
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

A. N. Whitehead (1861-1947)

(Alfred North Whitehead; British mathematician and philosopher, b. Kent; Chair of mathematics a Oxford, and chair of philosophy at USA 1924-; philosopher of mathematics and symbolic logic, extends logical symbolic analysis to social and natural sciences, ethics, esthetics and religion)


Whitehead, Alfred North. A Treatise on Universal Algebra with Applications. Cambridge UP, 1898. Rpt. Hafner, 1960.

_____. An Introduction to Mathematics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1911. Pbk (Great Books of the Western World, 56). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.

_____. The Organization of Thought Educational and Scientific. Lippincott, 1917.

_____. The Concept of Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1920. Pbk Prometheus Books, 2004. (1919 Tarner Lectures delivered at Trinity College).

_____. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge. 1919. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1925.

_____. The Principle of Relativity with Applications to Physical Science. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1922.

_____. Science and the Modern World. New York, 1925.

_____. Science and the Modern World. 1926. New York: New American Library, 1948.

_____. Science and the Modern World. Pbk. (Great Books of the Western World, 55). Simon & Schuster-Free Press, 1997.

_____. Religion in the Making. 1926. 1974. Rpt. (New American Library). With introduction by Judith A. Jones, Fordham Univ. Press, 1996.

_____. Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology. 1929. Rev. ed., edited by David Ray Griffin and Donald W. Sherburne. New York: Free Press, 1979.

_____. Adventures of Ideas. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1933.

_____. Adventures of Ideas. Pbk. Free Press, 1967.

_____. Religion in the Making. 1926. 1974. Rpt. (New American Library). With introduction by Judith A. Jones, Fordham Univ. Press, 1996.

_____. Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect. The 1927 Barbour-Page Lectures, given at the University of Virginia. 1927. Pbk. Fordham UP, 1985.

_____. The Aims of Education and Other Essays. 1929. Pbk. Free Press, 1985.

_____. Function of Reason. 1929. Pbk. Beacon Press, 1971.

_____. Nature and Life. U of Chicago P, 1934.

_____. Modes of Thought. 1938. Pbk. Free Press, 1968.

_____. "Mathematics and the Good" in The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Ed. P. A. Schilpp. 1941. 2nd. ed. New York, Tudor, 1951. 666-81.

_____. "Mathematics and the Good." In Science & Philosophy. Philosophical Library, 1948.

_____. Essays in Science and Philosophy. Ed. Dagobert Runes. Philosophical Library, 1947.

_____. The Wit and Wisdom of Whitehead. Beacon Press, 1947.

_____. A. N. Whitehead: An Anthology. Ed. F. S. C. Northrop and M. W. Gross. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1953.

_____. Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead. Ed. Lucien Price. Introd. Sir Ross David. 1954. Reprinted 1977, Greenwood Press Reprint, 1977.

_____. Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead. Foreword by Caldwell Titcomb. David R. Godine Publisher, 2001.

_____. Reflections on Man and Nature. Ed. Ruth Nanda Ashen. In Alfred North Whitehead, His Reflections on Man and Nature. New York: Harper&Brothers, 1961.


Russell, Bertrand, and A. N. Whitehead. Principia Mathematica. 1910-13. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1925. (Vol. 1 to *56 is available as a CUP paperback).


"Alfred North Whitehead." In Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*



Borges, Jorge Luis. "Modes of Thought, de A. N. Whitehead." 1939. In Borges, Textos cautivos: Ensayos y reseñas en El Hogar. Ed. Enrique Sacerio Garí and Emir Rodríguez Monegal. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1986.*

Evans, Malcolm D. Whitehead and the Philosophy of Education: The Seamless Coat of Learning. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998.

Rodríguez Consuegra, Francisco. "El origen de la construcción lógica fenomenalista: Mach, Moore y Whitehead." Enrahonar 20 (1993): 31-55.* PDF in Raco



Linsenmayer, Mark, et al. "Episode 110: Alfred North Whitehead, What Is Nature?"Audio debate. The Partially Examined Life 2 Feb. 2015.*