Maris have a family fun day, and Lumen Christi have a fete, we wanted to try and have a different major fund raiser.

During the discussions, an idea came up to conduct a Point Cook Family Fun Run. There are many ideas and ‘problems’ to solve around this project, but the P&F would like to establish a special Committee to help look at the logistics of this project and then move to getting it off the ground if it is viable.

If you are interested in helping out with the organisation of this project, or have a particular organisational skill that you think we could use, please email Leon Colla to express your interest.

Please note: no further details have been arranged at this stage (date, time, route etc)

Next week (week two):

Sunday, / 17th April / First Eucharist (Year four students) 900am Stella Maris
Monday, / 18th April / Olympic Spirit excursion to CERES
Tuesday, / 19th April / ANZAC Day committee meeting (5.00pm)
Wednesday, / 20th April
Thursday, / 21st April / Melbourne Community excursion to Werribee Zoo
Friday, / 22nd April / P&F Coffee morning – all welcome (9.00)
Rio community – Melbourne Water Guest speaker

The Week after (week three):

Monday, / 25th April / ANZAC Day – Public Holiday
Tuesday, / 26th April / ANZAC Day commemorative service (9.00am)
Wednesday, / 27th April
Thursday, / 28th April / Caritas Leadership Day (Year 6)
Active Travel Plan Committee (5.00)
Friday, / 29th April / P&F Coffee morning – all welcome (9.00)
Stay and Play afternoon (3.30-4.30) TBC