UnMuseum Scavenger Hunt I

You can find all these answers somewhere at www.unmuseum.org

1)  Find the name of the German immigrant who some people claim had a plane that flew before the Wright Brothers made their historic flight: Gustave Whitehead

2)  What does the term UFO mean? ______.

3)  What did the explorer Matthew Henson help discover? ______.

4)  What did archeologist Howard Carter find: ______.

5)  What reptile did people claim lived in the sewers of New York City? ______.

6)  What is unusual about the Baghdad Battery? ______.

7)  Over 200 strange stone objects can be found on Easter Island. What are they? ______.

8)  Colonel Percy Fawcett explored what region of the world? ______

9)  Where did the Hindenburg crash? ______.

10) Gigantopithecus was what kind of animal?______.

11) Dian Fossey studied what type of animal? ______.

12) Author Conan Doyle was friends with what famous magician? ______.

13) Where can you find rocks that ring like a bell? ______.

14) What king built Egypt’s “Great Pyramid?” ______.

15) The name of Blackbeard the Pirate’s ship was: ______.


UnMuseum Scavenger Hunt II:

You can find all these answers somewhere at www.unmuseum.org

1)  In what U.S. state did the great “Crash at Crush” occur? ______

2)  There was a famous automobile race in 1907. It started in Peking, China. Where did it end? ______.

3)  In geology a hoodoo is a natural formation made of what material? ______.

4)  What type of creature do people say lives in Lake Champlain? ______.

5)  There is a legendary creature called the “wild man” that lives in central Asia. What is another name it is called by? ______.

6)  What profession did Louis Bleriot have? ______.

7)  What castle did King Arthur supposedly live at? ______.

8)  Who invented a device called a Tesla Coil? ______

9)  Flowers are sometimes called the “______of the Mineral Kingdom?”

10) A coelacanth is what kind of animal?______.

11) Comet Halley is named after what person? ______.

12) What was the “Colossus of Rhodes? ______.

13) What is a cyclorama? ______


14) The “Beale Cryptogram” involves a lost treasure. If it exists, how much is it supposedly worth in dollars? ______.