/ Welcome!

Introduce the course


Welcome to Human Relations for IT Professionals.

Good interpersonal skills are essential in the workplace today. This course will introduce you to the field of

organizationalbehaviour and help you develop an understanding of yourself and others, teamwork skills, leadershipskills and conflict management skills.

To get started

Read a message from your facilitator3

Find outwhat you will do in the course4

Find out how you will be evaluated5

Learn when your assignments are due6

Get your textbookor other resources8

Get a closer look at the technology we’re using9

Find out how to get help10

Next steps?11


/ Welcome!

Introduce yourself.


Hello and welcome to all of our new IT online learners!

My name is Michelle McCurdy and I will be your instructor for Human Relations for IT Professionals this semester. I have been teaching at the Nova Scotia Community College since 2005 offering instruction in website development to both Continuing Education evening students and 1st year students of the Information Technology Program for the School of Applied Arts and New Media.

I also offer instruction at Dalhousie University for their continuing education computer programs. The software I’ve instructed on are Office 2003 and 2007, specifically Word, Excel and PowerPoint; Adobe products such as Dreamweaver, InDesign and Photoshop; programming code for HTML and CSS; as well as Operating Systems for XP and Vista.

Since 2001, I have owned and operated a small business called Webwave Multimedia where I specialize in website design and development and creating visual branding for companies both large and small. I have over 25 years experience working in various fields such as management consulting, human resources, communications and quality management principles.

At the side, you’ll see my telephone number and email address. Email works best and I (try to -) respond to my messages promptly.

Also, read this guide carefully. It has information about the learning outcomes for the course, the evaluation weighting for each component of the course, general expectations of you as a student of the NSCC, and the evaluation timetable (to show you when your assignments and WebBoard posts are due).

To get started, look at the information about your assignments in TLM and introduce yourself on the WebBoard. I’ll be posting weekly assignments there. We’ll also be holding regular Elluminate sessions. I will send you a link when the sessions are scheduled.

Distance learning does have its challenges, but it makes very convenient to fit into our very busy lives, so I encourage you to use the WebBoard and share with your classmates your ideas/concern or any questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime if you are having difficulties.

Michelle McCurdy

P.S. There is a lot of new information in the next few pages. Don’t be alarmed! I am going to begin this course with an initial Elluminate session for all students. At that time I can ease you into most of the material contained in the following pages.


/ What will you do in this course?

In plain English, what are the outcomes & what do learners have to do to meet them?


The course has three learning outcomes. In order to successfully complete the course, you’ll need to demonstrate that you can do all of the following:

  1. Appreciate the factors which affect the manner in which people interact with and relate to one another.
  1. Prepare a personal stress management plan to assist you to become successful.
  1. Apply team-building skills by participating in a team project.

How will you achieve those outcomes?

Each week, you’ll be participating in learning activities and discussions on the discussion board and in Elluminate. You will be required to:

  • Complete a Stress Management Plan.
  • Complete five entries in a learning journal.
  • Contribute your ideas and respond to others to explore team scenarios on the WebBoard.
  • Participate in a Fantasy Team Project.
  • Participate in regular Elluminate sessions. Your instructor will provide a link.
  • Be self-directed and self-motivated.
  • Ask for help when you need it.


To learn more about your assignments, read your study guides carefully. You’ll find all the study guides and course materials in your course map and the sidebar in The Learning Manager (TLM).

Some people like to printall their study guides, assignment information, handouts, orientation guides, course outline and workplan, etc. at the beginning of the course and organizethemin a binder.


/ How you will be evaluated

How will the learning be evaluated?


There are four assignments to complete in this course:

  • Stress Management Plan25%
  • Journal (five entries)25%
  • Team Scenarios25%
  • Fantasy Team Project25%


Please note that each of your five journal entries must be submitted by the due date in your study guide in order to be assessed. Entries that are submitted late will not be accepted.

You’ll find more information about your assignments in The Learning Manager.

PLEASE NOTE: Your facilitator will deduct 10 points per day for each late assignment.

The pass mark for this course is 60%.


The more organized you are, the better. In this guide you’ll find a tentative schedule. Take note of when your assignments are due. You might find it helpful to mark due dates on a calendar.


/ When are assignments due?

What’s the schedule? (Highlight or draw attention to the important stuff.)


Here’s the tentative schedule we’ll follow. Remember that this is not a self-directed course. There are due dates for each component of the course, and lateness will be penalized unless you’ve made prior arrangements with your facilitator. Please note that all assignments are due by the end of the week (Sunday at 5 pm) unless otherwise stated. For the Team Scenarios, you’re expected to contribute and respond throughout the week.

Sept. 13 – 17 / -Attend the Elluminate orientation. Your facilitator will send you a link with date and time.
-See the Stress Management Unit, the Journal Unit, the Team Scenarios Unit, and the Fantasy Team Project Unit in TLM for details.
-Each week I will post a new Team Scenario for each of you to respond to through the WebBoard
Sept. 20 – 24 / Submit entry by email.
Due Sept. 26, 2010 / Complete your responses to Team Scenario #1 on the WebBoard
Putting together the team.
Due September 26, 2010
Sept. 27 – Oct. 1 / Submit entry 1 by email.
Due Oct. 3, 2010 / Complete your responses to Team Scenario #2 on the WebBoard
Who’s The Leader
Due October 3, 2010
Oct. 4 – 8 / Submit entry 2 by email.
Due Oct. 10, 2010 / Complete your responses to Team Scenario #3 on the WebBoard
You’ve Got Mail . . . or Not
Due October 10, 2010
Oct. 11 – 15
Oct.11 no classes / Submit entry 3 by email.
Due Oct. 17, 2010 / Complete your responses to Team Scenario #4 on the WebBoard
Getting It Done
October 17, 2010
Oct. 18 – 22 / Submit entry 4 by email.
Due Oct. 24, 2010 / Complete your responses to Team Scenario #5 on the WebBoard
The Bully
Due October 24, 2010
Oct. 25 – 29 / Submit your Stress Management Plan by email.
Due October 31, 2010 / Submit entry 5 by email.
Due Oct. 31, 2010 / Post a summary of the strengths of your group members to the WebBoard.
Due Oct. 31, 2010
Nov. 1 – 5 / Submit entry 6 by email.
Due Nov. 7, 2010 / Complete your responses to Team Scenario #6 on the WebBoard
Launch Party
Due Nov. 7, 2010 / Post a summary of group roles and criteria for peer and self-evaluation.
Due Nov. 7, 2010
Nov. 8 – 12
11-12 no classes / Submit entry 7 by email.
Due Nov. 14, 2010 / Complete your responses to Team Scenario #7 on the WebBoard
Poison Apple
Due November 14, 2010 / Post your group name, product name, motto and logo.
Due Nov. 7, 2010
Nov. 15 – 19 / Post a written and visual presentation.
Due Nov 21, 2010
Nov. 22 – 26
Nov. 29 – Dec 3 / Present your Team Project.
Week of December 5
Dec. 6 – 10 / Email a copy of your peer and self-evaluations to your instructor.
Due Dec 10. 2010


/ Textbooks and other resources

This is standard. Just pop in your textbook info if you have one. You might also include important web sites, software, etc.


There is no required textbook for this course although the Instructor will be drawing from this resource.

Title:Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour

Third Canadian Edition

Authors:Nancy Langton and Stephen P. Robbins

Publisher:Pearson Prentice Hall


Also, if you don’t have a speaker and microphone built into your computer, you’ll need a headset to participate in our Elluminate sessions.


/ What technology will we use?

What technology is used for what?


In this course we’ll have three “classrooms” where we’ll connect with others in the course and learn.


The Learning Manager (TLM) iswhere you’ll find course materials,handouts, and assignments.


WebBoard is a discussionforum. You post messages and participate in discussions withthe other people in the course. This is where you’ll find the Team Scenarios.


Elluminate allows you tocollaborate or learn from others in real time. Yourinstructor will send you a link to your session. Much of your work for the Fantasy Team Project will be done through Elluminate.

Want more information?

Check the Orientation Guide in the sidebar off your course or visit


/ Technical support

What if learners have a question? Where do they go?


I have a technical question, or a question about general matters relating to Online Learning, for example, I can’t view TLM on my computer.

Contact Online Learning




I have a question about course content or course resources, for example, difficulty with an assignment or understanding course material, or perhaps trouble obtaining a textbook.

Contact your instructor. You’ll find your instructor’s contact information in the introductory material for your course.

I’ve called and/or emailed my instructor, but they haven’t responded. It is past the period of time that we had agreed to return messages.

Contact the Academic Chair responsible for the online course. The contact information for your course’s Academic Chair is in the introductory material for your course. You can also find it in your course outline.

I have spoken with my instructor, and I have tried all reasonable efforts to resolve an issue, but have not had any success.

Contact the Academic Chair responsible for the online course. The contact information for your course’s Academic Chair is in the introductory material for your course. You can also find it in your course outline.

Also, please take a look at our website for more Frequently Asked Questions by online learners.


/ Next steps?

What are one or two simple things a learner can do to get started?


  1. Introduce yourself on the WebBoard.

Go to

Log in usingthe username and password sent to you by NSCC Online Learning.

  1. Check your NSCC email account for a link to your first Elluminate session. If you haven’t received one, email your facilitator.

Enjoy the course and remember your instructor is just a phone call or email away!