2014-15 capital funding to support drug and alcohol recovery services

  1. Introduction

For the second year, Public Health England (PHE) iscoordinating a programme of additionalcapital investment in drug and alcohol recovery services. This follows a successful programme in 2013-14, in which a range of innovative and exciting projects were awarded funding.

Applications for 2014-15 funding should be jointly agreed by the service provider and the local authority in which the provider is based. The service provider may be either NHS or a non-NHS/third sector.

PHE will award the payments to the local authority as a section 31 grant, under the Local Government Act.

  1. Eligibility criteria

Applications should have a clear recovery focus and shouldmeetthe following eligibility criteria:

  1. They are underpinned by the overarching principle of recovery

The proposal fits with the overarching principle of supporting recovery from drug or alcohol dependency.

  1. They meet the needs of adults in either a community or residential setting

The proposal is for a recovery focused project in either a community or residential adult drug or alcohol service. Young people’s substance misuse services or prison based substance misuse services are not eligible.

  1. They are needs led and informed by carer and service user consultation

The proposal provides evidence that it is responding to the needs of the local population and has been informed and supported via carer and service user consultation.

  1. Where the services are local,they address gaps in local recovery provision

The proposal describes how it will address gaps in the availability of recovery support for the local population.

  1. They are jointly owned by the recovery provider and the local authority

The proposal containsevidence to show that it has been jointly agreed and endorsed by the recovery provider and the local authority in which it is based, and that it is part of the strategic commissioningapproach of the local partnership.

  1. They provide value for money

The proposal provides evidence that the project is value for money.

  1. They are sustainable

The proposal should show how the project will be continued once the grant payment has been made, including any revenue commitments.

  1. Process and timetable

For 2014-15, PHE is requesting that applications forms are submitted from the local authority commissioning team.

Payments to successful applicants will be made directly to the local authority as a section 31 grant, under the Local Government Act.

Local authorities are asked to confirm in the application form that they are able to carry forward the funds into 2015-16.

The content of the application should be jointly agreed between the recovery provider and the local authority. Signatures are required from:

-the local authority director of finance, chief executive and responsible commissioning officer

-the recovery provider chief executive and officer responsible for the project

PHE advises that it is the responsibility of the local authority to agree any local processes with the recovery provider whichenables the local authority to have oversight of the proposed asset. This may be done through a memorandum of understanding or a legal charge, the details of which local authority legal teams will be able to advise upon.

The timetable for applications is outlined below:

PHEcentreteams notified of funding and inform local authorities and recovery providers / 14 November 2014
Grant applications submitted by local authority to PHEcentreteams for prioritisation / 14 January 2015
PHEcentreteams submit prioritised applications to national panel / 4 February 2015
Local authorities and providers notified of outcome by PHEcentreteams / 25 February 2015
Local authoritiesreturn grant agreement terms and conditions together with requested payment documentation to PHE grants team / 10 March 2015
PHE grants team allocate funding to successful applicants via s.31 grant to local authorities / W/E 20 March 2015

An application proforma is included as ANNEX 1. This should be submitted to your PHE centre team by 14 January 2015.

PHE centre teams will prioritise the bids against a scoring template, attached as ANNEX 2 for information.

Shortlisted proposals will be submitted to a national panel of PHE, Local Government Association and government officials for final agreement. Bids with a national remit, such as residential rehabs, will be flagged by the PHE centre teams and considered directly via the national panel.

Applicants will be notified by PHE centre teams on or shortly after 25 February 2015. Successful applicants will be asked to return a signed grant agreement along with requested payment documentation by 10 March prior to funding being released to the local authority week ending 20 March. A copy of the grant agreement is included as ANNEX 3.

  1. Monitoring

In line with the requirements of a section 31 grant, monitoring by PHE will be light touch. Local authorities will be asked to return a signed grant declaration form to PHE in September 2015 and March 2016 indicating the funding is being spent in line with the intended purpose.

All funding may be repayable to PHE should the requirements not be met by the local authority.