
Saint Patrick of the Island This Week / Upcoming Events, Meetings & Announcements
summer schedule
saturday, aug 15, 2015
16:30 Confession
17:00 Herve Bertrand from Coulter Family
Real Trepanier from the Floreani Family
sunday, aug 16, 2015
10:00 Deceased Members of the Neeson Family
saturday, aug 22, 2015
16:30 Confession
17:00 Soma Jayasuriya from Dencil & Family
Violette Malo from Family
sunday, aug 23, 2015
10:00 Jane Furtaw from the Bunco Group
The collections for the last four weeks were:
August 9 - $1304
August 2 - $1347 and Roof $730
July 26 - $1186
July 19 - $1323
We thank you for your generosity.
prayer requests
Ernie Rakaczky, Gordie Kennedy, Rosselyn Gagnon, Brenda & Larry McManus, Gertrude Yates, Andrew Riva, Liz McCracken, Joanne Routly, Oriel Noronha, Lucy Clune, Ann & George Frazer, Bruce Small, Cindy Condillac, Michael Heaney, Judy Cloutier, Hector, Debbie, Mary Lapchack, Marian Lapchak, Gary Dilallo, Michael Dunning, Betty Guy, Francesca Colovito, Pierre Jolivet.
adoration chapel
Please note the new chapel hours:
mon - fri: 7am – 11pm
sat - sun: 7am – 10 pm
If you are looking to take an hour or substitute, please contact Audrey at 514-453-5409. / parish picnic
We will be holding our annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 13th after the 10 am Mass. There will be hot dogs & hamburgers on the BBQ, a corn roast, beverages and plenty of fun for everyone. Please contact the Wardens if you are available to help us prepare for this event.
pew plaques
We are submitting an order for pew plaques during the summer. The cost for each plaque is $50. If you would like to order one, please contact Mary Martin or Anita Clement.
faith education classes
Now is the time to register! Faith Education Classes begin mid-September and we are taking registrations for new and returning students. To register, come to the office during office hours or contact You must bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate when you register for any classes.
Classes for 4 and 5 year olds will take place during the 9am Mass. Classes are also available for children in levels 1 thru 6 (time to be decided).
free furniture
There is a living room set in the church hall that needs a new home. Unfortunately, if it is not taken by Sunday Aug. 16, it will be put to the curb for garbage pick-up. If interested, please see Father or Anita after Mass.
roof fund
Do you know someone celebrating a special occasion or would you like to make a donation in someone’s memory? Could we suggest making a donation to the roof fund in their name! Forms are available at the front of the church and acknowledgement cards will be sent to recipients or their families KofC fundraiser
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Wine & Cheese Tasting for Cancer on Saturday, September 5. There will be 2 sessions, 2 - 5 pm or 7 – 10 pm. This event will take place at the Pincourt Omni Center, 375 Blvd Cardinal Leger, Pincourt. Cost is $15 per person and all proceeds go to Cancer. For more information or tickets please contact William Fletcher at 514-501-8800 or see Terence McCulloch after 5 pm Mass.