Address: Professor T.M. Abu-Sharar. Department of Land, Water and Environment. The University of Jordan. Amman-Jordan. Tel.: Office +962-6-5355000/Ext.22454. Home: +962-6-5160755 or+962-6-3541452 . Mobile: +962-79-5740855.


High School: Zerqa Secondary School, June, 1967

University Study:

1.  B.Sc. (Soil and Water Scinces) very good with honor degree. June, 1971. Department of Soil and Water Sciences. University of Alexandria-Egypt.

2.  M.Sc.(Soil Chemistry). February, 1974. Department of Soil and Water Sciences. University of Alexandria-Egypt.

3.  Thesis Title: Adsorption-Desorption Studies of Methyl Parathion on Clay Minerals and Soils.

4.  Ph.D.(Soil and Water Chemistry) June, 1985. Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences-University of California-Riverside. Dissertation Title: Stability of Soil Structure and Reduction in Hydraulic Conductivity as Affected by Electrolyte Concentration and Composition.

Training Courses:

Reclamation of Irrigated Saline Soils. Center of International Projects. USSR Commision for United Nations' Environment Program (UNEP). 1/8-12/9/1981.


1.  8/10/1973-16/9/1974. Agric. Eng., Dept. of Agricultural Research and Extension. Ministry of Agriculture. Jordan.

2.  7/9/1974-6/9/1977. Agric. Eng., Dept. of Scienific Research and Technology-State Organization for Soil and Land Reclamation. Baghdad-Iraq.

3.  3/9/1977-23/10/1978 Research Assistant, Dept. of Soil and Irrigation-University of Jordan, Amman.

4.  23/10/1978-21/9/1981. Lecturer, Dept. of Soil and Irrigation-University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.

5.  21/9/1985-7/10/1990. Assistant Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry, Dept. Soil and Irrigation, University of Jordan-Amman-Jordan.

6.  7/10/1990-7/4/1996. Associate Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry at the above Department.

7.  April 7, 1996. Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry at the Department of Soils and Irrigation and Professor of Environmental Sciences in the Graduate School of the University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.

8.  Member of the Editorial Board of the Cultural Journal "Al-Majalla Al-Thaqafeyya" published by the University of Jordan. 22/8/1989-30/9/1999.

9.  September 6, 1997- February 6, 1999. Chairman, The Deparment of Agricultural Resources and Environment.

10.  February 6, 1999-Februar 15, 2003. Founding Dean, Institute of Land, Water and Environment. The Hashemite University-Zerqa.

11.  Septmber 1st, 2001-October 31st, 2004. Member of the Accreditation Council of Higher Education Institutes. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Amman.

12.  February 16, 2003-Present. Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry and Environmental Impact Assessment at the Department of Land, Water and Environment at the University of Jordan. Amman-Jordan.

13.  November-Decembe, 2004: National consultant of higher education with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

14.  December 5, 2004-June 15, 2007. Director General of the Accreditation Council of the Higher Education Institutions. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Jordan.

15.  December 5, 2004-June 15, 2007. Member of the Higher Education Council. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Amman-Jordan.

16.  June 15, 2007-September 7, 2007. Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry. Department of Land, Water and Environment. University of Jordan. Amman-Jordan.

17.  Visiting Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry-Sabbatical Leave to Al-Balqa'a Applied University for the Academic Year 2007/2008-Salt-Jordan.

18.  September 7, 2008-Sept. 10, 2011. Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry. Department of Land, Water and Environment. University of Jordan. Amman-Jordan.

19.  Sept. 10, 2011-Sept 10, 2012. Visiting professor. Dept. Crop and Soil Sciences. Washington State University. Pullman. USA.

20.  Sept. 2012-Present. Professor of Soil and Water Chemistry. Department of Land, Water and Environment. University of Jordan. Amman-Jordan.

Scientific Interest:

1.  Chemistry of arid-land soils with special emphasis on management-associated problems and reclamation of salt-affected and sodic soils and soils with fragile structure.

2.  Quality of irrigation water with emphasis on reuse and potential environmental hazards of treated sewage waters and other poor quality waters.

3.  Environmental problems associated with soil alkalinity, sodicity, salinity, erodability, and chemistry of heavy metals and other toxic elements.

4.  Environmental impact assessment of developmental projects.

5.  Quality management of higher education institutions.

As the subject of his M.Sc. Thesis focused on adsorption-desorption phenomena of a commonly used organophosphorus pesticide (methyl parathion) on soil and clay minerals, Professor Abu-Sharar is considered among the early Arab Scientists who handled environmetal problems. In addition, Professor Abu-Sharar has extensive experience in the assessment of water quality and reuse of marginal quality waters (saline, waste and reclaimed waters) in irrigation for landscaping and productive agriculture. As examples, he served as national consultant to the UNDP/Ministry of Agriculture Joint Project RAB/90/005, Regional Project for Supplemental Irrigation and Poor Quality Water Management on Farm Level. More over, he served as consultant and published several papers in areas dealing with quality of King Talal Reservoir water, impact of Khirbit Es-Samra reclaimed wastewater on environment, especially groundwater quality in The Zerqa River Basin and irrigated soils and crops in the Central Jordan Valley. Because of his extensive experience he was chosen to write the whole material of a training course for MoWI engineers in the field of management of irrigated arid zone soils. Professor Abu-Sharar experience in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) is not limited to agriculture but rather covers another developmental projects. During the years of 1999 and 2000, Professor Abu-Shararled a team of expert to conduct 21 EIA studies dealing with infrastructural rehabilitation projects of squatters and refugee camps in the entire country. In 2001, Professor Abu-Sharar serves as team leader of EIA for the urban development of Jebel Tariq in Zarqa/Housing and Urban Development Corporation. Professor Abu-Sharar also initiated a project aiming at importing 1.5 MCM of reclaimed wastewater from Khirbit Es-Samra Treatment Plant to the site of the Hashemite University to help better landscape the area and irrigate fruit trees of known salinity and drought tolerance like olives. In addition, he served as a member in the Ad hoc Committee (2001) of The Consultative Economic Council (The Jordanian Royal Court) which produced a comprehensive report on all production and environmental aspects associated with irrigated agriculture. In 2002, Professor Abu-Sharar was appointed as a leader of expert-team formulating Jordan’s claim for compensation of environmental damages to agriculture as a result of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

Since September 2001, Professor Abu-Sharar has been involved in accreditation and quality management of higher education institutions in Jordan. In August 2007, Professor Abu-Sharar completed edition of a Guideline to Total Quality Management of Higher Education Institutions (public and private) in Jordan. The Guideline serves as a the reference document to all higher education institutions operating in the country. In addition, he participated in producation of several accreditation criteria like these of open universities, universities of graduate studies and a Guideline to Profession and Work Ethics in University Environment.

Books/Reports/ Refereeing:

1. Serving as a referee for the following Journals:

1.1  Soil Science Society of America Journal and several other American and European specialized Journals.

1.2  Sixteenth Biennial Conference and Exposition. International Association On Water Pollution Research and Control. Washington, D.C. 24-30 May 1992.

1.3  Jordan Journal in Agricultural Sciences and similar Jordanian journal like DIRASAT and Jordan Jordan in Biological Sciences

1.4  Several Arab Journals in the areas of agriculture, water resources and environment such as Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, The Scientific Journal of King Abdel Azeez University and Abhath Al-Yarmouk.

2. Serving as author or coauthor of the following books/reports:

1.  Wrote a chapter (in Arabic) on Soils of Jordan in a book entitled "State of Environment" Tell, S.A., and Y.M.Sara (ed.).1989. Published by Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and the Environment-Amman-Jordan.

2.  Wrote a Chapter on Deterioration of the Ecological Balance as a Result of Human Activity. In a UNESCO post secondary instructional material, 1992. (in Arabic).

3.  Wrote two chapters in a book entitled "Fundamentals of Soil Science. 1991. Al-Qods Open University. (in Arabic).

4.  Wrote a book entitled "Soil Reclamation".1992. Al-Qods Open University. (in Arabic).

5.  Wrote a report on: Use of Saline and Treated Waste Water in Irrigation.1992. UNDP-Ministry of Agriculture Joint Project RAB/90/005, Amman.

6.  Wrote two chapters in a book entitled " Agricultural Chemistry" A textbook for the vocational secondary school students of agriculture. Ministry of Education, Amman-Jordan.

7.  Coauthor of Technical Bulletin No. 17: Irrigation Water Quality Guidline. 1994. Water and Environment Research and Study Center. The University of Jordan.

8.  Abu-Sharar, T.M. 1998. Crop Salt Tolerance. 597-631. in: Sustainable Use of Non Conventional Water resources in the Mediterranean Region. A Short Course organized by CIHEAM/MALB-EU-ICARDA-EUDGI. Aleppo, Syria. April 18-30, 1998.

9.  Abu-Sharar, T.M. (editor-in-chief). 2007. Guideline to Total Quality Management of Higher Education Institutions in Jordan. Publication of The Accreditatin Commission of Higher Education Institutions. Amman-Jordan.


1.  National consultant to the UNDP/Ministry of Agriculture Joint Project RAB/90/005, Regional Project for Supplemental Irrigation and Water Management on Farm Level.

2.  Ministry of Water and Irrigation-Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems in the Greater Irbid Area. Consultant in-charge for the preparation of the study: Reuse of Treated Wastewater and Utilization of Stabilized Sludge. RRI-DAR in Association with Sigma Consulting Engineers. March 1995.

3.  National consultant to the project: Conservation of Azraq Oasis-Subproject: Guidelines for Agricultural Development in the Azraq Area, Project: JOR-92-G31-A-1G-99(June 1,1994-July 31,1995). Duties included tackling environmental problems of the Azraq Oasis especially these of salinity, water quality and soil-water managemet.

4.  Consultant in-charge on the preparation of study entitled: Land and Soil Resources

5.  in the Jordan Rif t Valley: Description and Analysis of Current Status and Future Outlook. Volume 2 of the Synthesis Paper (Vol. 1): Study on Future Adjustment on the Agricultural Production Systems in the Jordan Rift Valley. A Study Commissioned by GTZ to Office of Integrated Agricultural Development. Amman, November 1995. The study was submitted to Jordan's Ministry of Agriculture.

6.  Developed the Training Course: Salinity Management Principles (Code:IST005). Submitted to the Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) on behalf of the Water Quality Improvement and Conservation Project (WQICP). Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Novemeber, 1995.

7.  Soil and Water Consultant. GTZ and Consulting Engineering Center. Municipality of Al-Bireh: Effluent and Sludge Resuse for Al-Bireh Wastewater Treatment Plant. May-July, 1997.

8.  Soil and Water Consultant: Jordanian Water Quality and Improvement Project. USAID contract #278-0288-C-00-402600. DAI Project Number: 3114 (Installation and operation of the demonstration program at the Yeast Industry Co.-Ruseifa).April 1997-November 1997.

9.  Consultant to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification for the preparation of the study entitled: Conventional Methods of Soil Conservation and Water Harvesting: a Case Study from Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. June-July, 1998.

10.  Consultant to Yeast Industries Co. LTD. to investigate the possibility of land application of raw waste water. A study was prepared entitled: Land Application of Raw Waste Water Produced From The Yeast Company: Environmental and Agronomic Assessment. September, 1998.

11.  Consultant with RRI-DAR in Association with Sigma Consulting Engineers. October,1998. Preparation of Update of the feasibility study for wastewater collection and treatment systems in the Greater Irbid area: Stage 2 Wadi Shallala Alternative 1.

12.  Prepared Environmental Impact Assessment Study on the project: Utilization of raw wastewater of the Yeast Factory in irrigating olive trees in Wadi Qattar, East of Amman. A study prepared for the Yeast Company to be submitted to Ministry of Industry and Commerce. January, 1999.

13.  Consultant with Consolidated Consultants/USAID-Ministry of Water and Irrigation on the reuse of treated wastewater of the Northern Jordan Valley and its environmental impact assessment. September, 1999.

14.  Project Director and consultant for the application of raw wastewater as irrigation water for landscaping and productive agriculture in the Russeifa National Park- a project sponsored by the Jordanian Yeast Factory. April, 2000-April, 2001.

15.  Consultant with Consolidated Consultants in the Project: Rehabilitation of Hisban-Kafrein Scheme. June 2000.

16.  Consultant with Center for Engineering Consultance as Soil Quality Expert for the Jordan Rift Valley Improvement Project-Phase B. Ministry of Water and Irrigation/World Bank Project. 2001.

17.  Consultant with Consolidated Consultants for Engineering and Environment (June, 2002) as team leader of the expert group formulating Jordan’s claim to be submitted to United Nations Compensations Commission for damages inflicted on the agricultural sector due to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

18.  Consultant with the UNDP to prepare the Document of Jordan’s Action Program to Combat Desertification and Mitigate Effects of Drought. January, 2003.

Meetings and Visits:

1.  Reclamation of Saline and Sodic Soils in The Arab World. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. Baghdad-Irag, 17/3-20/3/1986. Paper Title: Sodicity and Sodicity Related Problems: Current Assessment.

2.  The Regional Workshop on Treatment and Reuse of Sewage Effluent for Irrigation. FAO, Amman-Jordan, 10/8-3/8/1986. Presentation Title: Seasonal Variations in Geochemistry and Sodicity of King Talal Dam Water.

3.  Workshop: Advances in Agriculture Through Plastic House Technology.UOJ/French Project, Amman-Jordan. Presentation Title: Effect of Plastic Cover on Soil Temperature Regime.

4.  Seminar before the Faculty of the Department of Soil and Water-University of Alexandria, Sat.16/1/1988. Seminar Title: Problems Coherent to Research Activity on Plant Response to Salinity Stress. The seminar was part of scientific activity purseud during my visit to Egypt during the period 11/1-17/1/1988. The visit was Symposium on Rainfed Field Crops and Farming Systems in Jordan and Neighbouring Countries. UOJ/Amman, 10/9-14/9/ 1988. Abu-Shriha, N.,T.M.Abu-Sharar, and A.Tall. Presentation Title: Response of two barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L.) to reduction in soil matric potential.

5.  International Conference on Plant Growth, drought, and salinity in The Arab Region. 3/12-7/12/1988. Giza, Egypt. Paper Title: Germination and Seedling Development of Four Wheat Cultivars in Multicomponent Electrolyte Solutions.

6.  The Fifth Scientific Conference. Scientific Research Councel. 7/10-11/10/1989. Baghdad, Iraq. Abu-Sharar, T.M., I.O.Ghawi, and A.A. El-Tarshawi. Paper Title: Wheat Response to Reduction in Soil Matric Potential.Proceedings, Vol. 1, Part 3 (Water Resources) pp 169-182.

7.  Lasers in Science and Technology. University of Jordan, Amman. 14-19/10/1989.

8.  Sustainability and Environmental Assessment of the Re-use of Treated Waste Water in Agriculture. Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung. Amman-Jordan, 19/11-21/11/1989. Abu-Sharar, T.M., and M. Bino. Paper Title: The impact of King Talal Dam Water on the Environment. (In Arabic).