Meetingminutes:Monday22nd June2009
SandraWharton(SW) Administrator(London–NorthwickPark)
SallyMiles(SM)MIPharmacist(Brighton and SussexUniversity NHS Trust (BSUH NHS Trust)
Louise McNeil (LM)MI Pharmacist (Scotland - Glasgow Royal Infirmary)
Andrea Rankin (AR)MI Pharmacist (Scotland - AyrHospital)
Selwa Elrouby(SE)MIManager(Central Manchester & Manchester Children’s)
- Welcome,ApologiesAnnouncements
New members of the group were welcomed: Sally Miles, Andrea Rankin and Louise McNeil.
- Accuracyofminutesofmeetingheldon18th March2009
Minutesagreedbyallascorrect;MCtoremove‘unconfirmed’fromminuteson MC
- Mattersarising(fromETWGmeetingon18th March 2009)
TB will invite SW to future meetings to link in with progress of workbook. TB
- National MI Training Course
a) Arrangements for Course update – 29 people will attend the July 2009 course. A note was made that the date on the leaflet for the National course needs to be updated. The correct version was posted to applicants. BR highlighted a facilitator was needed on the National training course ideally for the Medline/Embase session. MC volunteered to help with the enquiry answering session and website facilitator. BR will send around an email request for another facilitator for the Tues/Weds afternoon sessions. BR will also take a camera to take images for use at the development seminar. BR/MC
A pool of people who are willing to help as facilitators on the National MI training course has been established and BR will request this list of staff from PG. Availability of a laptop for the course will also be investigated. BR
b) Criteria for prioritisation of course applicants
The way in which course applicants could be prioritised for course attendance was discussed. Suggestions included:-
- The precise role of applicants?
- How much time is spent in MI – requiring a narrative answer
- Is the staff member permanently working in MI or on rotation?
- Does the staff member provide regular cover in MI for other permanent staff members?
- Are staff UK based and NHS employed?
TB will write up a paper on prioritisation of the application process for the National course and this will
be sent to UKMI exec meeting for Oct. Aim is to confirm this prioritisation process before Jan course.
MC raised the possibility of an electronic application form.TB
The issue of Swine flu was discussed and how this may affect the running of future National MI training courses. It was agreed that if attendance of applicants was affected by swine flu then the course would run if there was 50% or more attendance. Other decisions may be necessary if course leaders/speakers and facilitators were unable to attend. The booking contract will need to be scrutinised for future courses to check situation if unforeseen events occur. SE
c) SE volunteered to arrange next course for Jan 2010 which will be on 6-8th Jan 2010. SW will send list of facilitators to SE when available. MC stated he has stated “costs to be confirmed” on the website for UKMi site. SE will liaise with MC, BR and SW when ready to organise course for Jan. It was noted that SE will be on annual leave 22nd Oct/Nov 24th so arrangements will be made around this. SE
TB will ask about differential prices for non NHS applicants for the National MI course Guernsey.TB
VR asked if there could be a slot on the course to highlight the role of MI technicians in MI centres. It was agreed this should be included and could perhaps be added to the introduction and ice breaker session. VR will liaise with BR to arrange and try and add on from the July 2009 course. VR/BR
The course objectives need to be reviewed and this will be done at future meetings once the competency framework for MI has been reviewed. All
- UKMI Practice Development Seminar
Ideas for the stand at the next practice development seminar were discussed. Ideas included a poster as background to stand on who the ETWG are and what we do, information on the UKMI website and the new workforce and development pages and the new UKMi competency framework. TB will check if there is net access available at the stand. TB/BR to send timetable to ETWG members so members can volunteer for time slots at which to man the ETGW stand during the development seminar. TB will investigate where we can borrow a laptop from. MC will work on poster for the ETWG on what the group do.
CPDseminar- BR highlighted the ETWG have been requested to run a CPD workshop at the development seminar. BR suggested the idea of people bringing their own enquiries or an incident to the development seminar and listing bullet points which they can expand upon during discussions to build up a CPD entry by working in groups of twos and threes. A separate presentation may include screen shots of the RPSGB site and identifying barriers to recording CPD and tips for overcoming them. SE and TB volunteered to facilitate the CPD session. BR will chase up the objectives for the CPD session. TB will liaise with CPD facilitators back at base and see if there are any presentations that couldbe used for this session.
- WritingSkills
SE fed back to the group on progress made so far by the writing skills group which met in London in May 2009. The ETWG suggested the following to help pursue clearer objectives for the group: Three objectives were
- to bring together a cohort of people who can provide training on effective writing skills,
- put together a programme and resources to deliver this and
- evaluate the approach.
TB will write up and discuss these objectives with Tim Albert. All group members will investigate what resources are already available for teaching/learning effective writing skills. TB / ALL
- Accredited Technician Training
VR reported back on the technician training course. The next course will run next week with 11 technicians. The issue of a smaller cohort this time was discussed and it was recognised this increased the course costs. The option of having a study day was discussed to focus on dealing with enquiries from members of the public. VR is about to send around a survey to determine what topics of enquiries technician’s currently deal with the aim of collating data for the development seminar. VR
- Competencies in MI
BR provided an update on the production of a competency framework for Foundation, Excellency and Mastery levels which are being produced with the Specialist Curriculum Group (SCG). The advance level framework that the ETWG helped put together has been accepted by the board pending a few amendments. The competencies for Foundation and Excellency have been submitted and accepted and the mastery competencies haven’t been requested as yet. The next steps of the process will be to build the syllabus and assessment methods for knowledge, experience, values & judgement. BR will investigate if the SCG will authorise for the framework to be put on the ETWG UKMi page or a link to the framework. If this can be done BR to send framework to MC to add to UKMI site. BR/MC
VR raised the point that there may need to be technician orientated competencies. VR will obtain the framework from BR and consider this issue at the technicians group. VR
- Telephone Skills
Vanessa Welbourne, Astra Zeneca, presented a series of slides on communication skills and training assessment they had set up in industry to focus on improving customer service and communication on the telephone. This included a production of a route map for dealing with calls, recording and observing calls, assessment and provision of feedback. MC will feedback to Vanessa with a view to develop a guide and assessment tool that can be adapted for MI. VR to contact Vanessa with regards to providing some information to technicians on telephone communication skills. MC/ VR
Medium Priority Items
- Workforce development and training section on UKMI website
MC highlighted that some of the links on the new webpage’s of the UKMI ETWG pages do not work. This is being worked on text will be written to populate the site where there are gaps. MC will send text round ETWG for comments before adding it to UKMI site.
MC will also change date on pre-reg template on UKMI site.MC
MC suggested having next ETWG as a teleconference. -This was accepted by group. TBTB to book teleconference for next meeting.
- Date and time of next meeting
12th Aug 2009 11am to 1pm as teleconference.
8th Oct 2009 11am to 1pm as teleconference.