Incorporation of input prices and scale effects in a multi-factor learning curve for photovoltaic technology

W.G.J.H.M. van Sark, Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS, Utrecht, the Netherlands, +31 302537611,

C.F. Yu, Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation,

Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS, Utrecht, the Netherlands, +31 302537600,

E.A. Alsema, Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation,

Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS, Utrecht, the Netherlands, +31 302537618, e.a.alsema


In a large number of energy models, the use of learning curves for estimating technological improvements has become popular (Kahouli-Brahmi, 2008). This is based on the assumption that technological development can be monitored by following cost development as a function of market size. However, recent data show that in some stages of photovoltaic technology (PV) production, the market price of PV modules stabilizeseven though the cumulative capacity increases (Van Sark, 2008). This would imply that no technological learning takes place in these periods: the cost predicted by the learning curve in the PV study is lower than the market one. We propose that this bias results from ignoring the effects of input prices and scale effects, and that incorporating the input prices and scale effects into the learning curve theory is an important issue in making cost predictions more reliable.It has been argued that a much broader set of influences than experience alone accounts for cost reduction comprising economies of scale, technological progress, input price changes, internal efficiency and learning-by-doing (Hall and Howell, 1995). These influences can be incorporated in so-called multi-factor learning curves.

Only a few studies attempt to separate the effects of scale and input prices from the learning effects.For example, Nemet(2006) criticizes that “the learning curve model relies on assumptions about weakly understood empirical studies.”In addition, the linkages between cumulative capacity and technological outcomes are not well understood at this moment. As a result, an alternative approach based on a traditional engineering analysis is adopted by Nemet (2006)to analyze technological change.Instead of cumulative output alone, he decomposes the module cost of PV production into several factors: raw material, plant and wafer size, average module cost, and module efficiency, leading to an equation in which all these factors are added: However, the results of his model show that these factors fail to explain most of the cost changes.

We will describe a methodology to incorporate the scale and input-prices effect as the additional variables into the one-factor learning curve (OFLC), which leads to the definition of a the multi-factor learning curve (MFLC). This multi-factor learning curve is not only derived from economic theories, but also supported by an empirical study for PV technology.The results clearly show that input prices and scale effects are to be included, and that, although market prices are stabilizing, learning is still taking place.


We consider three input elements, labor (L),capital(K) and materials (M).As the unit prices of labor (PL), capital (PK) and material (PM) are taken into account, the cost minimization equation can be written as:


This equation is then subject to a constraint equation that a fixed output Qx is to be produced:


where Ctotal represents the total cost of a producing the fixed level of output Qx.

We usethe Cobb-Douglas function, which is defined as:


in which δ1, δ2 andδ3 are the elasticity of labor, capital, and materials, respectively (0<δ1<1, 0<δ2<1and0<δ31), A represents the technological change element which can be defined as for a two-factor learning curve (KS is the knowledge stock, or learning-by-researching (Söderholm and Sundqvist, 2007)). In order to solve the minimization or maximization issues, the Lagrangian method is used. Finally we arrive at a generalized MFLC by adding more input prices (P1P2P3P4…) and learning variables (q1 q2 q3 q4…):


where the ‘q’-productrepresents the technological changes (A) or learning effects, the ‘P’-product represents the impacts of inputprices, andthe Qx term represents scale effects. All terms depend on the returns-to-scale parameter r, which is defined as the sum of all δi.

The present application of the MFLCto PV technology is hampered, as with all experience curve studies, by the lack of empirical data. Nevertheless, the MFLC could decompose the cost into three major effects: learning-by-doing, scale and input price effect. As basic raw material inputs for PV technology silicon and silver are identified, other materials (glass, aluminium) are grouped into a remaining factor.Also PV manufacturing plant size data was used as key factor for the scale effect. The elasticity or indexes of the learning, scale and input prices are influenced by the return-to-scale parameter.


Figure 1 shows the experience curve for PV development from 1976 to 2006; we have selected three stages in different timeframes. The average learning rate is 19.5%, determined from the one-factor learning curve. Using the data for silicon and silver price, and plant size, a better fit is obtained, and the learning rate is determined to be 13.5%. This shows that economies of scale are taking place. Analyses of the three periods shows that the various effects are different in each period.

Figure 1: The MFLC model predicted price compared to the OFLC for the period 1976-2006.


We have demonstrated that the cost reduction of PV production is explained by a set of effects, rather than by learning-by-doing alone. Once the expansion of plant size and the growth of input prices take place to change the cost of PV production over a short period, the OFLC model cannot reflect these effects and gives us a wrong impression, i.e. no learning effect is taking place over this time period. It certainly causes one major issue that in long-term forecasting, estimations of the one-factor learning curve are less reliable due to lack of scale, input-prices and other effects.


S. Kahouli-Brahmi,Technological learning in energy-environment-economy modeling: A survey, Energy Policy 36 (2008)138-162.

W.G.J.H.M. van Sark, E.A. Alsema, H.M. Junginger, H.H.C. de Moor, G.J. Schaeffer, Accuracy of Progress RatiosDetermined From ExperienceCurves: The Case of CrystallineSilicon Photovoltaic ModuleTechnology Development,Progress in photovoltaics 16 (2008) 441-453.

G. Hall, S. Howell, The experience curve from the economist’s perspective, Strategic Management Journal 6 (1985) 197–212.

P. Söderholm, T. Sundqvist, Empirical challenges in the use of learning curves for assessing the economic prospects of renewable energy technologies, Renewable Energy 32 (2007)2559–2578.

G.F. Nemet, Behind the learning curve: Quantifying the sources of cost reductions in photovoltaics, Energy Policy 34 (2006)3218–3232