Name: Grade Level/Content: Date:

Daily Lesson Planner ß indicates part of every lesson
Opening / Time / 1 5 E’s / 1 DTA / ßStatement of Objective: What should students know and do
as a result of the lesson? / ßWarm-Up: How will you engage students in learning? How will you connect the lesson to their prior knowledge?
Engagement / Focusing Student Attention / Students will explore causes or slow changes in the earth's surface in order to identify and describe differences between weathering and erosion. / Activate Prior Knowledge
Take the students outside and have them observe the surroundings: a rusted bench, uneven sidewalk, pot holes, and side of the building. In their journals students will record their observations with focus on the texture, color, and material. Students will note what caused the change in these objects on a chart.
Heart of the Lesson / Time / 3
5 E’s / 2
DTA / Teacher Directed Activities: How will you aid students in constructing meaning of new concepts?
How will you introduce/model new skills or procedures? / Time / 2
5 E’s / 3 DTA / Teacher-Monitored Activities: What will students do together to use new concepts or skills? How will you assist students in this process?
Explanation / Introductory and/or Developmental Activities / After each group successfully moves the sugar, ask students to explain how they moved the sugar and what they observed.(Possible responses: we blew on the sugar, we used the water to move the sugar, we shook the desk or tray). Teacher will ask the students the following questions:
·  How can you apply this to what happens in real life?
·  What happens to nature that is similar to blowing on the sugar?
·  What happens in nature that compares to pouring water on the sugar?
·  What happened to the sugar when you poured water on it, what did you observe?
Chart student responses for display.
Introduce Vocabulary:
Erosion, weathering, deposition, transportation / Exploration / Guided Practice / Teacher will provide each group with the following materials:
·  Styrofoam bowl, one cup of brown sugar, a dropper, paper towels and water.
Teacher will directgroups to come up with a plan on how to move the sugar.
Time / 4
5 E’s / 4
DTA / Extension, Refinement, and Practice Activities: What opportunities will students have to use the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way? How will students expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and apply it to a real-world situation? How will students demonstrate their mastery of the essential learning outcomes?
Elaboration / Independent Activities and/or Meaningful-Use Tasks / Explain that this activity is an example of how Earth's surface changes overtime. (Introduce objective)
Explain that another word for the Earth's surface is crust.
Explain also that Earth's crust is continually changing. It can be build up or worn down slowly.
Can anyone identify the natural forces you used to move the sugar? (wind, water, shifting, earthquake)
Remember that forces can also be quick (rapid) or slow.
Closing / Time / 5 All Models / ßOngoing Assessment: How will you monitor student progress throughout the lesson?
Evaluation / Assessment / How does this activity demonstrate erosion?
ßCulminating Assessment: How will you ensure that all students have mastered the identified learning indicators? How will you assess their learning?
Students will complete a graphic organizer on the cause and effect of erosion as it relates to the consequences on the Earth’s surface.
Time / 6 All Models / ßClosure Activities: Through this teacher-guided activity, how will you assist students in reflecting upon what they learned today and preparing for tomorrow’s lesson? What homework will be assigned to help students practice, prepare, or elaborate on a concept or skill taught?
Closure / Review the objective and ask students if they have any further questions.
Daily Lesson Planner - Resource Planner
Text Resources
How will various forms of text (e.g., print, video, etc.) be used to help learners develop a deeper understanding of the key concepts and skills? What text resources can be utilized to assist learners in enhancing literary experiences? / Technology ResourcesHow can the use of technology enhance the learning experience? What tools may be accessed to further develop students’ skills in using technology as an integrated part of their learning? How can information literacy skills be integrated with instruction? / Cooperative Groupings
What cooperative structures will facilitate learning? How will students be involved in group processing? How will students work with one another during the unit? / Writing OpportunitiesHow will students have an opportunity to further extend their thinking through writing?
SF Student text page 276
Leveled Reader for grade levels readers / United
Video: Weathering and Erosion
Video Viewing Guide: Students will create a Venn diagram in their journals on weathering and erosion / Students will work in groups to complete the inquiry activity. / Students will explain in their journal how this activity demonstrate erosion
Hands-On Experiences and/or
Manipulative Usage
What hands-on experiences and/or manipulatives will be used to help students develop an understanding of key skills and processes for investigation? / Individualized InstructionHow will the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs (i.e., special education, talented and gifted, ESOL/language minority)? In what ways will you vary the modalities of learning to ensure that ALL students have an opportunity to learn? / Material Resources
What materials will need to be prepared before each lesson in order to ensure the unit goes smoothly? What library media resources are available to enhance your lessons? / Other Planning ConsiderationsWhat else should be considered when planning and delivering this lesson? What reminders should you record for yourself? What are the time constraints and considerations for this lesson?
Activity Chart on Erosion & Weathering / Leveled readers will be used for both BGL , OGL , and AGL group / Materials for inquiry activity / Please note that this lesson may take 2 days

Prince George's County Public Schools