Gunnison City Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 7:00 PM

Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center

Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Mayor Bruce Blackham, Gunnison City Councilmembers: Robert Andersen, Blake Donaldson, Andy Hill and Blane Jensen, City Recorder Janell Braithwaite, Police Chief Trent Halliday, Judge Ivo Peterson, Lori Nay with the Arts Council and Robert Stevens with the Sanpete Messenger

Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham

Invocation: Councilmember Robert Andersen

Closed Session

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to move into closed session pursuant to the Provisions of Section 52-4-5(1) of the Open Meeting Law for the purpose of (a) discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. Councilmember Hill seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

7:10 p.m. Closed Session. Recorder Braithwaite and Robert Stevens left.

7:40 p.m. Open Session. Judge Peterson left.

7:00 p.m. Public Hearing to Receive Public Comments Regarding Recyclable Market Development Application, Resolution 2016-4

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to open the public hearing to receive public comments regarding Recyclable Market Development Application, Resolution 2016-4. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

Mayor Blackham noted this would be open for the next 30 minutes.

Oath of Office to Youth City Council

Recorder Braithwaite mentioned the students wouldn't be able to make it tonight as there were other activities scheduled at the school, and this would need to be done another time. She noted they would like to try to get them organized to help plant the hanging pots tomorrow night for their first project.

7:42 p.m. Lori Nay arrived

Proposed Approval of Funds Received and Expenditure for Legacy Wall ~ Lori Nay

Lori Nay announced they had some money and an Arts Commission and have gotten the committee back together. She stated their next meeting will be with the artists to continue working on the plans for the Legacy Wall to try to finish all 60 feet. She reported Councilmember Robert Andersen is on the committee. She noted there will be one other grant she is waiting to hear on that will come through the city through the Eccles Foundation, and if they all come through then they will be able to finish the wall. She invited the Council to attend and be involved in this process. She informed the Council the money would come through the City if it was received.

Lori voiced her concern regarding the colored concrete that had been dug up on Main Street by the planter boxes and the ability of matching the colored concrete when replacing it. Councilmember Donaldson explained there had been a water line that had frozen and broke going to the planters so the concrete had to



be dug up to find and repair the leak. She also questioned if the trees that were ruined in a recent accident

by the Rocky Mountain Power lot would be replaced. She reminded the Council of the history of those trees and how they were acquired by a grant from Rocky Mountain Power. She also brought up a discussion that had taken place earlier in the day at the Businessmen's Association meeting regarding the housing crisis in Gunnison and the lack of lots selling, and questioned if the City Code needed to be reviewed or perhaps a non-profit housing group formed within the City to handle something like that. She offered to have some of her contacts within the State's Rural Housing Coalition come and talk with the Council to help work through these problems. She stated there is money going out of state since they aren't aware of any projects they can help fund within the state, and there are funds that are specifically targeted for under-served populations that we fit into perfectly. Mayor Blackham noted that the Council has been discussing some of these issues and welcomed contact from this source. Recorder Braithwaite mentioned the discussions going on at this time within the Planning Commission and Bruce Parker (Planning & Development Services) to look at amending the Land Use Ordinances in order to be more development friendly for new multi-family dwellings. Lori mentioned the different roadblocks she sees as far as development within the city that may need to be looked at in the future. The discussion turned to the 4th of July auction and who would be taking care of the auction this year. Lori mentioned she had talked with Richard Nay and found out the Lion's would like to take care of it this year for something that would invest back into the 4th of July celebration rather than to help other causes.

7:50 p.m. Lori Nay left.

Approval and Award Bid for Demolition of Buildings at Approximately 150-190 South Main

Recorder Braithwaite noted the State had called Carlisle Excavating to report the Asbestos Survey for the Anderson property had expired (they are only good for three years) a year ago and would need to have another one done. Recorder Braithwaite reported she had called the company that did the first survey (as directed by the Mayor) to have them come down and do another one. She noted that Dave with Applied Geoscience & Environmental would be down the 2nd or 3rd of June to do a second survey, and had contacted Joan with the state to see what exactly needed to be done. She had informed him of the additional testing that had been added since the original survey. The cost and time frame associated with this was discussed. Recorder Braithwaite mentioned the State had approved the demolition date as of May 27th pending the second asbestos survey with a deadline date of July 30th being put on the demolition application per Gary Carlisle's request.

Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to accept and award the demolition bid to Carlisle Excavating for the three buildings on the Anderson property which was recently acquired by the City. The bid was for $49,500 with the demolition being done between May 27 and July 30, 2016. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a vote of 3-0.

Proposed Approval of Part-time Lifeguards for the Pool ~ Councilmember Donaldson

Councilmember Donaldson noted the two applicants Pool Manager Havey had recommended to hire as part-time lifeguards at the pool noting they have both completed their lifeguard certification classes. He noted Manager Havey will be needing some additional help for the summer.

Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to accept Manager Havey's recommendations and hire Chad Ellett and Kamee Christiansen as part-time lifeguards at the swimming pool. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of Part-time Seasonal Maintenance Worker ~ Councilmember Hill

Councilmember Hill reported Supervisor Reber had recommended Tyler Lister for the second part-time seasonal maintenance position for 20-30 hours per week.


Councilmember Hill made the motion to approve Tyler Lister as a part-time seasonal maintenance worker for 20-30 hours per week for the summer months. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

Discuss Areas of Possible Sewer Expansion for Use of Sewer Impact Fees

Councilmember Andersen listed the areas of possible sewer expansion and the bid that had been received so far. He would like to see the sewer expanded while utilizing the sewer impact fees the City has. After discussing this with Supervisor Childs, he noted the areas listed as Supervisor Childs' first priorities: 100 No. on 400 West to Center, 165 E. to 300 No. and 100 South- 235 East to 300 East. Councilmember Andersen listed those benefits of opening up some building areas to allow for people to build in Gunnison. Councilmember Andersen would like to see a resolution drawn up for proposed approval at the next council meeting to earmark these projects for completion. Mayor Blackham would like to see as much done as the money saved up would allow for. Councilmember Hill mentioned the storm drainage issues he has seen on 400 West. Councilmember Andersen stated this area has been included in the proposed storm drain project.

Proposed Approval of Resolution 2016-4, Supporting Submission of a Renewal Application for a Recyclable Zone Designation

Recorder Braithwaite noted this Recyclable Zone needed to be renewed every five years and allows for tax credits for those businesses that qualify. Kevin Christensen with the Sanpete County Economic Development works with this through the State, and helps notify those businesses that are eligible for the tax credits. Recorder Braithwaite noted those that do retail business to not qualify, but some have been listed on the application to make the state aware of those efforts these businesses are making to recycle.

8:10 p.m. Councilmember Blane Jensen arrived from the Planning Commission meeting.

Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to close the Public Hearing to receive public comments regarding the Recyclable Market Development Application, Resolution 2016-4. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of Resolution 2016-4, Supporting Submission of a Renewal Application for a Recyclable Zone Designation

Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to approve Resolution 2016-4, supporting submission of a renewal application for a Recyclable zone Designation. Councilmember Jensen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of Ordinance 2016-2, Allowing for Mobile Vendors

Councilmember Jensen noted this would be tabled to a future meeting due to input from Bruce Parker with Planning and Development Services.

Proposed Approval of Method to Market City Property

Mayor Blackham noted he had spoken with the City's Attorney, Mandy Larsen, regarding the proper procedure. He listed the different methods she had described to him, and noted it would be wise to have a deadline and an open bid process. Mayor Blackham stated until everything was demolished, the City may not be able to pursue this until it is all cleaned up. The specifics of the bid process were discussed as well as those criteria, expectations and wishes of the Council. Mayor Blackham would like to see a marketing strategy in place to get this marketed when the time comes. The safety concerns of the property were reviewed. Mayor Blackham would like to be informed when the inspector comes in June.


Discuss Property Issues at Approximately 78 East 300 South

Councilmember Hill reported he had spoken with Ryan and Courtney at Hermansen's Mill regarding the complaints the City has received regarding nighttime deliveries, noise and the neighbor's damaged property. The new vendor situation Hermansen's had encountered was reviewed which necessitated a couple nighttime deliveries. Ryan and Courtney both specified this would not happen again this summer. He also described the sprinkler head on Mrs. Hatch's property that had been broken by a big truck doing business at Hermansen's and the efforts that took place to repair the damaged sprinkler. Mayor Blackham would like to be sure this message is relayed on to Mrs. Hatch, and welcomed any further comments or specific concerns she would like to submit. Councilmember Hill stated Ryan and Courtney were more than happy to do what they could to mitigate any complaints, and after speaking with Councilmember Jensen about this there were not any specific ordinances or anything that is out of line that they are not keeping right now that they knew of. Councilmember Andersen suggested the City encourage Hermansen's as well as itself do the best everyone can to alleviate these problems.

Proposed Approval of New Court Clerk ~ Councilmember Hill

Councilmember Hill made the motion to approve Pam Barrus as the new Court Clerk. The position will be $11.00 per hour for up to 20 hours per week understanding there will be some training involved the first little while to get her up to speed with Judge Peterson. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. the motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Councilmember Hill will call Pam to inform her of the Council's decision. Chief Halliday reported Pam had needed at least a week's notice before she could start, and Councilmember Hill will talk with her about a starting date. The discussion turned to the supervision over the Court Clerk and what would work best for this position.

Discuss General Plan for Gunnison City ~ Councilmember Hill

Councilmember Hill summarized the recent seminar he attended in Hurricane regarding General Plans for cities. He stated the information was great and included some of the issues cities are facing, particularly smaller cities as well as General Plans. He stated a General Plan is the plan the City puts together stating this is what we are going to do at a high level including the vision for the city and where we want to be. He noted how some of the other cities are utilizing their General Plans. He stated it is required by State Statute that we have one, and as things move forward he would like to see the Council start developing this plan. He reported the Land Use Ordinances are a part of the plan but the actual General Plan is over all of that and includes the vision of housing, parks, recreation, infrastructure, roads, sewer, etc., what do we really want to do? This would need to be updated continually as things change. He noted many of the cities have been working on theirs for years, but have worked on them piece by piece, and he would like to see Gunnison start on theirs. Mayor Blackham suggested this be done during some scheduled work meetings to get this going.