Disability Justice Project

Local Community Liaison Group


Date: / Thursday, 15 May2014
Venue: / 4.00 – 6.00pm
130 Lord Street, Caversham
Attendees: / Megan Barnett, Manager Disability Justice Service (Chair), DSC
Wendy Cox, Executive DirectorAccommodation Services (Recorder), DSC
Connie Drew
Elizabeth Drew
Jenny Waterhouse
Deborah Spittle, Senior Communications & Media Officer, DSC
Absent: / Cr Mick Wainwright, Deputy Mayor, City of Swan (went to Midland venue)
Crystal D’Silva
Gail McMahon, Senior Project Support Officer, Disability Justice Service
Brian Ellis, Director Sentence Management, Adult Custodial Division, Corrective Services
Marc Dale


  1. Introduction and Question and Answer session with Brian Ellis
  • Mr Brian Ellis, Director Sentence Management atthe Department of Corrective Services, gave an overview of his roles in the justice system over many years. He then spoke about the benefits of the DJC for people he has come into contact with at Corrective Services.
  1. Attendance, apologies, minutes and actions
  • A review of the attendees of LCLG meetings since November 2013, identified that a number of current members have been absent for three consecutive meetings. In line with the Terms of Reference, their membership on the LCLG will cease and a call for new members will occur.
  • Feedback on the minutes of the April meeting were received prior to the meeting. An update on April meeting actions follows:
  • Link to a Canadian model – a hard copy of information was distributed to the May LCLG attendees following identification that the link was no longer accessible.
  • Uploading of previous minutes on the website – February and March minutes are now available.
  • Terms of Reference – included on May LCLG meeting agenda.
  • Plants from 130 Lord Street – Lockridge Primary School has indicated it would like the 50 potted plants. Delivery of these is being coordinated with the gardener at the school.
  • Communication from the State Government regarding progress of the project –the May LCLG meeting agenda includes a new item titled ‘Communication with the Local Community’.
  1. Update
  • Legislation – Further debate on the Bill has been deferreduntil next month.
  • Project update:
  • Commencement of construction on the Lord Street site has yet to be confirmed.
  • Disability Justice Service project team has progressed a number of policies which have been endorsed in principle by the Governance and Corporate Executive.
  • Contact with Lockridge Primary School – Meg has a meeting with the Lockridge Primary School.
  1. Boronia visit
  • A report from Gail to be requested for sharing with the group.
  1. Future role of the Group – Canadian model
  • Information was distributed to meeting attendees.
  1. Membership on LCLG
  • Previous advertisement calling for expressions of interest to be members of theLCLG to be reviewed and updated. Any changes to be forwarded to LCLG for information ahead of (1) publishing in local community newspaper and (2) personal approach to identified business and community groups within the area.
  1. Terms of Reference
  • Membership – Group size to be extended from 10 to 12. Representatives to be relatively equally distributed between local residents, local government, organisation/business/community and Disability Services Commission. Clarification as to who will be the Disability Services Commission representative members to be provided at the next meeting.
  • Meetings – to be monthly for the foreseeable future; membership to determine if and when this would change.
  1. Communication with the Local Community
  • Attendees were asked to review three draft fact sheets (inclusive of Questions & Answers). These were titled Snapshot of ‘Disability Justice Services’, ‘Design of the Facility’ and ‘Placement of Residents’. Initial feedback included:

(1)describe building materials being used as opposed to “it will be constructed using similar approaches to properties nearby”

(2)rephrase the sentence “…capacity to house up to 10 people in three housing units, ..” to ensure readers know that the maximum number of residents who will live at the DJC is 10; and

(3)clarify definition of an intellectual disability.

  1. Other business
  • Future guest speakers will be:
  • Maria Mansour, Disability Justice Service, DSC – Maria is writing the policies associated with the legislation. Maria will be asked to attend the next meeting, if convenient for her.
  • Fran Gresley, Statewide Specialist Services, DSC. Fran has experience in supporting people with a disability who have a Behaviour Support Plan, and sometimes require redirecting.
  • A proposed new agenda for the LCLG was tabled. All supported this as the agenda format for future meetings.
  1. Actions

Agenda Item / Action
2 / Draft of meeting minutes to be distributed within 5 working days of each meeting, and feedback to be forwarded within 5 working days. Final minutes to be tabled for endorsement at the next meeting.
6 / Deb to provide Meg with previous advertisement, application form and flyer calling for members.
7 / Personal approaches to Principal/teachers of local school/s, doctor’s surgery, Better Pets & Garden, and Aboriginal elder to occur once advertisement has been updated.
Building positive relationships with the Community to be a separate agenda item on future agendas.
8 / Updates to these Fact Sheets to occur. A further set of fact sheets to be reviewed at the June meeting.

Next meeting

Date: Thursday, 19 June 2014

Time: 4.00pm

Venue: 130 Lord Street, Caversham

Contact: Meg Barnett, 9426 9211

21 May 2014