Sci Fi Summer Con
June 23 - 25 , 2017

Pre-convention registration form

(This form can only be used until May 20.

After May 20th memberships can only be purchased at the convention)

(Only one person per form. Please print clearly, zero’s should be written as Æ, and all letters should be capitalized)

Last Name: ______

First Name: ______Badge Name ______

Address1/Company: ______

Address2: ______

City: ______State : _____ Zip : ______

Country: ______

Home/business phone: ______Hotel Room??__ #______

Fax/cell : ______

E-mail: ______

Birth date:____ / ____ / ______(This information is used to differentiate attendees in our database with the same name)

(MM) (DD) (YYYY)

Check and complete the type of membership you are purchasing:

___ Staff membership for the entire convention: Free thru May 20, 2017, $5 after 20 May

Payment Method: ___ Cash ____ Check ____ Money order ____ Travelers check

Please make out a check or money order payable to Sci Fi Summer Con and mail Payments and this filled out form to:

Sci-Fi Summer Con

P.O. Box 957203

Duluth, Ga. 30095

I agree to the rules of sci fi summer con as described at rules page.

I agree to be completely responsible for any and all damage I cause to hotel or convention property.

I have read and understand the rules of conduct for the convention.

I further understand that violation of convention rules will result in the loss of my convention badge and forfeiture of my convention membership. I understand that I participate in all convention activities at my own responsibility and risk. I understand that access to all convention functions requires a convention badge worn in plain sight and that there are no replacements for missing or lost badges.

I understand that SFSC is not responsible for my personal property.

Signature:______Date ______

We are always trying to improve our marketing of the con. Please tell us how you heard about Sci-Fi Summer Con and how you think we could improve getting the word out (Use the back of this form). Thanks. More details to be found at and

The staff yahoo group is