File: GBM

Personnel Transfer

The Superintendent or designee may transfer any employee, including personnel employed as principals and supervisors, from one position, school or grade to another by giving written notice to the teacher or employee of such intention to transfer. Such transfer shall not be for political or personal reasons. In order to preserve quality instruction, no transfers of instructional personnel shall be initiated during the regular school term, except in emergencies or promotional instances where transfers are required.

Transfers affecting certified educational staff and para-educators shall be determined after consultation with the site administrator. Every effort will be made to give the site based administrator or department head the latitude to preserve staff based upon their judgment and determination. Administrators shall continue to have the right to place one certificated educator position as a “hold” when positions are available.

The Superintendent shall determine transfers when staffing formulas, school restructuring, or funding changes make it necessary to transfer teachers, administrators, and support staff. Displaced personnel shall be the first placed within each targeted subject area or area of certification when staffing a school. End-of-year hires (certified educational staff and para-educators), defined as those who are hired after Labor Day of each school year, do not qualify for transfers unless the site administrator declares that he or she waives the end-of-year hire designation by notifying human resources upon hire that they wish to retain the employee. End-of-year hires must interview with principals for any available position for which they are qualified to teach or work.

The principal shall have the authority to transfer employees within the school in which the principal is employed and must notify the superintendent and human resources to ensure that the transfer is appropriately recorded for budgeting and staffing control purposes.

Transfer decisions for personnel other than certificated instructional personnel shall be based upon performance, effectiveness, and qualifications as applicable to each specific position. Effectiveness, as determined by the Board’s personnel evaluation program, shall be the primary reason for considering a transfer. Conversely, seniority or tenure shall not be used as the primary reason when making any decisions to transfer an employee.


Employees who voluntarily request a lateral transfer to another location or position shall have a minimum of two (2) three (3) years at a school or department before being eligible for a voluntary transfer to another location. Employees must submit such requests to the Superintendent in writing prior to March 1, with a copy provided to the employee’s principal or immediate supervisor in order to be considered for the next school year. Human Resources shall also notify principals and supervisors of employees who are requesting transfers.

A teacher transferred to a school or position must be certified and qualified for the position to which transferred. Should a person request reassignment to a lesser position, such personnel, upon reassignment, shall be placed in the salary schedule at the level of the new position. Unless otherwise determined by the Superintendent, all transfers for the next school year shall be finalized on a date determined by Human Resources that shall be no later than the end of April in the current school year.

When vacancies occur in new or existing positions (administrative and professional positions as per the Lafayette Parish School system salary schedule), such vacancies will be made know to all employees and anyone who possesses the qualifications for the position may apply. First consideration will be given to qualified applicants from among current employees.

A teacher or other school employee who has been a victim of physical abuse by any student(s) shall be given the opportunity to transfer to another position for which he/she is certified or otherwise qualified and in which he/she shall not have contact with the student(s), provided there is a position available.

Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 17:7, 17:81, 17:443.

Adopted: 07/18/79

Revised: 09/03/80

Revised: 07/16/03

Revised: 06/29/11

Revised: 07/17/13

Revised 02/18/15

Lafayette Parish Public Schools, Louisiana draft Page 2 of 2