- PURCHASE ORDER OVERVIEW: This Purchase Order for Engineering Testing Services (identified here and in other documents as the “Purchase Order” will cover soil, rock, materials and water testing requirements required by PA Department of Transportation, District 11.
- TERM OF PURCHASE ORDER: The Purchase Order has an anticipated start date of April 1, 2017, and will be for a period of one year from the effective date. This Purchase Order will be renewable by mutual consent for two (2) one-year periods. The Commonwealth reserves the right, upon notice to the vendor, to extend the terms of the purchase order for up to three (3) months under the same terms and conditions.
MATERIAL: Substances specified for use in construction projects
ROCK: Indurate mass of mineral aggregates that cannot normally be excavated by manual methods alone and that cannot be satisfactorily penetrated and sampled by standard soil boring and sampling techniques.
WATER: Water which exists as free water in streams, rivers, ponds, etc. or water from saturated soil and groundwater.
- LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible for this Purchase Order, the Vendor must perform all tests in a laboratory that is accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) and certified for the test methods that are applicable for the certification. The test methods and the accreditation requirements are included in the Invitation for Bids. The lab must also be certified as a drinking water laboratory by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP). The accreditations must be forwarded to the Engineering District 11-0 office on a yearly basis. The vendormay utilize a subcontractor(s) for testing they are not capable of performing, as long as the subcontractor(s) fulfills the accreditation and certification criteria. At the discretion of the District Geotechnical Engineer, due to scheduling demands, in addition to the vendor performing testing, the vendor may be required to have a subcontractor(s) perform some testing to provide results in a timely manner. Any test(s) performed by a subcontractor(s) will be paid at the unit costs of this Purchase Order for the specified test method(s).
The vendor’s laboratory must also sustain inspections from the approved agency at intervals sufficient to ensure accuracy of the test results. All testing procedures and testing apparatus that the testing agency is capable of inspecting must be inspected and have the potential of handling contaminated samples. The vendor’s testing facility is to be located within forty-five (45) miles of the Engineering District 11-0 office building located at 45 Thoms Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017.
If the laboratory has not been previously inspected by an agency approved by the Department in the last 18 months, the vendor must show proof that arrangements have been made to have the laboratory inspected prior to being awarded thePurchase Order. Subsequent to the notice to proceed, the laboratory must be inspected within two (2) months. The District Geotechnical Unit reserves the right to inspect laboratory.
- SCOPE OF WORK: The Vendor shall provide to PA Department of Transportation District 11, Engineering Testing Services for soil, rock, materials and water.
The Vendor shall not perform work unless prior authorization is received in writing by the Engineer. Once service is requested by the agency the Vendor shall pick up samples at vendor’s expense no later than three calendar days after being notified by the Department. Most samples must be picked up at the Department’s District office located at 45 Thoms Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017 or at the Bridgeville Maintenance facility at Route 50 Heidelberg, PA 15106. Some samples may be required to be picked up at other various stockpiles throughout the District. The samples will typically be from various sites throughout Engineering District 11-0 which includes Allegheny, Beaver and Lawrence counties.
Two copies of the test results, sealed by a P.E., along with a representative sample of the test specimen, at the discretion of the District Geotechnical Engineer, must be supplied no longer than seven calendar days after receipt of the samples unless testing procedures require additional time. Due to heightened security precautions in effect at all Department maintenance stockpile areas, the vendor must first contact the District 11-0 Geotechnical Office so they may contact the Assistant County Manager in charge of the yard so that he/she is aware of the vendor’s presence and the vendor may be checked in and out of maintenance stockpile area. This procedure applies to picking up samples or dropping them off.
All graphs, calculations, input and output of computer programs must be submitted with the results. Recorded data and presented results must satisfy the procedures in the appropriate test method. Testing for the methods shown in the Invitation for Bids must be performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
There is a contingency fund available for any test methods not shown in the Invitation for Bids. The vendor must first submit a written estimate for the test method and have the approval of the Department before commencing testing. The Department will not be responsible for any cost incurred for testing not previously approved. Any tests performed under the contingency fund must follow ASTM, AASHTO, Corps of Engineering (COE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Standard Methods of Examination of Water and Wastewater (SM), International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s Pennsylvania Test Method (PTM), Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes – Physical/Chemical Methods (SW), CalDOT or National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), depending on the tests performed. As with the tests shown in the Invitation for Bids, if the contingency test method has an AAP accreditation available, the vendor or subcontractor(s) must be certified for the test method.
The Purchase Order shall use the following approved methods and containers for testing:
- For water and soil chemical analyses, all bottles, containers and preservatives must be provided according to procedures for the appropriate test method and test specimens or representative samples must be returned. The costs for these items are to be included in the unit costs for the appropriate test items.
- Sample bags for soil rock and aggregate tests will be provided by the Department. Boxes for the transportation of Shelby tubes will also be provided by the Department. These bags and boxes must be returned to the Department with the test results.
Vendor shall identify samples, reports and other documents obtained or prepared as part of this Purchase Order with the following identification on the label, front cover or title page:
Project (Road/Bridge) Name:
State Project Number:
Sample Type:
Sampled From (Test Pit/Boring No.):
Sampled Bt:______Date:
Sample No.:
Sample Received:
Sample Tested by:______Date:
At the discretion of the District Geotechnical Engineer, after completion of all testing, the vendor will be required to deliver, at their expense, all representative soil samples, rock, aggregate and concrete samples to:
Exceptions to the above would be any samples found to be contaminated. These samples will be disposed of by vendor. The cost for any disposal should be included in the unit pricing of the test.
- INSPECTION OF WORK: At all times, the vendor shall provide the Engineer the opportunity to inspect the work. Vendor shall immediately remedy any work not completed in accordance with the Purchase Order issued by the agency to the satisfaction of the Purchase Order and the Engineer at no additional cost to PA Department of Transportation.
- UNIT PRICE: Bidders must include a Unit Price on the Invitation For Biddocument for all requested testing services. A contingency fund of $20,000 will be included on the awarded Purchase Order but is NOT to be included on the Invitation For Bid Total Bid Amount. Vendor’sterms and conditions that may appear on the Invitation For Bid, including but not limited to, FOB shipping point; prices subject to change without notice will not be part of this Purchase Order and will have no force or effect on the Purchase Orders issued by Commonwealth agencies.
- INQUIRIES: Direct all questions concerning thePurchase Order to District Purchasing Agent, Lucy Binotto, (412) 429-4878 or . Questions concerning tests should be directed to ,Jonathan Moses, District Geotechnical Engineer Manager, (412) 429-4897 or . You may refer to the SRM Bidding Reference Guide on the Supplier Portal at for further details on bidding instructions or call (877) 435-7363.