CirencesterTown Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The SPD was adopted by Cotswold District Council on 25th November 2008.
Other related documents available to view are:
- Adoption Statement,
- statement summarising issues raised by consultation responses
- changes made to the draft SPD
- The draft SPD
As required by national planning guidance, a considerable body of evidence was gathered in preparing the SPD.This included thecommissioning of several studies, notably the Cirencester Traffic and Movement Study, which was completed by Hyder Consulting in June 2007. The findings of that Study were instrumental in providing a sound basis for producing the SPD.
The SPD forms part of the‘Vision for Cirencester’, which evolved from community and stakeholder engagement (see below). Non-spatial elements of the vision are being prepared through Cirencester Town Council's 'Our Future Cirencester A Community Plan'.
Community and Stakeholder Engagement
A considerable amount of engagement took place to help inform the SPD process, including:
- Developers’ seminar held on 30th November 2006.
- Stakeholder event held on 19thMarch – a cross-section of over 50 people attended and participated in workshops. The event was externally facilitated by URBED.
- Schools:
- Primary schools – officers visited Chesterton Primary, Cirencester Junior and Watermoor Primary. A talk with Q’s and A’s was held and pupils encouraged to enter ideas in a colouring competition with prizes donated by Moore Allen a & Innocent.The pupils also gave us their thoughts on issues that affect them and their friends and families.
- Secondary schools – two participatory events were held with Kingshill and Deer Park students, which, after an introduction by officers, focussed on a SWOT analysis of the town.
- An externally facilitated District Councillors’ event was held on 22nd May 2007, with accompanied site visits to key town centre sites followed by short workshops to establish members’ opinions.
These engagement events were augmented by a ‘Help Shape Cirencester’ press campaign (from February 2007) aimed at arousing public interest on a series of relevant themes, such as parking, traffic management and design issues in the public realm.The following output and summary documents can be viewed on the links below:
- Developers’ seminar output
- Stakeholder event (March 2007) –output 1output 2
- Summary of general comments in response to series of press articles
- Summary of Deer Park and Kingshill schools’ output
- Summary of primary schools’ output
- Summary of Councillors’ output
Sustainability Appraisal
A Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report was prepared in July 2007.
The Sustainability Appraisal for the draft SPD was published in January 2008 together with the Consultation Statement.
A further Sustainability Appraisal - Stage D2 was undertaken in July 2008 to consider the main changes proposed to the draft SPD.
Download related documents
Adoption Statement
This document is available for download in the following format(s):
- Adoption Statement - PDF format (15 Kb )
Statement of issues raised on draft SPD
This document is available for download in the following format(s):
- Statement of issues raised on draft SPD - PDF format (139 Kb )
Changes to draft SPD
This document is available for download in the following format(s):
- Changes to draft SPD - PDF format (27 Kb )
SA Stage D2
This document is available for download in the following format(s):
- SA Stage D2 - PDF format (96 Kb )