Marketplace Ministry, Christian Entrepreneurs and the 5 Fold Ministries
"You Are Called To Impact Your Culture"

It is Membership Renewal Time or Time to Become a New Member of George Jobe Ministries Inc. (African Nations Fellowship or Kingdom Apostolic Network)

1. George Jobe Ministry Inc. Seeks to bring an apostolic identity to the Body of Christ transforming the way we do church in the 21st Century.

2. George Jobe Ministry Inc. Seeks to help pastors and churches to move from a single gift ministry, pastoral, to the fivefold model for all generations (Eph. 4). We must break free from a one-man-only structure of ministry in which the pastor does everything. Our services must change from “bless-me-only preprogrammed services” to the New Testament model of equipping all believers and then releasing every believer into their ministry inside and outside the church.

3. George Jobe Ministry Inc. Members what to do something with Christ – like reaching the nations with the Gospel, then in every nation establishing the Kingdom of God. We all understand that God has put a unique gift in each one of us that the body of Christ needs for maturity and growth. Together we can do something great for Jesus. We know we have a divine purpose, a divine calling – a divine destiny together in Christ.

A Network is the joining together of people through relationship with each other to fulfill a common purpose. Each part provides strength and support to the entire network towards the fulfillment of the common goals and objectives that Jesus gave us, the church.

George Jobe Ministry Inc. doing work as Heaven on Earth Int’l Ministries was founded by Apostle George W. Jobe on May 29, 1992, other ministries under GJMI are Kingdom Apostolic Network (KAN March, 2007) African Nations Fellowship Int’l (ANFI March, 2009).
Qualifications for membership include: agreement in the principles, nature and purpose of GJMI, ANFI or KAN. Just file an application, get your sponsor and meet the qualifications as stated.

MEMBERSHIP FEES: $50.00 Annually. These fees are for a calendar year (January through December.) You can pay your membership Fee with a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover on PayPal at

Membership Application
George Jobe Ministry Inc. African Nations Fellowship Int’l
and Kingdom Apostolic Network (choose) ANFI______ KAN ______
Ministry Organization /Church Name: ______
Is your Church/Organization Incorporation in USA: ______Need incorporation___Yes___No
Does your Church or organization has a Constitution/By-Laws? (__)Yes (__) No
Do You Have Your Own 501©3 here in the USA: (__)Yes (__)No
Ministerial Status: ( )Ordained (_) Licensed (_ ) Need Ordination (_ ) NEW Member (__)RENEWAL
Date of Credentialing: (MDY)______Date of Birth (MDY)______Country?______
Married: (_) Yes (_) No: Type of Ministry:______
Mailing Address: ______
Physical Address: ______
Country: ______City:______State:______Zip Code: ______
Phone Number: ______Fax: ______
E-mail: ______Website: ______
Your Name: ______Your Title/ Position: ______
Address: ______City______State: ______Zip: _____
Phone: ______Cell: ______Fax______
Minister Sponsor: ______
Print Name (must be a current member of ANFI - HOEIM, -or KAN) Signature Date
Are you calling to one or more of these Molders of Culture.
1. Spirituality and Church: ______2. Family: ______3. Education: ______
4. Government & Law: ______5. Media & Communication: ______
6. Arts & Entertainment: ______7. Business & Finance: ______
Membership Fee is $50 per year (USD) and Money Accompany Application and a Passport Picture.
MasterCard, Visa & Discover Accepted. Paid with PayPal at
Mail to: George Jobe Ministry Inc. 1000 N. Belt Line Rd. STE 100, Irving, TX 75061-4000
Office Use only: Paid______Receive Membership Certificate Date______By Email______other_____