Topical Sermon Outline - 4 -

The Story of the Bible

“The Bible is the story of a God who makes a special promise about a special Person who creates a special people to live in a special place with Him forever.”

1.  The Bible is a Story about God

2.  The Bible is a Story of a Promise

3.  The Bible is a Story of a Person

4.  The Bible is a Story of a People

5.  The Bible is a Story of a Place

God of the Bible

1.  God of the Bible is a Creator God

2.  God of the Bible is a Covenant God

3.  God of the Bible is a Crucified God

Type of Christ in Genesis

In Genesis 1 – 11:

Adam - The type of Christ kingship

Abel - The type of Christ Sacrificial Death

Enoch - The Type of Christ’s Church

Noah - The type of Christ’s Salvation Work

In Genesis 12 – 50:

Abraham - The type of Christ’s Kingship

Isaac - The type of Christ’s Sacrificial Death

Jacob - The type of Christ’s Church

Joseph - The type of Christ’s Salvation Work

The Cause of Creation - 1:1,2

1.  The God Who Is Presented - "In the beginning, God"

2.  The God Who Is Powerful - "created"

3.  The God Who Is Purposeful - "the heavens and the earth"

The Reasons of Creation -

1.  He Created It For His Pleasure - Rev.4:11

2.  He Created It For His Praise - Rom.11:36; Ps.150:16

3.  He Created It For His People - Gen.2:8

3 kiss in the Bible

1.  The Kiss of a Backslider : Ruth 1: 14

2.  The Kiss of a Betrayer : Matt

3.  The Kiss of a Beaten – woman : John

3 Things Moses gave to Israel

1.  Exodus : Salvation of God (Ex. 13)

2.  Ten Commandment : Revelation of God (Ex. 29)

3.  Tabernacle : Presence of God (Ex. 25)

3 Mountains in Moses’ Life

1.  Mountain of God’s call to him – Horeb : Ex.3

2.  Mountain of God’s Commandments to him & his people – Sinai : Ex.20

3.  Mountain of God’s Conclusion to him – Nebo : Ex.34

3 Mountains of Jesus’ Disciples

1.  Mountain of Call – Mk. 3:13

2.  Mountain of Conduct – Mt. 5 – 7

3.  Mountain of Commission – Mt 28:19

3 Kind of Experiences of 3 close disciples of Jesus : Peter, James & John

1.  House Experience : Luke 8: 41 – 56 = heard Son’s voice

2.  Mountain Experiences : Mt. 17 = heard Father’s voice

3.  Valley Experiences : Mk. 14: 26 – 42 = heard Spirit’s Voice

·  Peter : The Apostle of Hope

·  James : The Apostle of Work

·  John : The Apostle of Love

Fear of the Lord and Our Life ( In the Book of Proverbs)

1.  It sanctifies our life (Proverbs 8:13; 16:6)

2.  It prolongs our life (Proverbs 10:27)

3.  It satisfies our life (Proverbs 19:23)

4.  It exalts our life (Proverbs 29:25)

5.  It is a fountain of Life (Proverbs 29:25)

10 Signs of having Fear of the Lord (Jeremiah 5:22)

(Studies based on 10 commandments: Exoduc.20)

1.  It begins with true Knowledge of God

2.  It inspire to Worship God in spirit and truth

3.  It compels us to do everything for God’s name and glory alone.

4.  It gives desire to observe and keep the Lord’s Day

5.  It results obedience, respect and love towards our parents in us.

6.  It helps us to know and to keep the value and purpose of other’s lives

7.  It enables us to live a sanctified and holy life before and for God

8.  It tells us to give value to other’s properties.

9.  It gives respect to other’s properties.

10.  It never lucks anything so to covet other’s properties

Why we should listen to God’s Word

1.  God’s Word is powerful unto Salvation (Romans. 1:16-17)

2.  We live by God’s Word (Matthew 4:4)

3.  Our Faith come by hearing God’s Word (Romans 10:17)

4.  Our ways are cleanse by God’s Word (Psalms 119:9 – 10)

5.  There will be famine of hearing God’s Word (Jeremiah. )

Christmas reveals 3 things about God:-

1.  It reveals the Plan of God - His mission on earth (Galatians 4:4)

2.  It reveals the Power of God - His incarnation on earth (Luke 1:34)

3.  It reveals the Person of God - His being on earth (John 1:14)

The Mission of Jesus Christ on earth

1.  Jesus gave us God’s Word by His preaching and teaching.

2.  Jesus displayed God’s Power by doing miracles.

3.  Jesus revealed God’s Love by dying on the Cross

The Incarnation of God

1.  It is all about the Love of God (John 3:16)

2.  It is all about the Wisdom of God (I Timothy 3:16)

3.  It is all about the Power of God (Luke 1:35)

4.  It is all about the Plan of God (Galatians 4:4)

5.  It is all about the Grace of God (Romans 5:6 – 10)

What’s NEXT after becoming Christian ?

1.  No Escape from the Christian Life (a true born again person cannot pretend himself as not a Christian)

2.  No Escape from Christian Duty (a true born again person cannot ignore himself from being witness of God’s love)

3.  No Escape from Christian Future (a true born again person cannot left behind from going heaven)

Chosen and touched by God are totally unique:-

1.  Who is this young man? I Samuel 17:55 (After David killed Goliath Abner could not recognized him)

2.  Who is this that sat and begged? John 9:8 (After Jesus healed the blind man people hardly recognized him)

3.  Is not this that carpenter’s son? Matthew 13:55 (After Jesus taught and revealed the truth from Scriptures the people were amazed)

The Singing Angels of God

1.  They sang when God created the creation (Job 38:7)

2.  They sang Christ was born in Bethlehem (Luke2:14)

3.  They sing when a person born-again into God’s family (

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

1.  It is the Pride of Christianity

2.  It is the Proof of Christianity

3.  It is the Promise of Christianity

Why our body is the temple of God’s Spirit?

1.  Because God the Father created it His won image and likeness

2.  Because God the Son crucifies Himself for us on the Cross

3.  Because God the Holy Spirit lives and cleans us from ungodliness

Creation of Man

1.  A natural creation: This is of course,

a.  A perfect creation (Gen. 1:1; John 1:3; Col. 1:16).

b.  A ruined creation (Gen. 1:2; Ezek. 28:11-19).

c.  A reconstructed creation (Gen. 1:2-2-3).

d.  A marred creation (Gen. 3:17; Rom. 8:20-24).

e.  A recovered creation (Isa. 65:17-25; Heb. 2:8).

f.  A righteous creation (2 Pet. 3:12-13).

2.  A new creation: The natural is the illustration of the new, the spiritual.

a.  The Head, Christ (Col. 1:17-19).

b.  The component parts (Gal. 3:27-29; Col. 3:10-17).

c.  The spiritual affinity (Col. 3;11; Eph. 4:13).

d.  The comprehensive equality (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11).

e.  The character (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15).

f.  The final expectation (Rev. 21 and 22).

The Holy Spirit & His Church

1.  The Holy Spirit is the Divine Executor of the Church’s Calling

2.  The Holy Spirit is the Dynamic of the Church’s Unity 1 Cor. 12:13

3.  The Holy Spirit is the Defender of the Church’s Faith 1 Cor. 12:3

4.  The Holy Spirit is the Demonstrator of the Church’s Worship Philippians 3:2, KJV

5.  The Holy Spirit is the Discoverer of the Church’s Truth 1 Corinthians 2:10-12 ; John 16:13

6.  The Holy Spirit is the Director of the Church’s Service 1Corinthians 12:11

7.  The Holy Spirit is the Dispenser of the Church’s Power and in Particular Her Power to Witness Acts 1 : 8 ; John 20:22

To be continued …..

© 08/08