November, 2010 IEEE P802.19-08/0116r1
IEEE P802.19
Wireless Coexistence Working Group
Project / IEEE 802.19 Wireless Coexistence Working Group (WG)Title / Teleconference minutes Nov. 3, 2010
Date Submitted / [Nov.2010]
Source / [Tuncer Baykas]
[Yokosuka,Japan] / Voice:[ ]
Fax:[ ]
Abstract / Minutes of teleconferenceNov. 3, 2010
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.19.
Minutes of Tele-Conference Call on Nov. 3, 2010
Date:Nov. 3, 2010, 9:00AMEST
Gloger Reinhard (NSN), Jesse Caulfield (Key Bridge Global LLC), Paivi Ruuska (Nokia), Lan Zhou, Chunyi Song,Stanislav Filin, Tuncer Baykas, Gabriel Villardi (NICT), Ivan Reede (Amerisys), Donghun Lee, Hyunduk Kang (Etri), Naotaka Sato (Sony)
Discussed Documents:
19-10-0151-00-0001Interfacing the White Space Database presented by Jesse Caulfield
1The meeting called to order byTuncer Baykas 9AM EST
2T. Baykas reminded everyone IEEE patent policy
319-10-0151-00-0001Interfacing the White Space Database presented by Jesse Caulfield
3.1Paivi Ruuska asked: How does 802.19 system access TVWS database?
3.1.1Jesse Caulfield: It can access as a transmitter or as a non-transmitter.
3.2Ivan Reede: In slide 6, I appreciate changes you suggest for .22 database access. It reflects European regulatory requirements, which announce EIRP levels rather than channels. My question is about transmission of location information. It could be against the law in some countries. Is this viable?
3.2.1Jesse Caulfield: Rules allow this but it is optional. Personally I don’tthink they will be available.
3.3Ivan Reede: In slide 8, what is the advantage of having two interfaces one for transmitting devices one for nontransmitting devices? They can use the same protocol with an indicator. What is the rationale behing employing two protocols?
3.3.1Jesse Caulfield: You may be able to use same interface, but nontransmitter may want more complicatedquarries for spectrum planning.
3.4Jesse Caulfield: In slide 6, there are optional fields. The reason is to support non-US requirements. Also channelization may change in the future so instead of channel numbers providing frequincies could be more beneficial for the future.
3.5Lan Zhou: Regarding the non-TVBD information exchange, where is it written in the FCC document.
3.5.1Jesse Caulfield: It is stated that FCC database operators may allow prospective devices to access database. Just a software application can acces to database according to the rules.
3.6Reinhard Gloger: Do operators have to deploy an interface for non transmitting devices?
3.6.1Jesse Caulfield: No, but I believe they will do it for commercial purposes.
3.7Ivan Reede: A network operator cannot act as a proxy for the database. Is it true?
3.7.1 Jesse Caulfield: The assumption is every mode 2 device should be able access by itself. Network can forward the quarries but it cannot unwrap the data.
3.7.2As long as data is not modified and communication is secure between CE and CM, it could be possible.
3.8Hyunduk Kang: Is it required that TVBD announce their channel usage?
3.8.1 Jesse Caulfield: No.
3.9Hyunduk Kang: Can a CM decide which channel to use?
3.9.1Jesse Caulfield: Yes. CM can provide the optimal list of operational channels. TVBD can check it with TVWS database.
3.10Hyunduk Kang: Can a CM proxy digital certificate?
3.10.1Jesse Caulfield: No. A CDIS or CM cannot act as a defacto database.
4Ivan Reede asked what will happen for the nonuploaded proposal?
4.1Tuncer Baykas: Group should give a special permission for its presentation.
5The chair closedthe teleconference at10:00AM, EST
SubmissionPage 1Tuncer Baykas, NICT