PUPIL BULLETIN Wednesday 14thJune2017

Lunchtime Concert in the Amphitheatre – Weather permitting, the Elgin Academy Brass Quartet will be performing an informal concert in the amphitheatre (outside the library if wet) from 1.10pm on Friday this week (16-06-2017). Please offer your support, come and listen to a range of fantastic music and enjoy the entertainment. H. Mackay.

Eco group Re-scheduled meeting of eco group Friday 16th. Meet in Mrs Shaw’s room G16 at 1.10, we need to discuss arrangements for the Empty Classroom day and for the Waste free picnic next Thursday, we will then go down and choose a plot for the wildflower garden. (TShaw)

Waste Free Picnic – 22nd June The eco group wishes to invite all pupils and staff down to the School Garden on Thursday 22nd June for a Waste free picnic. All you have to do is bring your lunch down to the garden (gate beside astro pitches), we ask that you try to make your lunch as waste free as possible by having recyclable/re-useable packaging. In the garden we hope to be selling fruit cones and you will have the opportunity to plant your own wildflower seed and help make a bug hotel. (Eco group)

Lost Property will be on display in the Canteen today at 10.45am. Thank you.

YPOD - Wellbeing group, providing information, signposting and fun activities for all students looking for extra advice and support. Come along to the Bridge every Wednesday at Lunchtime.

Drama Students - Miss Ogg and Mrs Mays National Drama students for last year are asked to return their terminology booklet to Mrs May ASAP.


S2 Assembly– 8.45am on Tuesday 13th June, pupils are to be registered in the assembly hall. N.M.

S3 Assembly – 8:45am on Wednesday 14th June, pupils are to be registered in the assembly hall. A.W

Comic Characters Club – there is a meeting today, at lunchtime, in the library.

International Women in Engineering day – Engineering Pathway We have a fabulous offer from Diageo on 23rd June 2017, aimed at S1-3 students who have an interest in exploring potential careers in Engineering – this is for GIRLS only. The session will begin at Moray House, Elgin at 9:30am and conclude at 1pm. If you are interested in attending you must give your name to Mrs Bowley by Tuesday 13th June – places are allocated on a first come first served basis. (Please note there are still 6 places available)


New S4 The following pupils are reminded that they have a film workshop period two on Friday 16th. JH

3 / R / Eilidh / Angus
3 / G / Ibrahim (mohammed) / Beg
3 / S / Kieran / Dickenson
3 / R / Beverley / Fox
3 / R / Joe / Gauld
3 / S / Edward / Greenwood
3 / R / Ellie / MacKenzie
3 / S / Raegan / Main
3 / I / Caileigh / McLeod
3 / M / Amy / Merrin
3 / I / Adrienne / Milne
/ 3 / M / Dariusz / Miskiewicz
3 / R / Connor / Muir
3 / R / Fing / Phanich
3 / S / Rachel / Quirie
3 / G / Demi-Louise / Read
3 / S / Jamie / Richards
3 / S / Morven / Ross
3 / M / Owen / Ross
3 / R / Elana / Starr
3 / S / Caley / Stobo
3 / G / Finlay / Watson
3 / R / Nicole / Watt

S6 Assembly This will take place on Thursday morning at registration – could all S6 students please report to the hall at the start of registration? (KJG)

S6 Sample Jumpers are now available to try on. Please come to First Aid. J Ross.

New 2017-18 session EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) Forms are now available from the school office for pupils born between 1st March 1998 and 28th February 2002 who may be entitled. Pupils who received an EMA previously will also have to reapply for the new session.

NEW S4 – Bronze Dofe - Could all pupils that were involved in the bronze qualifier expedition bring all equipment back as soon as possible. Some Equipment has been returned incomplete so can you make sure trangias are a complete set and all tents are bought back complete, dry and with no missing pieces. All equipment is to be returned top Mr Mackay. Thank you (M.Tullis)

S5/6 pupils – Career Workshop for Occupational Therapy ‘A day in the life of an Occupational Therapist’ work placement opportunity for anyone considering applying for an Occupational Therapy Degree course on 5th Sept. Applications must be completed online prior to Summer. Please see your guidance teacher for more information.

Elgin Rotary Youth Leadership Initiative – Kinloss Barracks There will be a meeting for all those attending this programme on Wednesday 14th June at 1.15p.m. in G24. If you cannot attend for any reason, please see Mrs Grant as soon as possible. (KJG)

NEW S6 – S1 – S3 art sketchbooks If you would like your S1-S3 art sketchbook back could you please collect them from the art department by the end of next week (Friday 16th) otherwise they will be recycled. Thank you (M.Tullis)

Full-time / Part-time Employment Opportunities - Please see “Jobs of The Week” on the board outside Guidance to include Tesco, Poundland, Weir Hairdresser and Thorntons. (CF)