Story Telling for Intergenerational Dialogue”

01st – 07th June 2013

Melilli (SR), Sicily, ITALY

TEAM BUILDING ………………………………………….. 5
WELCOME CEREMONY ………………………………….. 8
NEEDS ANALYSIS AND ICL .……………………………. 10
SOCIAL INCLUSION ………………………………………. 12
SETTING NEW PROJECTS .……………………………. 18

01st JUNE 2013 (Saturday – 1st DAY)


Name and gesture

Tool details:

Title / Name and gesture
Tool type / Ice breaker/Name game
Tool topic/s / Getting to know each other; to create the group
Aim / To remember the names and to make participants interact in a funny way
Material needed / /
Duration / 15 minutes
Description / Trainer invites participants to stand in a circle. The first who starts has to say his/her name and to make a movement (if she or he wants can also add a sound). The second has to repeat the name and the movement of the first one and has to add his/her name and gesture. The same procedure till the end of the circle.

Alphabetic order

Tool details:


Alphabetic order
Tool type / Ice breaker
Tool topic/s / Non verbal communication
Aim / To make the group refreshing the names; to demonstrate that there exists several, different types of communication and that there are also several ways to communicate non verbally
Material needed / Adhesive tape
Duration / 20 minutes
Description / Trainers explain that a competition is starting and divide participants in 2 groups, every group representing a team. Two long adhesive tape lines are stuck on the floor and participants are asked to create a line and to touch the line with their feet. The game has to be played in silent, participants have to find “alternative ways” to communicate and when they have to move from their position, they cannot leave the strip with their feet. The first task is to create the alphabetic order of the team from A to Z. The group which believes to have finished as a first has to raise the arms. The second task is to create the age order of the team from the younger to the older. The group which believes to have finished as a first have to raise the arms.

Map ofEurope

Tool details:

Title / Map ofEurope
Tool type / Ice breaker
Tool topic/s / Getting to know each other; create the group
Aim / To make participants interact
Material needed / /
Duration / 20 minutes
Description / Trainer ask participants to position themselves to:
1.  where are theyfrom
2.  what is there dream destination
3.  where there favourite story comes from
4.  you can come up withanything)
NOTE: the important is that it is fast and visible and show who comes fromwhere


Speed date

Tool details:

Title / Speed date
Tool type / Getting to know each others and team building activity
Tool topic/s / Getting to know each others
Aim / The make participants interact and get in touch in an interactive way
Material needed / one paper and pen/participant
Duration / 40 minutes
Description / Trainer asks participants to draw a clock on the paper and set up meeting points with each other for every hour.
When they are done the person who is facilitating will randomly say "what hour is it" and a topic they have to discuss for 2 minutes.
NOTE: the proposed topics and the guided questions are related to the workshop topic: intergenerational issues and active citizenship.

The rope

Tool details:

Title / Jump the rope
Tool type / Team building game
Tool topic/s / Team building and ice breaker
Aim / To cooperate in small groups, to experiment trust and analyse the group dynamics
Material needed / Rope
Duration / 20 minutes
Description / Setting: two person are stretching a rope, the rope is approximately on the shoulders of the two persons.
Trainer divide participants in two groups and present the activity.
The task is to find a way to jump from one side to the other of the rope, without touching it.
Debriefing in plenary about the group role in the workshop implementation.
Key questions for the debriefing:
·  Why did we play these activities?
·  What did you notice during the activity?
·  Did every body equally participate?
·  Did you really cooperate within your group?
·  Did someone take the leadership?
·  How was the cooperation?
·  Did you trust the other people in the group?
·  Did you feel uncomfortable somehow in some part of the activity?
·  Do you think the activity could be solved or managed in some other ways?


The Laundry

Tool details:


The Laundry
Tool type / Work in group to present and share fears, expectations and contributions
Tool topic/s / Getting to know each other and group creation
Aim / To share within the group the fears and the expectations toward the experience
Material needed / Photos (possibly about the workshop topics), rope, cloth-pegs
Duration / 60 minutes
Description / Setting: the room is prepared as a laundry, there are some ropes and stuck on the ropes there are some photos. Soft music.
Participants have to walk in the space and to have a look of the photos, then they have to choose two photos each, one representing their fear, one their expectation.
Presentation in plenary, in the circle, one by one, explaining the fear, the expectation and explaining also in which way they think to contribute to the project.


Welcome ceremony

Tool details:


Welcome ceremony
Tool type / Ice breaking and team building + first step in the story telling
Tool topic/s / Getting to know each others
Aim / To break the ice, to create the proper atmosphere for the training, to introduce participants to the workshop and to the story telling
Material needed / /
Duration / 60 minutes
Description / Participants sit in a circle and one by one present the personal photo that they have been asked to bring to the workshop. The photo should be about an important and significant moment in their life.

02nd JUNE 2013 (Sunday – 2nd DAY)


The snow ball: what cross ageing gap is for me

Tool details:


/ The snow ball: what cross ageing gap is for me
Tool type / Work in groups and presentation in plenary
Tool topic/s / Culture
Aim / To make participant share their definition of “cross ageing gap”; to make them share different points of view and search for common points and differences
Material needed / Post it, paper, pens, flipcharts and markers
Duration / 60 minutes
Description / Each participant receives a post it and a pen.
STEP 1. each one has 3 minutes to write on the post it what “cross ageing gap” is for him or her.
STEP 2. groups of 2 participants are created. They have to present their 2 definitions and discuss them, finding common aspects and they have to create a new, single, definition. They have at disposal 6 minutes.
STEP 3. groups of 4 participants are created (a group of 2 is mixed with another group of 2). They have to present their 2 definitions and discuss them, finding common aspects and they have to create a new definition. They have at their disposal 8 minutes.
STEP 4. groups of 8 participants are created (a groups of 4 is mixed with another group of 4). They have to present their 2 definitions and discuss them, finding common aspects and they have to create a new definition. They have at their disposal 12 minutes.
STEP 5. in plenary the two groups present their definition.
Key questions for the debriefing:
·  How was the process?
·  How was the cooperation within the group? – Did every body participate?
·  Was it hard to find common definitions?
·  Did you change your opinion about cross ageing gap?
·  Did you agree with the new definitions?

NEEDS ANALYSIS (with a focus on cross-ageing gap) AND ICL

In my country …

Tool details:


In my country …
Tool type / Work in group to present and share the needs analysis of the different backgrounds and the “concept” of cross-ageing in the different countries
Tool topic/s / Needs analysis and cross-ageing in the different countries
Aim / To set the detailed needs analysis of the different national and local backgrounds; to analyse the differences and similarities between the different countries, with a specific focus on the cross-ageing gaps.
The aim of the activity is to reflect on what we do define “cross-age”, how it is perceived in the different backgrounds and what there is behind the definitions.
Material needed / Flip charts, markers, pens, post it, colours, pens, paper
Duration / 60 minutes
Description / Participants are divided in different, mixed groups and are asked:
1.  to identify the needs analysis of their local backgrounds;
2.  to make a specific focus on the concept of cross-ageing: what do define “cross-ageing”, how it is perceived in the different backgrounds and what there is behind the definitions
3.  to organize an interactive presentation of results for the plenary
Each presentation should last, maximum 5 minutes
·  there are different ways to define cross-ageing, according to the different backgrounds and life’ experiences
·  what there is behind the definitions: WORDS à LABELS
·  what elderly know and what we can learn from them?

The journal with my stories

Tool details:


/ The journal with my stories
Tool type / Interactive work in groups
Tool topic/s / Stories and story telling
Aim / To make participants present in an interactive and stimulating way, the stories they brought from their country; to make the first steps in the narration and in the story telling
Material needed / Paper, glue, flipchart, sticky tape, pens and colours
Duration / 90 minutes
Description / STEP 1. participants are divided in different, mixed groups and are asked to present within the group, the traditional story they brought to the workshop;
STEP 2. in each group the stories are analysed: the common aspects and the differences are pointed out and the identification of the different symbols done;
STEP 3. organization of the interactive presentation: it has to be created a newspaper with a title and containing the different stories:
STEP 4. presentation in plenary and discussion about similarities and differences. A specific focus is done about the intercultural perspective of the stories.

03rd JUNE 2013 (Monday – 3rd DAY)


My life on the line – One step forward

Tool details:


/ My Life on the line – One step forward
Tool type / Simulation Game
Tool topic/s / Exclusion VS Inclusion: Social Inclusion, intercultural learning, inter-generational learning, anti-racism and active citizenship
Aim / To make participants “concretely” experiment the feeling of people with fewer opportunities ("to be an accessing": “to wear the shoes of someone else”) and to feel what they feel.
NOTE: this is a key, starting point in the reflection about inclusion and participation, since sometimes we tend to intervene according to what we suppose is correct to do, but without really feel concretely what people with fewer opportunities can feel.
Material needed / Adhesive tape, a copy of the questions, a copy of the roles already cut up and space.
Duration / 60 minutes
Description / Setting: creation of the proper setting, low light and soft music. Trainer explain to the participants that they have to walk in the workshop room and then sit on the floor when they have found their space.
Then trainers hand out a role to each participant: each one has to carefully read the character's description and try to think and act as the person described.
In the room has to drown a line (horizontal) and participants are invited to stand on the line.
One of the trainer explain that one step forward should be done when they feel their card could do easily a given action, while no step should be done when they feel their card could not do a given action.
Then the trainer read out the following situations on the sheet:
·  Do you have local friend?
·  Do you feel that people listen to you?
·  Can you use public transport?
·  Do you feel safe going home alone at night?
·  Do you feel comfortable kissing your partner in public?
·  You go into a club full of white men: do you stay?
·  Do you feel comfortable drinking in a pub on your own?
·  If you are competing with people of a similar standard for the same job, do you feel you have an equal chance of getting it?
·  Do you see yourself represented on TV?
·  Can you easily adopt a child?
·  Do you think you receive fair treatment from the police?
·  Do you feel comfortable moving into a shared house?
·  Would you get a job as a nanny easily?
·  Can you play football easily?
·  Can you swim?
·  Could your mother take decision within your family?
·  Can you invite a person of your age to go out?
·  Can you share your house with a person of different religions?
Then participants are asked to stay frozen in their position and to have a look of their own position and of the one of the others. One by one is asked what was the character she or he was representing.
Debriefing and k-questions:
·  How did you feel?
·  It was easy to represent your character?
·  Why did you act in this way?
·  Do you think to be excluded from society, in some way?
·  Why did you act or react in that given way?
A white men from Holland, who is 23ears old
A Brazilian transsexual, who is 31 years old
A cleaning woman from Philippine, 27 years old with 5 kids
A white woman, from USA, who is 35 years old
A Polish young mother with no husband, who is 26 years old
A German homosexual, who is 24 years old
A Senegalese man, arrived on the country, since four weeks
An illegal migrant from Afghanistan with no documents
A politic refugee from Libya with no residence permit
An Albanian carpenter who is doing concealed labour
An old men from Denmark, with no family, hosted in a nursing home
An Estonian young women who is doing irregular and not well paid job
A street children with no family
A deft person
A youth in wheel chair
An adolescent with deambulation problems
A business man, 27 years old from USA working in Wall Street
A Russian secretary who is looking for a job
An old women from Togo
A young girl, who is 15 years old, from Arab Emirates
An adolescent from a European suburbs
An adolescent from an African slum
A rich business man from Argentina, who is 35 years old
A divorced women from Turkey
An unemployed man, with 5 kids, from Cameron
A Portuguese top model, who is 25 years old.
A young writer who is spending a month in jail because police catch him during a night where he was doing graffiti
A German writer
A Spanish street artist
A youngster forced to abandon the secondary school to maintain his brothers and sisters
A young girl, politic refugee from Afghanistan, discriminated at school from the other pupils
A young, fat shine boy, victim of bulling in school
Catholic priest
16 years old hip-hop drug addict from Berlin
Jamaican musician
Taxi driver from Lebanon without the job
65 years old university professor from Bologna
35 years old doctor in the hospital in Rome, hiv positive
Human rights activist, 29 years old
Conservative Politician from EU parliament
Organic food farmer from France, 50 years old