Unit 2 Manners

Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to :

1) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about English culture;

2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills;

3) grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary;

4)read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their reading comprehension;

5) do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.;

6) translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities.

I. Preparation

1. What Would You Say?

Samples 1) -- What a beautiful ring! I love it!

-- Well, I like it very much, but I can’t accept it because it is too expensive.

-- Thank you very much, but I can’t accept it because I’m married.

-- I like this ring, but it’s gold-plated. I want a real gold one.

-- This is a nice ring, but you mean more to me than anything else.

2) -- Thank you very much. I have a gift for you, too.

-- I like it very much, but I like you more.

-- I like it very much. Would you put it on my finger?

-- It is a beautiful gift. It must have cost you a fortune.

-- Thank you very much. But you really shouldn’t have bought such an expensive gift.

2. Whose Fault Is It?


Situation 1 About gratitude and modesty

-- I think that it’s the applicant’s fault.

He is too modest. If I were the applicant, I would say: “ Thank you very much. I will do my best.”

Modesty is not applicable in all situations. If I were the applicant, I will show you that you have made a wise decision.”

I think that one needs to be confident in this type o f situation. If I were the applicant, I would say goodbye and take my leave.

-- I think that it’s the manager’s fault.

The applicant is most likely Chinese and what he did is an example of typical Chinese modesty. The manage does not seem to know much about Chinese culture. If I were the manager, I would change my mind.

Situation 2 About being embarrassed

-- I think that it’s Zhang’s fault. He shouldn’t have eaten all the chicken. If I were in his situation, I wouldn’t have done so. If I had eaten all the chicken and realized the problem, I would have taken the boys out for some fried chicken at McDonald’s.

-- I think that it’s Mrs. Johnson’s fault. She should have prepared more.

-- I think that it’s the boys’ fault. They should have behaved themselves in the presence of a guest.

-- I think that it’s nobody’s fault. The boys were too young to know how to behave well in the presence of a guest, and it was all right for Zhang to eat up all the chicken after being invited to do so. As for Mrs. Johnson, she didn’t expect Zhang to eat so much since it was only a snack.

Situation 3 About some ink on one’s face

-- I think that it’s Tom’s fault. He shouldn’t have been so straightforward and said this in class.

-- I think that it’s the teacher’s fault, because what Tom said was, after all, for her good.

If I were in the same situation, I would:

-- tell the teacher after class.

-- write a note to the teacher to tell her about it.

-- wait until the teacher comes close to me.

-- keep silent.

II. Listening-Centered Activities

1. Guests should arrive on time or about 10 or 15 minutes late because Americans expect promptness. In China, people usually arrive several minutes early.

2. In China, people usually bring wine, flowers to the host / hostess, or toys, candy, etc. for children. In America, flowers, candy and attractive items made in one’s native country are considered appropriate.

3. In America. The guest shouldn’t make a fuss about it, while in China, the guest never says he / she doesn’t like it, and sometimes pretends to enjoy it.

4. When the host / hostess seems to be tired and running out of things to say.

Listening-Centered Activities

1. tolerant 2. trouble 3. annoyed

4. really 5. creates 6. soap

7. soup 8. admit 9. rude

10. standing 11. stupid 12. Conversation are talking about them or saying sth. You don’t want them to hear.

14. Translate for your American friends so they don’t feel left out


1) annoy bother irritate “使恼怒”或“使烦恼”

annoy 由于干扰、不顺利或受不了某种外界情况等而“使烦恼、懊恼”

e.g. I was annoyed by his bad manners. 他的无礼使我恼怒。

bother 不停地“扰乱”、“麻烦”, 使人不能安宁, 而产生烦恼的心理。

e.g. Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter. 请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。

irritate 表示“恼怒”、“不耐烦”的意思, 比annoy 更为强烈, 着重指一种暂时或短期的“恼怒”

e.g. His explanation irritated us all. 他的解释使我们都恼火了。

2) compliment complement

e.g. They gave us a compliment on our beautifully set table. 他们对我们这张漂亮的桌子表示赞许。


e.g. The antique silver was a complement to the beautifully set table. 配上这个古银器,这套美丽的桌子就完美无缺了。

Two discussions from different points of view may complement each other. 不同观点的两种讨论可以彼此互相参证。

3) words for compliment

fish for compliments

give/make/pay/present/send my compliments to

make /pay a compliment to

left-handed compliment

return the compliment

the compliments of the season

with the compliments of

compliment away

compliment sb. into

compliment sb. on

compliment sb. out of sth.

III. Reading-Centered Activities

1. Enriching your word power

place dish break encounter poll lecture school shift advance strike beam focus label show stride zoom cast approach

2. Pre-Reading Activities

Directions: Work in small groups to answer the following questions

When you were a child, what manners did your parents teach you?

Have you noticed any changes in manners in China? Give examples to explain your answer.

The Introduction of the Text

In the 18th and 19th centuries, good manners were commonly considered as an important factor to measure one’s social status. People belonging to the upper class were all proud of their courtesy. But with the social development, in this civilized world, more and more people neglect good manners for various reasons. The author provides some evidence, even by taking an example of a homeless man to illustrate his point. At the end of the article, the author puts forward that good manners are of vital importance for people to ease their everyday stress and create a more beautiful world. So it’s time for people to act quickly and adopt good manners.

3.Language Points

1)manner:way in which a thing is done or happens

He spoke slowly in a curious manner.

She lived and entertained in the French manner.

manner: person’s way of behaving towards others

He had an absent-minded manner.

His manner was slightly aggressive, but you mustn’t mind.

manners: (polite) social practices or habits礼貌,规矩

People who have good manners are polite and considerate to others.

Mind your manners.

manners:social behavior;ways of living(esp. of a nation or group of people)风俗,习惯,生活方式

She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.

2)to buzz with: to make or filled with a low confused whisper

e.g. The room’s crowd buzzed with excitement.

3) to gather up:collect or pick

The child gathered up his toys and put them away.

I gathered up my few things and left.

to gather in:to harvest

This enabled us to gather in the summer crops in time.

to gather together

They gathered together their belongings and set off.

4) to step aside: let another person take one’s place

I stepped aside so that she might go in.

Would you mind stepping aside to let this lady off the bus?

to step in:to enter a house/agreement; a plan…between other people by saying or doing sth.

Father stepped in and forbade me to go camping.

Seeing that I was lost for answer, John stepped in to save the situation.


step-brother step-sister step-son step-daughter step-father/mother

5) to help out: to give help at a time of need to sb

Would you please help me out with this math problem?

Her relatives helped out when she became ill.

What struck me about this encounter was not the wealthier man helping out the less fortunate one.这一偶然碰见的事件使我感到触动的,并不是那为富有的人帮助了以为不信的人。

6) no doubt: very probably,certainly

No doubt you can think of others that appeal to you.

No doubt I learned a lot from the lecture.

There is no doubt that he is guilty.

in doubt:in a condition of uncertainty

When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary.

without(a) doubt毫无疑问,一定地(比no doubt更强调)

Without doubt you have been working very hard.

Don’t worry: he’ll come back without doubt.

7)to dish up:to put (food) into dishes,ready to be eaten

Help me to dish up the vegetables.

to dish up: to produce (facts/arguments)

He dished up a lot of useful facts and figures.

to dish out: hand out

Most of his lessons consisted of dishing out notes to his pupils.

That teacher dished out so much homework that her pupils complained to their parents.

8)…I bet everyone there would have considered themselves as having more manners than a person who lives on the streets.


to consider

A) to consider+sth

Then I sat down by the fire to consider my opinion.

B) to consider +O +adv

Have you considered how to get there? (Have you considered how you could get there?)

C) to consider +O+(to be) +adj

You surely can’t consider him to be a selfish man.

I consider that to be important.

I consider it a shame.

Do you consider it wise to do that?

to consider +O +N

They considered Paris the brain and heart of the country.

to consider +O+pp

Everyone considered it greatly improved.

to consider +O +as

Pattern practice, then, must still be considered as an essential feature of language teaching and learning.

D)to consider doing

Mark considered dropping his medical course and specializing in maths.




well-appointed 设备完善的,





















He refused to acknowledge defeat.

They acknowledged themselves (to be) defeated.

B) report that one has received

We must acknowledge his letter.

C) express thanks for

We must not fail to acknowledge his services to the town.

His long service with the company was acknowledged with a present.

D)*to show that one recognizes sb as by smiling, or waving

My son walked right past me without even acknowledging me.

I met her in the townbut she didn’t even acknowledge me when I raised my hat.

11)to expect of 对…期望/要求

to expect too much of sb: to think sb can do more than he can do

You are expecting too much of her.

That boy’s parents expected too much of him, with the inevitable result that they were disappointed, and he left home at the earliest opportunity.

We expect mush of him.

12)give-and-take n/adj give and take 有取有予,公平交易;互让的;互相迁就,让步

Married life is said to be a matter of give-and-take.

Love had to be a give and take, each expecting the other’s personality.(n)

We must all give and take a little if we want peace.(v)

Timmy is too selfish. He has notion of give-and-take with the other children but wants everything for himself.

13)much less:even less;and also not更不会/更不用说

much less/more更加,何况(用以表示前句含义加强后句含义)

Tom couldn’t even pick up the box,much less carry it upstairs.

I can hardly bear to walk,much less run.

I never spoke to the man,much less insulted him.

much more:even more就更加(用于肯定句)

It is difficult to understand him, much more his wife.

much the same:about the same几乎相同,还是原样

The doctor says that Helen’s condition is much the same.

so much so that 到了此种程度以致

He is ill----so much so that he can’t get out of bed.

14)to lecture on/about

A)give a lecture/course 作演讲,上演讲课

The detective lectured in the city schools on drug abuse.

B)to scold solemnly( and at length)教训

The doctor lectured his patient about smoking too much.

15)to run over

A) to knock down and pass over the top of

The train ran over the poor fellow as he was crossing the line.

The car ran him over, but he’s not seriously hurt.


The water ran over the edge of the jug.

The cup was filled and the water in it was running over.

to run out:(of supplies, of a period of time) come to an end

His strength ran out. Time is running out.

to run out of: use all one’s supply of;have no more of

to run into sb.: meet unexpectedly

I ran him now and then.

Joe lost control of his bike and ran into a tree.

16)….be it the dream house…

be 开头的倒装结构表示让步

Be it ever so later,I must do another experiment.

Be a man ever so successful,he should not be proud.

All magnets behave the same, be they large or small.所有磁体,无论大小,其性质都一样。

Be he friend or enemy (=Whether he is a friend or an enemy), the law regards him as a criminal.


Come what may (=Whatever may happen), I will try it.

Say what I would (Whatever I would say), he refused to go.

Believe me or not, something is in my pocket.

由Granting /granted (that)等引起的让步从句

Granting/granted that he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn’t mean he is going to do so.

Granted that you have made some progress, you should not be conceited.

16)at hand : near in time or place;near

When he writes,he always keeps a dictionary at hand.

The great day is at hand.

by hand:by a person not a machine

My shoes were made by hand.

The note was delivered by hand.

in hand : ready to be used or done手上的

I still have $ 10 in hand after paying the bill.

As the matter in hand was urgent we dealt with it at once.

on hand:ready for use手头(有)

Do you have anything on hand for this evening?

I have a great deal of important work on hand.

to wash one’s hand of:to refuse to be concerned with or responsible for不再管

Let her go. I wash my hands of the whole thing.

IV. Post-Reading Activities


1.Almost all of us believe that in an age of uncouth manners(缺乏教养的),that things were better in some previous era.


2.For example, the 18th century in England is known as a period of high finement (彬彬有礼/教养有素)in social intercourse.


3. We look back with nostalgia(以怀旧的心情) to the soft candle-light(柔和的烛光), the elaborate courtesies(温文尔雅的举止), the hand-kissing(吻手背的礼仪)---unwilling to confront the brutal reality(野蛮的现实)of a century in which duelingto the death (决斗致死)was commonplace(司空见惯)and gentlemen were expected to drink themselves under the table.


V. Further Development

1. In China, are college students well mannered? Give examples of what you mean by good manners.

---College students are, in most cases, well mannered. They show their respect to their teachers, say “Hello” to their classmates, etc. But some students make noise in the classroom, in the library, or in the dormitory, thus disturbing the others.

Examples of good manners are:

---Not talking loudly in public places;

---Not interrupting others when they are talking/speaking;

---No littering or sitting in public places;

---Helping other people when they are in trouble;

---Showing respect to one’s parents,teachers,and old people/the elderly;

---Saying “Thank you” when they offered help;

---Not smoking in public places;

---Not jumping the queue

2. What will you do in the following situations? Explain your behavior.

A.The girl in front of you is wearing a beautiful skirt, but you notice that the zipper is undone at the back.

A boy student would:

---pretend not to notice it;

---do nothing;

---tell a story to draw the girl’s attention to her zipper

A girl student would:

---tell her or do up the zipper for her;

---write a note to her, telling her that her zipper is undone;

---do nothing;

3. You invite a girl in your class to have dinner with you,but when you get into the restaurant, you find it’s a very expensive place, and you can’t afford to eat there.What would you do?

If I were in such a situation, I would:

---tell her that it’s too expensive here and I can’t afford it.

---pretend that I am not feeling well so that she will suggest having dinner another time;

---order something cheap and say that I don’t like the other food;

---let the girl look at the menu and ask her to order, hoping she will order some cheap food;

---pretend too have forgotten to bring my wallet;

---say, “Oh, terrible! I’ve lost my wallet!”

---say, “it’s so noisy here. Shall we find a quiet restaurant?”


Directions: Write a composition on the following topic, using as many words and phrases as possible from the texts in this unit:

Manners Are of Vital Importance on Campus


Manners Are of Vital Importance on Campus

All of us live on campus, so we expect a pleasant, well-mannered atmosphere at the university. Here are a few important rules of etiquette for us to observe.

First, do not interrupt teachers. Keep silent when a lecture is going on or when other students are speaking. Everyone wants to get attention, but you should respect others first.

Second, never talk loudly in the library. A library is a place for reading, learning and thinking, not a place for talking. In this way you’ll appreciate the real purpose of a library.

Third, keep order in the dining hall. You should not attempt to jump the queue even though you may have to wait longer.

Fourth, good manners help you get on well with your roommates in the dormitory. Don’t hesitate to say “Thank you” or “Sorry”.

A university is a large family. Every member should behave properly and contribute to creating comfortable and harmonious surroundings. It will benefit all of us.