Prevent Risk Register

January 2016

Risk 1: / An act of extremism by a member of the SOAS community occurs, or is perceived to occur, on campus / Risk owner: Chair of Board of Trustees and Registrar as School-lead
Risk Cause / Risk Consequences / Gross risk / Existing Controls / Sources of Assurance / Early Warning Flags / Current risk / Net risk
What might cause the risk to occur? / What are the possible consequences should the risk occur? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / What existing strategies, processes or controls are in place to manage the risk? / How do we know that these controls are efficient and effective? What are our sources of assurance over the controls for this risk? / What would indicate that the likelihood or the impact of the risk is increasing? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / Impact / Likelihood / I
Adverse event
Public knowledge of radicalisation
Radical speakers at a campus event / Indoctrination of others as a result of a radical speaker on campus
Members of the SOAS community or the public are offended by a speaker or event on campus
Complaints from the public, staff or students
Negative impact on the student experience
Board of Trustees / Chairman held accountable due to dereliction of duty / a result of an act on campus
Bad publicity for the School, negative effect on student recruitment / 5 / 4 / 20 / Registrar appointed as School lead
Prevent Working Group established
Room booking procedure in place
Students’ Union risk assessment of events
Maintain links with other HEs concerning Prevent
Clear communication with the SOAS community about the need for compliance
Links between key university staff and external partners, including Local Authority and Police, are in place
A log of incidents is held centrally / No incidents
Sharing of concerns relating to extremism are effectively coordinated and follows required referral routes for identified cases
SOAS benefits from best practice and resources across the sector and statutory assistance to support vulnerable individuals
Pastoral and chaplaincy support provided for all students on an equal basis / Increase in complaints / 5 / 3 / 15 / 4 / 2 / 8
Actions for further control to deliver net risk based on existing environment
Action for Further Control / Action Owner / Due Date / Status update
Include radicalisation / extremism in policies and procedures, including venue hire spanning different types of booking (corporate, society and academic), robust screening of external speakers (ensuring free speech), ICT code of conduct, policies related to security sensitive research / Secretary / tbc / CI/LG to discuss recording of speakers and event titles on the room booking system with SU, work on ICT code of conduct has started, a policy related to security sensitive research will be discussed at the next Research Ethics Panel
Include reference to Prevent on School’s risk register / Secretary / December 2015 / Done / to be assessed at EB/Audit Committee in February
Ensure increased organisational awareness for staff in supporting students vulnerable to exploitation and the routes for raising concerns through a mixture of documentation and training. Key staff to complete JISC online training programme or similar. / Staff Learning & Development Manager / Training plan by end of January 2016 / Training plan to be revised and implemented
Develop a procedure for supporting students vulnerable to exploitation / Head of Student Advice & Wellbeing / End of January 2016 / Existing protocols to be combined into a single policy document

Prevent Risk Register

January 2016

Risk 2: / An act of extremism occurs by a member of the SOAS community off-campus / Risk owner: Chair of Board of Trustees and Registrar as School-lead
Risk Cause / Risk Consequences / Gross risk / Existing Controls / Sources of Assurance / Early Warning Flags / Current risk / Net risk
What might cause the risk to occur? / What are the possible consequences should the risk occur? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / What existing strategies, processes or controls are in place to manage the risk? / How do we know that these controls are efficient and effective? What are our sources of assurance over the controls for this risk? / What would indicate that the likelihood or the impact of the risk is increasing? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / Impact / Likelihood / I
A national / international incident is linked to SOAS
Radical speakers at an off-campus event / Indoctrination of others as a result of a radical speaker off campus
Members of the SOAS community or the public are offended by a speaker or event off-campus
Complaints from the public, staff or students
Negative impact on the student experience
Board of Trustees / Chairman held accountable due to dereliction of duty / a result of an act off-campus
Bad publicity for the School, negative effect on student recruitment / 5 / 4 / 20 / Registrar appointed as School lead
The Prevent Working Group has been set up to coordinate training, policies etc
Protocols in place for monitoring SOAS’s online presence on social media / No concerns raised through the press or other channels relating to SOAS / An incident occurs / 5 / 4 / 20 / 5 / 4 / 20
Actions for further control to deliver net risk based on existing environment
Action for Further Control / Action Owner / Due Date / Status update
Include radicalisation / extremism in policies and procedures, including venue hire spanning different types of booking (corporate, society and academic), robust screening of external speakers (ensuring free speech) / Secretary / January 2016 / Existing policy to reference external events: it is the responsibility of the external venue to carry out due diligence for events, but if this is not a standard practice for that venue, the venue should refer to the Secretary for further guidance
Development of policies outlining when the SOAS branding can be used and the responsibilities that come with its use / Director of Marketing, Student Recruitment & Communications / February 2016 / LG to discuss with SR.
Social media policy advising of individual responsibility when communicating online / Director of Marketing, Student Recruitment & Communications / February 2016 / LG to discuss with SR.

Prevent Risk Register

January 2016

Risk 3: / An act of terror by a member of the SOAS community occurs / Risk owner: Chair of Board of Trustees and Registrar as School-lead
Risk Cause / Risk Consequences / Gross risk / Existing Controls / Sources of Assurance / Early Warning Flags / Current risk / Net risk
What might cause the risk to occur? / What are the possible consequences should the risk occur? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / What existing strategies, processes or controls are in place to manage the risk? / How do we know that these controls are efficient and effective? What are our sources of assurance over the controls for this risk? / What would indicate that the likelihood or the impact of the risk is increasing? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / Impact / Likelihood / I
Adverse event
Public knowledge of radicalisation / Injury or death as a result of an act of terror
Complaints from the public, staff or students
Negative impact on the student experience
Board of Trustees / Chairman held accountable due to dereliction of duty / a result of an act on campus
Bad publicity for the School, negative effect on student recruitment / 5 / 1 / 5 / Registrar appointed as School lead
Prevent Working Group established
Links between key university staff and external partners, including Local Authority and Police, are in place / No incidents
Sharing of concerns relating to extremism are effectively coordinated and follows required referral routes for identified cases
SOAS benefits from best practice and resources across the sector and statutory assistance to support vulnerable individuals
Pastoral and chaplaincy support provided for all students on an equal basis / The School is alerted to the risk / 5 / 1 / 5 / 5 / 1 / 5
Actions for further control to deliver net risk based on existing environment
Action for Further Control / Action Owner / Due Date / Status update
Ensure increased organisational awareness for staff in supporting students vulnerable to exploitation and the routes for raising concerns through a mixture of documentation and training. Key staff to complete JISC online training programme or similar. / Staff Learning & Development Manager / Training plan by end of January 2016 / Training plan to be revised and implemented
Develop a procedure for supporting students vulnerable to exploitation / Head of Student Advice & Wellbeing / End of January 2016 / Existing protocols to be combined into a single policy document

Prevent Risk Register

January 2016

Risk 4: / Negative impact on staff and students as a result of implementation of Prevent / Risk owner: Chair of Board of Trustees and Registrar as School-lead
Risk Cause / Risk Consequences / Gross risk / Existing Controls / Sources of Assurance / Early Warning Flags / Current risk / Net risk
What might cause the risk to occur? / What are the possible consequences should the risk occur? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / What existing strategies, processes or controls are in place to manage the risk? / How do we know that these controls are efficient and effective? What are our sources of assurance over the controls for this risk? / What would indicate that the likelihood or the impact of the risk is increasing? / Impact / Likelihood / I
L / Impact / Likelihood / I
A visit from the police relating to Prevent
Negative publicity about SOAS in relation to Prevent raising concerns
Concerns about information sharing / Protests and direct action
Negative impact on the wellbeing of certain groups of staff and students who feel targeted by the duty
Board of Trustees / Chairman held accountable due to dereliction of duty / a result of an act on or off-campus
SU non-compliance with the duty / 5 / 2 / 10 / Registrar appointed as School lead
The Prevent Working Group, which is ensuring the duty is complied with in a measured and appropriate way, taking into account the values of SOAS and its community
Clear and open communications
Guidance and support for students with concerns is published on the Student Advice & Wellbeing web pages / Feedback from staff and students
SOAS shares information only when appropriate
SOAS provides returns on exclusion / hate crime e.g. anti-Semitic / racial activity to Prevent point of contact
Pastoral and chaplaincy support provided for all students on an equal basis / Complaints from staff or students
Feedback from the Students’ Union / 5 / 1 / 5 / 5 / 2 / 10
Actions for further control to deliver net risk based on existing environment
Action for Further Control / Action Owner / Due Date / Status update
Chaplaincy service to publicise support and guidance for students with concerns / Head of Student Advice & Wellbeing / January 2016 / LG to meet with UoL Chaplain to discuss this further
Include SU in the development of conduct and event policies, and communication of these policies to the union, its members and student body as a whole / Secretary / January 2016 / SU is kept informed, but is not engaging
Data protection policy and information sharing policy to be put in place / Information Compliance Manager / January 2016 / Policy has been drafted, will be implemented