General Meeting
Date: May 20, 2009
Place: The Clarion, Altamonte Springs
Pamela Voigt, PIAM, CPSR, CPIW called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Danelle Dannhardt, PIAM led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of inspiration.
Jason Carter, CPSR, PIAM, CPIM asked a member at each table to introduce the guest at each table.
Due to this being our Annual VIP celebration,, no committee reports were made.
Jason asked Public Relations Chair, Sheryl Galloway, AIS, CPIW, CPSR, ARC to introduce the evening entertainment.
Sheryl introduced Craig Thomas Violinist and Amy Steward, Vocalist “
Dinner was served.
After Dinner and performance by Amy; Pamela introduced the Officer of IPOGO, and she also introduce and recognized the Florida Council Members.
The April Meeting and Treasurer’s report were approved and are to be posted on the website for members review.
Jason Carter was requested to come forward to award the member who recruited the most new members.
Janese Glass – was presented with a $150.00 award for recruiting 4 new members for the year.
Pamela gave a brief statement about NAIW and IPOGO. Jose Reyes started a power point presentation.
Congratulations were given to the Social Committee, Sheryl Galloway, Jeannette Gonsalves and Kerrie Raines for the evening’s program.
Sheryl Galloway stepped forward to accept the presentations proclamation, naming May 17th – May 23rd NAIW week.
Jose Reyes, CPSR, EHBA, ,PIAM introduced Sharon Mastrianni from Central FL Insurance School and gave a brief introduction on the scholarship and awards program.
Drawing for two registrations for the 2009 Fl Council Meeting was completed: Gwen Smith; and ? won Additionally two additional names were drawn as alternates.
General Meeting
Date: May 20, 2009
Place: The Clarion, Altamonte Springs
Scholarship Winners:
Presented by Sharon Mastrianni, Central Insurance School
CPII Scholarship, Janese Glass
IPOGO Scholarship – Frances M. Hitchcock, AAI, PIAM, CPIW
Helen Wright AAI, PIAM, CIC, CPIW gave the following awards:
2008-2009 Insurance Professional of the Year, Jason Carter, CPSR, PIAM, CPIM
2008-2009 Rookie of the Year, Jose Reyes, CPSR, EHBA, PIAM
2008-2009 VIP of the Year, Paul Lyons, Halycon Underwriters, Inc.
Membership Recognition and Certificate:
10-14 Years as a member
Christ St. John 11 years
Janese Glass 11 years
Barbara Kogut 12 years
Sheryl Galloway 12 years
Karen Ramsey 13 years
Elaine Garceau 13 years
15-19 Years as a member
Mary Brilliant 15 years
Mindy Bander-Habib 15 years
Betty Ribeiro 16 years
Helen Wright 16 years
Pauls Keyes 17 years
20+ years as a member
Debbie Folendore 21 years
Suzanne Downey 22 years
The meeting was officially adjourned at 8:00 Pamela Voigt.