Lanier Middle School
817 Brownlee Road
Memphis, TN 38116
(901) 416-3128
School Improvement Plan
School Year 2013-2014
Title I Revised Plan
2013-2014 Intervention Plan
School: Lanier Middle School Date: October 20, 2013
Complete Action Plan for developing and implementing an intervention program.
Action Steps / Subject / Timeline / RequiredResources / Person(s) Responsible
1. Identify students that are basic and below basic on the TCAP test and place them in afterschool tutoring. / Math
Language Arts
Social Studies / October 2013- April 2014 / Extended Contract/Extended
Learning / Mr. Blackwell , Principal
Dr. Mitchell,
Asst. Principal
Mrs. Neria,
PLC Coach
2. Provide differentiated instruction for struggling students / Math
Language Arts
Social Studies / October 2013- April 2014 / ED Plans
Syllabus / Mrs. Jones,
Mrs. Neria,
PLC Coach
4. Provide regular education students and students with disabilities with additional help that will address the skills tested on the TCAP Achievement Test. / Math
Language Arts
Social Studies / October 2013- April 2014 / Raising TCAP Achievement Test Scores/ Stanford Math & LAW, Reading Plus/ Failure Free / Mrs. Neria,
PLC Coach
Ms. Phillips, SPED Chairperson
Federal Grants and Programs- NCLB
ACTIVITY / PERSON RESPONSIBLE / DATE / OUTCOMECounseling and Classroom Guidance Sessions / Karyana Jones,
School Counselor / January 2014-May 2014 / 6th-8th grade students will be presented the various services offered through the guidance department. Students will be informed of career opportunities, college choices and the four-year plan process.
Orientation to Lanier Middle School / Karyana Jones, School Counselor
Regan Neria, PLC Coach / 1st 9 weeks
August-September 2013 / Students from feeder schools and all new students will participate in an orientation of Lanier Middle School, which will be provided during classroom guidance sessions.
High School Day for 8th grade students / Karyana Jones, School Counselor / May 2014 / Counselors from surrounding high schools will speak to 8th grade students about the high school experience and requirements for entry.
Career Fair / Karyana Jones, School Counselor / February 2014 / Various organizations and community representatives will present information in regards to their careers. Also they will give motivational talks to 8th grade students about the importance of staying in school.
ACT Explore Test / Regan Neria, PLC Coach / November 2013 / To assess 8th grade students readiness for college. As well as give students an interest inventory survey to determine possible career opportunities.
Lanier Middle School
2013-2014 Technical Assistance Report
Name / Title/Position / Check One / Topic / Check OneState / District / School-Based / Site
Visit / Phone
Call / Email
LaLeisha Neal / Well Child / X / Well Child / X
Jonathan Teel / LeBonheur
Be Proud / X / X
Aron Wyatt / PBIS Coach / X / PBIS Check In / X
Natalie Ray / OT / X / OT Visits / X
Thomas White / CLUE Teacher / X / CLUE Activities / X
Steve Sides / REACH Team / X / Ipad Technology / X
Linda Smith / Connect Mentor / Visit Student / X
Wayne Waycaster / SSA / X / IT / X
LeeAnne Brady / SW Reg IF / X / Walk through / X
Latonia Ward
Brenda Johnson / PARCT / X / Classroom visits / X
Shawanna Vester / Case Manager / X / CMI Visit / X
Elana Cole / Teach for America / Teacher visit / X
Rob France / Teach for America / X / Teacher visit / X
Tiffany Needham / Teach for America / X / Teacher visit / X
Charlotte Graham / PARCT / X / X
Randi Howard / PAR / X / Teacher visit (Glantz) / X
Kelly Ceneenie / Spec. Proj. Coordinator / X / CSH / X
Wanda Woodruf / ITA / X / ITA / X
Camilla Horton / C& I Math / X / Math teacher visits / X
George Burton / Maintenance / X / X
O. Urega / Nurse / X / X
Penny Tubbs / FPGTC Advisor / X / Title 1 / X
Brenda Johnson / PARCT / X / Consulting visit / X
Damon Owens / Tech Comp. / X / IT / X
Etta Harris / PACE Analyst / X / PACE Information / X
Tony Banks / LeBonheur COB / X / Outreach Ed. / X
C. L. Dickerson / SW Regional / X / X
Tia Stuckey / PAR Consultant Teacher / X / Initial Meeting / X
Ashley Dortch / Miss LOC
Keva Lyier / AKA Representative / X / EYL / X
Monica Cauldwell / School Psychologist / X / Weekly Visit / X
Lanier Middle School
817 Brownlee Road
Memphis, TN 38116
(901) 416-3128
State/Federal Programs
Title I
BEP (Fund 1)
Extended Contract
Lanier Middle School
Support for Mentoring New Teachers
Support Team: Mr. D. Joseph Blackwell, Principal; Dr. Jarita Mitchell, Asst. Principal, Mrs. Regan Leigh Neria, PLC Coach, Mrs. Karyana Jones, Counselor, teacher; Mrs. Tracey Oliver, teacher: Mrs. Angela Rucker, teacher: Mrs. Tracey Ewing
Team Members: Abigail Little, 3rd year teacher; Ms. Clare Stolarski, 2nd year teacher, Ms. Ariana Glantz, 1st year teacher, Mason Shughart, 1st year teacher
Team Mission: To enhance the climate of classrooms by providing additional support, resources and behavioral interventions to teachers who are striving to implement the standards and assessment set by MCS.
Goals / Intervention Plan / WalkThrough(s) / Data Assessments / Time Line
Increase knowledge and understanding of school/classroom protocol / Implement concepts, procedures and strategies discussed in in-services, PDs, TLA-PDs, and Team Meetings / M
D / Checking items with a Focus on Curriculum and Instruction
3-5 min. / August 1, 2013
Ongoing / July 2013-14
New Teacher Orientation, New Teacher Support Ongoing
Increase the use of effective and rigorous teaching strategies & MCLA Strategies / Practice the strategies discussed in Marzano’s 9 Instructional Strategies book study / Checking items with a Focus on Curriculum and Instruction
3-5 min. / July 2013
Ongoing / Ongoing
Foster a sense of partnership with parents and students to improve classroom culture / Create and implement a team spirit of cooperation in the classroom by utilizing peer, buddy, small group interaction within the class / Checking item Focus on the Learner
3-5 min. / July 2013
Ongoing / Ongoing
Lanier Middle School
817 Brownlee Road
Memphis, TN 38116
(901) 416-3128
Family Engagement Plan
Revised July 2013
The Stakeholders of Lanier Middle School have jointly developed a family engagement plan. Through this plan, we have established the expectations for parental involvement at our school. We share a common goal of promoting success in every child daily. We will do the following:
1. Convene annual meetings in which all parents will be informed of the Title I requirements, the school’s participation in Title I, and the rights of parents to be involved in the school.
2. A flexible number of meetings will be scheduled at times that include: morning, evening, afternoon.
3. Encourage parents to share in the decision making process by participating in the school Leadership Council.
4. Schedule monthly parent meeting to keep parents informed of Lanier’s activities and progress, as well as invite feedback from parents. Our parent organization is called Parents and Teachers for Lanier (PTFL) and will serve as Lanier’s organized ongoing, timely planning committee for programs that involve parents at the school and district level.
5. Parents will be engaged in ongoing information sessions that describe and explain the curriculum for each grade level per nine weeks period. The Renaissance Formative Assessment reports and proficiency levels of TCAP performance will be explained during regularly scheduled PTFL meetings and parent conferences.
6. Parents will participate in an annual review of the Lanier Middle School Parent, Student, Teacher, Principal Compact during the fall PTFL meeting.
7. Encourage parental participation in both academic and extra-curricular activities.
8. Sponsor a variety of workshops for parents to ensure they have an opportunity to participate in the development of their child’s educational programs.
9. Involve parents in the planning and development of the School Improvement Plan.
10. Schedule alternative parent conferences to inform parents of student progress.
11. Provide parents with monthly school wide activities through fliers, website, and PTFL meetings.
12. Principal, teachers, and parents will support education strategies that produce high levels of proficiency.
Lanier Middle School
817 Brownlee Road
Memphis, TN 38116
(901) 416-3128
Home/School Compact
Student’s Name: ______Teacher’s Name: ______
The school-parent compact of Lanier Middle School is jointly developed with all stakeholders and outlines how parents school staff, and students will share responsibility for improving student academic achievement and state high standards.
Student’s Agreement
It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:
§ Attend school regularly.
§ Come to school prepared for each class.
§ Complete and turn in all homework assignments.
§ Wear the school uniform daily.
§ Obey the rules of the student code of conduct.
§ Perform at my highest level of learning each day.
§ Show school spirit and pride.
§ Come to school with a positive attitude and be ready to be challenged.
Student’s Signature______
Parent/Guardian’s Agreement
It is important that I take a more responsible role in helping my child. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
· See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly.
· Support my child’s learning and the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline.
· Establish a time for homework and review it regularly.
· Make certain that my child properly wears the required uniform daily.
· Develop a partnership with the school to help my child achieve the state’s high standards.
· Volunteer, participate and observe in my child’s class.
· Provide the necessary supplies for my child’s instruction behavior.
· Attend scheduled parent meetings, conferences, and workshops.
Parent’s Signature ______
Lanier Middle School
817 Brownlee Road
Memphis, TN 38116
(901) 416-3128
Teacher’s Agreement
It is important my students achieve. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:
· Provide meaningful homework assignments for students.
· Encourage students and parents by providing frequent reports about student progress.
· Inform parents of homework and classroom policies and procedures.
· Provide instruction that fosters high academic expectations and provide challenging and exciting class assignments.
· Maintain ongoing teacher/parent communication by providing information about student progress.
· Determine the student’s educational needs and adjust the instruction to accommodate those needs.
· Demand higher cooperation and participation from students.
Teacher’s Signature ______
Principal’s Agreement
I support this form of parental involvement. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:
· Provide a supportive, safe and effective learning environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student.
· Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce and extend class instruction.
· Enforce district and school uniform policies.
· Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children to meet the state’s achievement standards.
· Provides multiple/flexible opportunities for parent-teacher conferences to discuss the compact as it relates to an individual child’s achievement.
· Encourage teachers and students to have high expectations academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.
· Provide parents with reasonable access to staff for parent/teacher meetings.
· Maintain open communication with parents through phone calls, conferences, parent meetings, and parent visitations.
Principal’s Signature ______
Lanier Middle School is a federally funded NCLB school. Compacts must be signed by all stakeholders and reviewed during parent conferences.
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Professional Development Plan
School: Lanier Middle School / Principal: Mr. D. Joseph Blackwell / PD Budget: $13,000.00Date: October 21, 2013 / Title I Advisor: Penny Tubbs / PLC Coach: Mrs. Regan Leigh Neria
Professional Development Plan Overview
The Professional Development Plan has goals that will provide teachers with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and resources to meet our identified objectives:
1. The students at Lanier Middle School will increase Reading/Language Arts proficient and advanced scores from 17.6% to 22.8% for the 2013-2014 school year and 30% for the 2014-15 school year.
2. The students at Lanier Middle School will increase Math proficient and advanced scores from 31.5% to 35.8% for the 2013-2014 school year and 42% for the 2014-15 school year.
3. Increase the quality of professional development for school stakeholders to ensure research proven best practices in instruction are implemented.
Based on an extensive review of student data, teacher data and school data, our school identified and prioritized measurable objectives by subgroups as follows:
1. The Math student achievement scores for Non Economically Disadvantaged in 6th to 8th grade students at Lanier Middle School will increase from26.2% 2012-2013 to 32% in 2013-2014.
2. The Math student achievement scores for Students with Disabilities in 6th to 8th grade students at Lanier Middle School will increase from 21.4% in 2012-2013 to 26% in 2013-2014.