Prof.Dr. Samia Mahmoud El-Gizawy
Pharm. Anal. Chem.Dept.
Full name: Samia Mahmoud El-Gizawy
Date of birth: 08/06/1952
Place of birth: Assiut,Egypt
Family status: Married, 3 sons
Nationality: Egyptian
Academic affiliation: Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry,
Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry,
Faculty of Pharmacy,
Assiut71526, Egypt
Telephone in : Mobile +201006722433
E-mail address:
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (very good,with degree of honor),Faculty of Pharmacy, Assuit university, Assiut ,Egypt.
Master of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)
Faculty of Pharmacy
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Doctorate of Philosophy(Ph.D.)
AssiutUniversity channel system with University of Florida,JHMHC,USA.
Assiut –EgyptGainsville-Florida, USA.
Work Experience:
Dept. Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Assiut –Egypt
Assistant lecturer
Dept. Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut UniversityAssiut- Egypt
Prepared the Ph.D. practical research in University of Florida,JHMHC,
Gainsville,Florida,USA.( March1984-Aug.1985)
Lecturer of Pharm. Chem.(Anal. Chem)
Dept. of Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Postdoctoral fellowship in Dept. of pharmaceutics and Drug DeliveryResearch,
Faculty of Pharmacy ,University of Rhode-Island, Kingston, Rhode-Island, USA.(March1991-Jan.1992)
Jan.1992-April 2000
Associated Prof. Pharm. Anal.Chem.
Dept. of Pharm. Anal.Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Assiut- Egypt
October1994-Jan 1997
Associated Prof. Pharm. Anal.Chem.
Dept. of Pharm. Anal.Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
King Saud University [Girls]
Rhiyad, Saudia Arabia
May 2000
Professor of Pharm. Anal.Chem.
Dept. of Pharm. Anal.Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Assiut – Egypt
Sept. 2005-2010
October University For Modern Sciences & Arts (MSA), 6-October City,
Faculty of Pharmacy
Job Title: Professor& Head Dept. of Analytical Chemistry
- Member in the faculty Committee
- Academic Advisor
- Family leader for first year students
Preparation of website course materials and the handouts of Teaching and assisting in the delivery of academic education courses for Under graduates .
Sep. 2007 – 2008
Professor of Pharm. Anal.Chem. Head of Pharm. Anal.Chem. Dept.
Faculty of Pharmacy [Girls], King Khalid University, Abha, Saudia Arabia.
Member of theScientific Referee Committee for Promotion of professors and associate professors of Pharmaceutical Analytical chemistry in Egypt.
1999 Hytham Mymoon Abbas, Faculty of Pharmacy, Azhar University,
M.Sc. dissertation," High Performance Liquid Chromatographic
Analysis of Aztreonam."
Samy EmaraFaculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University,
, Ph. D. dissertation,
1999 Niveen A. Mohamed, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University,
Ph. D. dissertation, “Coupled High- Performance Capillary
Electrophoresis and Frontal Analysis for Ultramicro Binding
Study of Certain Drugs with Plasma Lipoproteins."
2003 Mohamed A. Abul-Wafa, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University,
M. Sc. Thesis, "Spectrofluorometric Analytical Study of
Certain Metal Chelates of Fluoro- Quinolone Antibacterial Agents."
2011 Christine Maged Elmaraghy,Faculty of Pharmacy,October
University of Modern Science & Arts,[MSA]
M. Sc. Thesis, "Analytical Study of some Antidepressant and
Antipsychotic Drugs."
2013 Sarah Salaheldin Saleh,Faculty of Pharmacy,October
University of Modern Science & Arts,[MSA]
M. Sc. Thesis, "Analysis of Multi-Component Mixtures of
Ophthalmic,Otic and Nasal preparations."
2013 Ahmed Mohamed Abd-el Mageid,Faculty of Pharmacy,October
University of Modern Science & Arts,[MSA]
Ph. D. dissertation "Analytical Study of Certain ntihypertensive
Drugs by Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic Methods."
2015 Noha M. Hosny, Faculty of harmacy, Assiut University,
M. Sc. Thesis, " A Contrbution to the Analysis of Some
Non – Sedating Antihistamines".
Attended Conferences & Meeting / 1-American Chemical Society, Pennselvania, USA, 1984.2-World Chromatography & Spectro scopy,Desseldorf, West Germany, 1987.
3-American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, LasVeggas, USA, 1990.
4-Sympoium on Child Welfare,KingSaudUniversity,Rhiyad, Saudia Arabia,1995.
5-First Conference of Development of Pharmacy in Arab Country, Jurdan, 1997.
6-8th Conference of Development of Idustry in Arab Country, Syria, 1998.
7- 2 nd International Conference of Chemistry and its Applications, Qatar, 2003.
8-9th Ibn Sina International Conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic Chemistry, Sharm-El-Shaikh, Egypt, 2004.
9-Assiut University Fourth Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference.
March 6-7, 2004, Assiut-Egypt.
10-Assiut University Fourth Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference.
11-38th International Symposium on High performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2012)June16-21-2012 ,Anheim Marriott,Anaheim hotel, California,USA.
Awards / Prize of Assiut University of Special Science in field of Pharmaceutical Science 2004-2005.
List of Publications
1- Potentiometric Titration of Organic Bases in Methyl Isobutyl Ketone
with Perchloric Acid.
I.M.Isa, N.A. EI-Rabbat, S.R, EL-Shabouri and S.M. El-Gizawy.
Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 19, 223 (1978).
2-Analysis of Nasal Solution Containing Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
and Pheniramine Maleate by High Performance Liquid
Chromatography on Cyclodextrin Bonded Stationary Phase and
Diode Array Spectrophotometry
R.Pereire Rosario, S.M., El-Gizawy, J.H. Perrin and C.M. Riley.
J. of Drug Development and Industry Pharmacy, 12, 2443 (1986).
3- High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of
Mepyramine Maleat, Pheniramine Maleate and Phenylpropanolamine
Hydrochloride in Tables and Drops.
S.M. El-Gizawyand A.N Ahmed.
Analyst, 112,867 (1987).
4-Thermodynamics of Binding of Aromatic Amino Acids to -, β- and
K. Matsuyama, S.M. El-Gizawyand J .H. Perrin.
J. Drug Development and Industry Pharmacy. 13, 2687 (1987).
5 - Use of Chemically Bonded Cyclodextrin Stationary Phase for HPLC
Determiriation of Feldene Capsule.
A.N Ahmed and S.M. El-Gizawy.
J. Chromatographic Sci., 25, 424(1987).
6- Analysis of Some Dosage Forms Containing Pyridine Derivatives
UsingA Cyclodextrin Bonded Stationary Phase in HPLC.
S.M. El-Gizawy, N.M. Omar, N.EI-Rabbat and J.H. Perrin
J. Pharm. & Biom. Analysis, 6, 393 (1988).
7- Microcalorimetric and Chromatographic Investigations of the Binding
of Some Pyridine Derivatives to Cyclodextrins.
S.M. El-Gizawy,N. Omar,N. EI-Rabbat, H. Ueda and J.H. Perrin
J. Pharm. & Biom. Analysis, 6, 399 (1988).
8 - 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (H1-NMR) Spectroscopy of Piroxicam Cyclodextrins Inclusion Complexes.
N.M. Omar, A.N. Ahmed, H. Ueda and S.M. El-Gizawy.
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, 12, 298 (1989).
9 - Chemically Bonded Stationary Phase for High Performance Liquid
Chromatographic Separation and Analysis of Sulphonamides.
A.N. Ahmed and S.M. El-Gizawy.
Analyst, 114,571 (1989).
10- Formulation ofMidazolam Suppositories Adopting HPLC Technique
for Analysis.
E. Hafez and S.M. El-Gizawy,
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, Vo. 13, Part 2 (1990).
11 - High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of
MultivitaminPreparations Using a Chemically Bonded Cyclodextrin
Stationary Phase.
S.M. El-Gizawy. A.N. Ahmed and N.A. EI-Rabbat.
Analytical Letters, 24, 1173 (1991).
12 - Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase for Liquid Chromatographic Separation
and Analysis of some Oral Contraceptives.
S.M. El-Gizawy, A .N. Ahmed and N.M. Omar.
Analytical Letters, 24, 2207 (1991).
13 - Anion Exchange Column for Chromatographic Study of some
SulphonylureasUsing β-Cyclodextrin as Mobil Phase
S.M. EI-Gizawy.
Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut University, 20, 65 (1991).
14- The Use of HPLC-Cyclobond Column for Quantitative
Determination ofAnticatarrhal Tablets.
S.M. EI-Gizawy, A.N. Ahmed -and M.A. Makboul.
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, 14, 142 (1991).
15 - Spectrophotometric Determination of Isoniazid Using Ethyl-8-
Quinolinoxy Acetate.
A.N. Ahmed, S.M. EI-Gizawyand H.I. EI-Subbagh.
Analytical letters, 25, 73 (1992).
16 - The Effect of Cyclodextrins and. β -Cyclodextrins Derivatives on
the Solubility and Skin Penetration of Nifedipine.
A.N. Ahmed, Samia EI-Gizawy, E,Squillante, H.Zia and T.E.Needham
Accepted in the Putsburgh'Conference: Atlanta, Georiga, U.S.A.,
17- Influence of Y-Cyclodextrin on the Nystatine Release From
Ointments and Its Antifungal Effect.
S.M Sawfwat, S.M. EI-Gizawyand E.A. EI-Sabour.
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, vol. 17, Part 1 (1994).
18- Different forms of Oral Ketamine for Premedication in Children:
Clinical and Pharmacokinetic Study.
K.A. Abdelsalam, M.A. Mohamed, G.M. Fathy, S.M. Omar, S.M.
Safwat and Samia EI-Gizawy.
Egypt. J. Anaesth., 10, 2 (supp1.), (1994).
19-Simultaneous Determination of Free. and Bound Adrimycin,
Adriamycinol, and Duanonrubicin in Plasma Using Column-Switching
Technique and Protein - Columns.
S. Emara, I.Morta, K. Tamura; .S. Razee, T. Masujima,
H.A. Mohamed, Samia EI Gizawyand N.A. EI-Rabbat.
Talanta, 41, II (1994).
20 - High Performance Liquide Chromatographic Analysis of
Metronidazole and Dioxanlide Furoate in Its Dosage forms.
Samia EI-Gizawy
Analytical Letters,28, 1 ,(1995).
21- HPLC Determination of Certain Amino Acids Using CROWNPAK
(+) Column.
Samia EI-Gizawy,
Accepted in " The First Scientific Conference for the Arab Colleges of
Pharmacy"Jordan, 13-15 October, (1997).
22- High Performance Liquid Chromatography Assay of Azteronam and
in Presenceof its Degradations Products Using Metal Cation as
Additive.A.M. Khedr, Samia EI-Gizawy; H.A. EI-Sherif and H.M
Abbas Assiut University 1st Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference,
Assiut. Egypt. March 4-5, (1998).
23- Utility. of Ion-Pair Chromatography for Analysis of Some
Anthracyclines in Plasma and Urine.
S. Emara, 1. Morta, K.Tamura, S. Razee, T. Masujima, H.A.
Mohamed, Samia EI-Gizawyand N.A. EI- Rabbat.
J.Liq. Chromatog. And Related Technologies, 21, 5, (1998).
24- Binding Analysis of Nilvadipine to. Plasma Lipoprotiens by Capillary Electrophoresis - Frontal Analysis.
N.A. Mohamed, Y. Kuroda, A. Shibukawa, T. Nakagawa,
Samia EI-Gizawy, H.F. Askal and M.E.EI- Kommos.
J. Pharm. And Biomed. Anal., 21, (1999).
25 - Simultaneous Determination of Diazepam, Oxazepam and
Temazepam inSpiked Urine by HPLC.
Analytical letters, 33, 4, (2000).
26- Effect of Cydodextrins on the Stability of Adriamycinol , Adriamycinone andDaunmycin.
S. Emara, 1. Morta, K. Tamura, S. Razee, T. Masujima, H.A.
Mohamed S.M.EI- Gizawy, and N.A EI-Rabbat.
Talanta, 51, (2000).
27- Enantioselective Binding Analysis of Verapamil to Plasma Lipoprotiens by Capillary Electrphoresis-Frontal Analysis.
N.A. Mohamed, Y. Kuroda,A. Shbukawa, T. Nakagawa,
Samia EI-Gizawy, H.F. Askal and M.E.EI-Kommos.
J. Chromatography, 875, (2000).
28- Frontal Analysis of Drug-plasma Lipoprotein Binding Using Capillary
Ohnishi T., Mohamed N.A., Shibukawa A., Kuroda Y., Nakagawa T.,
El-Gizawy S.M., Askal H.F., EI-Kommos M.E.
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 27 (3-4), 607 (2002).
29-Spectrofluorometric Determination of Certain Quinolone Antibacterials Using Metal Chelation.
M.E. EI-Kommos, G.A. Saleh, S.M. El-Gizawy, and M.A. Abou-Elwafa.
Talanta, 60, 1033 (2003).
30-Novel HPLC Method for the Determination of Histamine and Histidine Using CROWNPAK CR(+) Column,
Samia M. EL-Gizawy
2nd Inemational Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, Dec. 6-9, 2003, Doha, Qatar.
31-Quantitative Fluorescence Intensity-Structure Relationships of
certain Quinolone- Metal Chelates.
Michael E. EL-Kommos, Gamal A. Saleh, Samia M EL-GizawyMohamed A. Abou-ELwafa
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ., 29 (2), 289-299 (2006)
Assiut University Fourth Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference. March 6-7, 2004, Assiut-Egypt.
Samia M. Gizawy , Loris I. Bebawy , Osama H. Abdelmageed ,Mahmoud A. Omar
, Sayed M. Deryea & Ahmed M. Abdel-Megied
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 36:1323–1339, 2013
33-Development and Validation of HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Amlodipine, Valsartan, Hydrochlorothiazide in Dosage Form and Spiked Human
Samya M. El-Gizawy, Osama H. Abdelmageed, Mahmoud A. Omar
, Sayed M. Deryea & Ahmed M. Abdel-Megied
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 3, 422-430
34-Chiral separation of perindopril erbumine enantiomers using high performance liquid
chromatography and capillary electrophoresis
Samia M. El-Gizawy, Osama H. Abdelmageed,Sayed M. Derayea, Mahmoud A. Omarand Ahmed M. Abdel-Megied
Anal. Methods,2014, xx,1–
35- A Comparative Study of Spectrophotometric Methods Versus Chemometric Methods; An Application on a Pharmaceutical Binary Mixture of Ofloxacin and Dexamethasone
Nagiba Y. Hassan, Samia M. Elgizawy, Hayam M. Lotfy and Sarah S. Saleh
International Research Journal of Pure &Applied Chemistry 3(2): 90-110, 2013
36- Comparative study of RP-HPLC versus TLC-spectrodensitometric methods applied for binary mixtures of fluoroquinolones and corticosteroids”
Samia M. Elgizawy, N.Y. Hassan, H.M. Lotfy, and S.S. Saleh
Acta Chromatographica 3, 26 / 2014.
37-A comparative study of validated spectrophotometric and TLC- spectrodensitometric methods for the determination of sodium cromoglicate and fluorometholone in ophthalmic solution
Sarah S. Saleh ,Hayam M. Lotfy , Nagiba Y. Hassan , Samia M. Elgizawy
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (2013) 21, 411–421
38-A Comparative Study of the Novel Ratio Difference Method versus Conventional Spectrophotometric Techniques for the Analysis of Binary Mixture with Overlapped Spectra
Hayam M. Lotfy, Sarah S. Saleh, Nagiba Y. Hassan, Samia M. Elgizawy
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 3, 761-769
39-Spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods for the Determination of a binary mixture of sodium cromoglicate and xylometazoline hydrochloride
Hayam.M.Lotfy, Sarah.S.Saleh, Nagiba.Y.Hassan, Samia.M.Elgizawy
Analytical Chemistry : An Indian Journal
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 58, Nº 3 (2013)
41-Thin layer chromatography–densitometric determination of some antihistamines in combination with pseudoephedrine or acetaminophen in synthetic mixtures and in pharmaceutical formulations
Michael E. El-Kommos, Samia M. El-Gizawy, Noha N. Atia and Noha M. Hosny*
Biomed. Chromatogr. 28 (3), 391-400 (2014)
42- Spectrophotometric Determination of Some Non-Sedating Antihistamines
Using Erythrosine B
By: M. E. El-Kommos, S. M. El-Gizawy, N. N. Atia and N. M. Hosny
ISRN Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 2013, Article ID 209518, 9 pages.
43- Determination of Some Non-Sedating Antihistamines by Fluorescence
Quenching of Erythrosine B.
By: M. E. El-Kommos, S. M. El-Gizawy, N. N. Atia, N. M. Hosny
Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 4 (4),
145 – 163.( 2014 )
44- Analysis for Commonly Prescribed Non – Sedating Antihistamines.
By: M. E. El-Kommos, S. M. El-Gizawy, N. N. Atia and N. M. Hosny
Analytical Chemistry Research, 3 , 1 – 12 (2014)
45- Determination of Some Non-Sedating Antihistamines via their Native Fluorescence and Derivation of Some Quantitative Fluorescence Intensity - Structure Relationships
ME El-Kommos, S.M. El-Gizawy, NN Atia, NM Hosny
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
[under press]